This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 216: ?Fighting (Part 1)

Uchiha Kei walked silently in Orochimaru's underground laboratory, he looked relaxed.

But his scarlet eyes and hands hidden under the cloak showed his restlessness.

Orochimaru's laboratory, who can really think that there is no danger in it?

Silently looking around, the laboratory looked very dark, but it was dry enough.

The low and flickering candlelight made Kai Uchiha feel uncomfortable.

The most important thing is that he seems to be able to hear the sounds of many instruments, the sound of 'beep, beep', very much like the feeling of an intensive care unit.

But he knows that this is probably not a place to save lives, but a place that really kills people.

"The only bright spot is probably enough ventilation, and the dryness is maintained well."

Kei Uchiha thought silently, this underground laboratory is really great.

It should be said that it is indeed Orochimaru. Although some of his actions are disgusting, many of his things have to be admired.

Kai Uchiha himself has an underground laboratory. Although he no longer belongs to him, he still likes that place very much.

And now the underground laboratory has also undergone some renovations, becoming larger and better in containment.

But when you compare it with Orochimaru's laboratory, it seems to be a bit different.

"If you have the opportunity in the future, ask about the design plan and concept of Orochimaru."

Kai Uchiha shook his head inwardly, he didn't forget what his mission was, he came down to find Orochimaru's test product.

However, he is not in a hurry. Imai Kenta and Orochimaru fight, let them play longer.

Ten minutes is a node set by Uchiha Ki for Imai Kenta, and it is a limit he uses to test Imai Kenta's reaction.

Originally, Kei Uchiha didn't expect much, but Kenta Imai made a slip of his tongue.

After ten minutes of fighting hard, he can still have the energy and physical strength to escape, which shows that this kid has not reached the limit at all.

Although I can't say that I can't even reach the level of warm-up, but at least it can be regarded as a state of 'serious fighting'.

Uchiha Qi estimated that the actual level of this kid should be able to withstand Orochimaru for fifteen to twenty minutes, or even higher.

Therefore, Uchiha Keicai will not be in a hurry, he can take his time to find what he wants to find.

As for Kenta Imai, who couldn't bear to be killed by Orochimaru?

That only means that he can't do it himself, Uchiha Qi called for support ahead of time.

If you can't even support it, then you really deserve to die.

"I hope you don't behave so badly."

Uchiha Qi thought silently, and then he continued to walk deeper into the laboratory.

The more you went inside, the more harsh the 'beep, beep' sound.

Uchiha Kai looked left and right, and soon he locked a door.

It seems that the sounds of those instruments come from behind this gate.

Gently pushed open the door, the harsh 'di, di' came oncoming.

And everything in this room made Kei Uchiha feel his scalp tingling.

This room is not very big, but in this small space, there are at least ten survival pods!

Uchiha is very clear about how high the price of the survival capsule is.

The price is one aspect, and the other aspect is that they now have very limited access to it!

But in the room of Orochimaru, there were so many places.

Whether it was collected before or purchased later.

This is a manifestation of financial power and a special power!

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai looked carefully at the people who were locked in the survival capsule. These people seemed to be still alive, but fell into a coma again, including adults and children, men and women. It's just that they have a common feature, that is, their expressions seem to be very painful, and some test subjects even have a little tree buds. Uchiha Qi reacted almost immediately, this place is probably the laboratory where Orochimaru and Danzo cooperated to experiment with the cells of the Senju Hakuma!

"I didn't expect that luck would be so good." Uchiha Kai laughed: "I actually found such a place for me."

In Orochimaru's underground laboratory, there are actually many and complicated things to study.

It can be said that for Orochimaru, the research on the cells of Qianshou column is just one of his projects, and he has more and more prohibited projects to study.

Uchiha Kei originally thought about finding any project.

But this gave him more ideas, and he wanted to see if he could find some of the information he needed here.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi immediately began to look through the boxes.

He never let go of Orochimaru's notes and research reports.

He even picked it up and looked at it for a while to make sure it was what he needed.

It's still a long time anyway, so he's not in a hurry.

What he never expected was when he picked up a copy with the 'experiment checklist' printed on it and was about to read it.

The ground suddenly began to tremble, and the entire laboratory seemed to collapse, which made his face instantly gloomy.


"Interesting, is it because my teammates are too obstructive, so I just let them go?"

Orochimaru looked at Imai Kenta, who was engrossed in front of him, with a strange smile on his face.

"Yeah, teammates are too much of a hindrance.

Especially you and Uchiha Kei are very similar. It's a pity that he is now the head of the security department, and there is no hope.

However, you still have hope. If you want to follow me, you will have a new world. "

"I think it's fine." Kenta Imai shook his head.

He wasn't showing that disgusting fake smile, he couldn't smile when facing Orochimaru.

"I'm doing pretty well now, and I think the captain should judge correctly."

"Actually, it is not the key to judge right or wrong. The key is that I am a disciple of the three generations of Hokage."

Orochimaru licked his tongue: "Forget it, some things can't be forced, but some things can be changed, such as my identity.

However, this is all in the future. I can only say that I will leave a door for Ken Tai-kun, and I hope Ken Tai-kun can make some suitable choices in the future. "

Imai Kenta frowned. Orochimaru's words made him feel a little flustered, but he quickly calmed down.

Although these words had a great impact on Imai Kenta, because these words have basically explained one thing, that is, I am afraid that Orochimaru already knows his identity!

I just don't know, the three Hokage and the others are not clear about this matter.

If you know, then I'm afraid Imai Jian and some people in his family will have a more difficult life.

But no matter how big the impact is, Kenta Imai also knows one thing.

That is the time of battle. If he is affected by such a mentality, then he is not far from death.

Taking a deep breath, Imai Kenta's ninja sword pointed directly at Orochimaru.

His eyes looked calm and silent, as if he completely blocked Orochimaru's words.

This makes Orochimaru very appreciated. Whether it is Kenta Imai's identity or the state he is showing now, Orochimaru likes it very much.

"Since you use a knife, then I'll cooperate with you. Don't be impulsive. I'll tell you an interesting secret."

After speaking, Orochimaru raised his head, and then a long sword was spit out from his mouth.

Without caring about the mucus on it, Orochimaru took out his sword: "My teacher should not know anything about you and your family, and even if it is clear, I don't care.

Because, if you really care, do you think you can still live? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Orochimaru came to Imai Kenta with his sword!

His speed is faster and more terrifying than before!

And the sword in his hand carries that kind of natural power.

Such a sword, such an opponent, is truly terrifying!

Imai Ken took a deep breath. He is calm now, and he knows who he is facing.

So he knew that he had to calm down and work hard to survive.

When Orochimaru swung out his sword, Imai Kenta also moved.

I saw that he turned the blade slightly, and the backs of the swords were touching each other, staggering past, bringing a little spark.

Orochimaru licked his tongue, and the next moment he pushed hard.

Imai Kenta seemed to feel a force that was comparable to me, which caused his ninja sword to shift in an instant.

But fortunately, Imai Kenta's reaction speed was extremely fast, and in an instant he jumped up with the power of Orochimaru.

"Tu Dun·Tulong Spear!"

Leaping high, Imai Kenta bit the ninja sword in his mouth, and the moment his hands were freed, the seal was completed.

Just as Orochimaru was about to pursue, a thorn appeared in his forward space.

The raised thorn compressed the space for him to move forward, which forced him to temporarily give up the pursuit.

Imai Kenta also took the opportunity to stabilize his body, and the next moment he burst out faster than before.

With a flick of his hand, a sharp knife had already cut in front of Orochimaru.

Orochimaru smiled Then he used a bizarre leaning back to avoid the head-on slash.

Imai Kenta naturally would not miss this opportunity, he held the knife forward and started a fierce attack regardless of physical strength.

A knife is faster than a knife, a knife is more cruel than a knife, a knife is more tricky and vicious than a knife.

Without Uchiha Kai as a burden, his performance was indeed much better, and his swordsmanship also surprised Orochimaru.

Because he was stunned to discover that he was actually pressed and beaten by this kid.

His sword is good, but Imai Kenta's swordsmanship is good.

Imai Kenta was attacking and he was defending, and they were evenly matched for a while.

However, in Orochimaru's view, the initiative in this battle should be firmly in his hands.

In such a competition of rapidly consuming physical energy, Kenta Imai has absolutely no advantage.

But he didn't forget that Imai Kenta's identity is not simple, maybe this kind of battle is not a big burden on him.

That's the truth. Imai Kenta became more and more fierce in battle, and his physical strength didn't seem to be a burden to him at all.

This made Orochimaru sigh deeply. He really deserves to be a member of that family...


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