This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 241: I got it right

"It looks like your body is getting used to these new cells."

Aya Hyuga held Kai Uchiha's test report and said while comparing the previous experimental records in her mind.

Such experimental reports are naturally destroyed directly after being read.

It's just for the convenience of Uchiha Kei to see and to compare with Hyuga Ayana.

Kai Uchiha's current body integrates new cellular performance, which is indeed very good.

Just like this fusion, the low-intensity reaction his body showed only lasted for less than three days.

Compared to the previous week's performance, it can be said to be a great improvement.

If it weren't for Kai Uchiha's hematopoietic ability, he might not be able to keep up, and the fusion phase of the white cells was not so stable, I'm afraid Aya Hyuga would want to increase her efforts.

Conditions limit their performance, and they are very lucky to reach this level.

Unless Uchiha Qi can have a better way, he can only wait like this slowly.

Fortunately, Kai Uchiha's improvement is still possible. Although he has only undergone three experiments, the accumulated results of these three experiments are not bad.

Especially in this third experiment, his chakra burst was the largest.

Now Uchiha Kai feels that his chakra is probably at least twice as strong as that of himself who was still on the battlefield a year ago.

If you exclude the changes brought about by the growth of age and physical development.

His chakra improvement is actually not too strong, but it's not bad either.

"It's okay, the chakra improvement is not too bad, and the negative reaction time of the body is also shortened."

Uchiha Qi casually burned the report: "In general, it's moving in a good direction."

"By the way, last time you said you wanted to visit someone, who is it?"

As Hyuga Aya packed her things, she asked curiously, "Does it help our experiment to say such a thing under this circumstance?"

"It's Orochimaru." Uchiha Kei didn't hide anything: "I and Imai Kenta went to 'visit' him once, but that meeting was not so friendly."

"Really, it doesn't seem to be that friendly this time." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "But you guys are quite good, and you can come back alive from Orochimaru's hands."

Orochimaru can almost be regarded as a living legend of Konoha, and the name of Sannin is really no joke.

Uchiha Kei and Imai Kenta both came back unscathed from such legendary figures, which is indeed something to be proud of.

It's just that Kai Uchiha doesn't think there is anything to be proud of. Orochimaru may be very strong now, and the future will be very strange.

This does not mean that Uchiha is afraid of him. It is hard to say now, but in the future he will have the means to deal with this guy.

"Don't think of the enemy too strong and yourself too weak."

A smile appeared on the corner of Uchiha Kai's mouth: "Of course, you should be serious when you should be serious. Orochimaru is actually not that scary."

"Well, maybe you're right, he's been mythical."

Aya Hyuga didn't want to get entangled on this issue: "What did you find when you 'visited' Kenta Imai last time, so that you still miss him."

"Human experiment." Uchiha Kai looked at Aya Hinata with a half-smile.

"I handed a list to Imai Kenta, a genuine list, because that experiment has a certain relationship with a certain ancestor of his family."

"Kenta Imai?" Hyuga Aya frowned.

"This guy is indeed acting a bit strange, but does he hide any secrets? Isn't it just for....isn't it just for his status as a 'civilian ninja'?"

Aya Hyuga glanced at Kei Uchiha. This guy initially wooed Imai Kenta in front of him. I'm afraid he had no good intentions at all, right?

However, Hyuga Aya is too lazy to bother with these things. It has been so long, so let it pass quietly.

Looking forward or looking back, Aya Hinata knows which to choose.

Especially the hatred between her and Uchiha Kai is just because of mutual jealousy.

Uchiha's tide has risen, and he naturally does not want his "negative image" to be exposed. Everyone cherishes feathers.

The most important thing is that what happened to Uchiha Kai can be used as a weapon to attack him.

He didn't want his plan to fail, so naturally he couldn't let these things leak out.

At that time, Aya Hyuga had a bad relationship with him, and as a branch of Hyuga, once the three generations of Hokage asked for a thorough investigation, I am afraid she would not have a choice under the influence of the caged bird.

Uchiha Kei didn't want to be buried with her, so he naturally wanted to kill her.

The results always surprise him. That guy Ao almost rescued Aya Hyuga, and Kei Uchiha, who was in a hurry, didn't have time to pay attention to her.

As a result, after returning to the village, this crazy woman proposed to cooperate and gave out a very expensive vote.

At that time, Uchiha Kai didn't dare to do anything in the village, and he really needed it, so he agreed to this woman.

In fact, now, Uchiha Kai's killing intent towards Hyuga Aya has weakened.

This woman has fully demonstrated her value, especially this full woman is equivalent to holding an artery of Uchiha Kai, so Uchiha Kai has to protect her.

Fortunately, Uchiha Qi now really has the ability to protect her.

Whether it is the superficial Minister of the Guard, or the implicit relationship with the fourth generation, it is the best umbrella.

This can be seen as the benefit brought by the improvement of the right to speak, especially the performance of Uchiha Kai in front of Hyuga Hizu, which brought this benefit to the extreme.

Aya Hyuga is also a smart woman. Of course she knows that she needs the help and protection of Uchiha Kai now, so this woman is very reliable.

She didn't become proud because she showed her worth, and she didn't have the kind of pretentiousness to hold Uchiha Kai's "aorta".

She is still doing what she should do, she naturally knows that Uchiha is guarding her, but so what?

She wants to show her greater value, and rely on Uchiha Kai's experiment to verify what she needs.

Although the two of them didn't say anything, they did reach some tacit understanding.

With the current experience of getting along with each other, Aya Hyuga and Kei Uchiha won't mention the previous things. Let those things pass away.

"He's not a civilian ninja, his family's situation is rather special." Uchiha Kai said indifferently.

"But he is indeed using his status as a 'common ninja', and the effect is not bad. By the way, how is Iori now?"

"Is that so?" Aya Hyuga nodded: "Iori's performance is ok. I plan to let her get in touch with the cell extraction work."

"Teach her what she should do well, and don't say what she shouldn't say." Uchiha Qi sighed.

"Also, let me tell you something interesting. I'm afraid Kenta Imai's real surname is Senju, and this guy invited me to meet."

"Thousands..." Hyuga Aya's pupils instantly opened a little, but she soon recovered her calm.

She seemed to have guessed something, recalled those white cells, and recalled that Uchiha Qi was going to "visit" Orochimaru.

Finally, combining Kenta Imai's identity and the human experiment conducted by Orochimaru, Aya Hyuga seems to understand a lot at once.

Imai Kenta was a member of the Senju family, which really surprised her.

But the Qianshou family has been out of the public eye for a while, and I don't know if it was deliberately covered up.

She didn't know how powerful the first Megumi Hokage was, nor did she think how powerful the Senju clan was.

She cares about the research project of Orochimaru, the ancestor of the thousand hands in the mouth of Uchiha, I am afraid this person is not low in status, right?

After thinking about it, Aya Hyuga thinks that it may be the first Hokage!

After all, the first-generation Megumi Hokage has a first-hand wooden dungeon. The dungeon technique, Hyuga Aya, has never been seen before, so it can be said that it has been lost.

It is understandable that the senior management such as Sandaimu want to restore this art, but if you want to do research, the material is very important.

And these materials are probably the first-generation Hokage that has already been buried in the ground, right?

"It seems that Ken Tai-kun is looking for you for more in-depth cooperation, right?" Hyuga Aya asked with a smile.

"It should be, he is a smart man, but only if he has enough things that I am attracted to, otherwise I will not cooperate with worthless people."

Kei Uchiha stood up and said, "Let's go together? Let's be a team party."

"I'm very happy." Hyuga Aya nodded: "However, from your material also...that one?"

"Yes." Uchiha Kai glanced at Hyuga Aya, hesitated, but then admitted it.

"But it didn't come from him, but in the country of grass.

I don't know why that guy has this kind of thing, but I saw half of his body, and he has the same eyes as me. "

Kei Uchiha didn't want to say too much, but since he was asked, he decided to get to the bottom of it.

Aya Hyuga basically already knows who Uchiha Kai's partner but his research report has never been given to Uchiha Fugaku.

Those white cells are controlled to death. Unless there is an experiment, they will never be taken out. It can be said that this is Uchiha's own experiment!

It can be seen that this guy is also guarding his own patriarch, but this has nothing to do with Hyuga Aya, she is Uchiha Kai's collaborator.

Since this is the case, Uchiha Kai naturally cannot help Uchiha Fuyue to conduct experiments, so how did he think of doing these experiments?

Although Aya Hyuga can forget about these things, Kei Uchiha can say something.

Briefly describe it and add some processing, and naturally there will be some new versions.

"The same eyes as yours? White cells?" Hyuga Aya frowned. "Is it that time with Kirito? Did you get the inspiration from him? Are these cells also obtained by you defeating him?"

"Yes, that guy was weird, but I still won."

Yes, they won, but these cells didn't, but Kai Uchiha didn't bother to explain.

"I kept thinking about why he did this, so I started to try something.

At first, it was just the eyes of Osamu Uchiha and Yuchi Uchiha, but now there are more.

Facts have proved that..."

"I got it right."

.....Recommended reading: "Reading 2013"

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