This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 174: ?direction of effort

The farce in the tavern is getting worse and worse. As the deputy director of the security department, even if he is unwilling, he can only come out and stop it.

Kei Uchiha's popularity in Konoha is still somewhat high, although he is a disaster star in the eyes of many people - including Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga.

But he is now the deputy minister of the security department, but there are really few people who dare to be disobedient, especially most of these ninjas are civilian ninjas.

With his presence, these drunken guys seem to realize that something is not right.

After the guards came over, they might have to go to the prison for one night to sober up and leave with a fine the next day.

Unfortunately, no one dared to run, especially in front of Kai Uchiha.

But these things have little to do with Kai Uchiha.

After dealing with these matters, Kai Uchiha and the others continued to chat here for a while before choosing to go home separately.

And this time, what seemed to be a casual chat, was actually the three members of Uchiha Kai's team. It was the second open and honest meeting.

This time, Kai Uchiha got some interesting information, for example, he learned some information about the Kingdom of Rain through Aya Uchiha.

According to some information that Hyuga Aya got from the Hyuga clan, there seems to be a siege in the Land of Rain. The new northern Yahiko forces competed with the old Hanzo forces.

The reason why Hyuga Aya brought this up is because she heard that Konoha's ninjas were involved behind this incident.

These Konoha ninjas are more mysterious than Anbu, but they are more powerful than ordinary Joininja.

After Kiki Uchiha knew about this, he could almost judge that this might be the incident where Yahiko committed suicide and Nagato went berserk to kill Demigod Hanzo.

Interestingly, the mysterious person left with the troops, and it is impossible for Hinata, one of Konoha's defensive forces, to fail to find out.

And when he came back, he was the only one left, and all his subordinates disappeared.

Of course, Uchiha Kei still remembers how this happened. Obviously, this guy is Danzo.

And his subordinates also died cleanly because of Nagato's rampage, and I'm afraid they won't be able to recover in a short time.

"Interesting, the general election of the fourth Hokage is imminent, but this kind of thing happened.

No wonder he supported Orochimaru 100% later. Could it be because of this incident that he was forced to compromise because of his lack of manpower? "

Uchiha Kaixin thought to himself, but whether it was the case or not, it was a happy thing for him.

Although according to the process of history, there is no problem with Naikaze Minato finally sitting firmly in the position of Hokage.

But the problem is that the little butterfly Uchiha Kai entered this world, God knows what kind of changes his gently fanning wind will cause.

The weakening of the power of competitors is good for the present, but also for the future.

"Looks like it's time to prepare for Osamu Uchiha."

This guy, Osamu Uchiha, has been very active recently, especially under the momentum of the elders, he seems to have expressed his intention to "return to his younger brother's position and fulfill his younger brother's dream".

It's just that this is also his intention. Although he has received the support and approval of many people, as long as Uchiha Fugaku does not let go, this matter will never succeed.

And after a few months and nearly half a year of rest, Uchiha Kai is also recovering from the last incident.

The last time I tortured Uchiha Yu, was it because Uchiha Kai himself was tortured once.

And after that incident, Kai Uchiha's negative emotions erupted greatly, which also gave him a huge power of writing round eyes.

This was also mastered by Uchiha Kai faster, without relying on Hitomi's power to open Susanoo's ability.

Although he can do it slowly by relying on the kaleidoscope to continuously generate this kind of power, it is definitely not as fast as this.

It's just that Kei Uchiha clearly experienced it once, and it's impossible for him to have such a strong stimulus afterward.

Now, he may be able to face all this indifferently.

Although Kei Uchiha doesn't want to do it again from the bottom of his heart, but if it is really necessary, Kei Uchiha doesn't mind doing it again!

This guy Uchiha Yu was wiped out of consciousness after he opened the kaleidoscope, but now his various data have shown that Uchiha Kai's guess is fine.

The kaleidoscope tendency of Yu Uchiha's eruption is different from that of Kai Uchiha.

The number of chakras in his body showed an explosive growth, and the quality of his chakras was terrifying and unimaginable!

This discovery is basically in line with Uchiha Kai's idea. What's missing now is Osamu Uchiha's eyes, and finally observing the changes in the fusion of the two eyes.

Although Uchiha Kai really wanted to buckle Uchiha Yu's eyes and put them in his own eye sockets.

But Uchiha Kei never regards himself as a test subject, and according to legend, he needs the eyes of close relatives to be effective.

"I'd better not do things that are ineffective. If something goes wrong, it's me who will be unlucky."

Since you are not willing to take risks, and in order to clean up some objects in the family that must be cleaned up, then use it as waste!

It is not the first time that Kai Uchiha has said this to himself, but Kai Uchiha is still reminding himself.

Only in this way can he feel that he is doing the 'right' thing.

Only in this way can he always remember one thing, and that is that he is still a 'human', not a cold-blooded machine.

After a good rest for a day, Uchiha Kai got up the next day to exercise and walked towards the security department.

Recently, the Naruto voting has become more and more intense, and more and more troubles have occurred.

Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, the two sub-captains, are currently in charge of the investigation of Orochimaru, and it is impossible to select any manpower.

Therefore, when Kai Uchiha gained greater rights, his team had to be responsible for more things.

"I'm sorry, Master Qi, I drank too much yesterday."

In Uchiha Kai's office, the drunk young ninja yesterday looked at him apologetically.

"I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"Forget it, be more careful next time." Uchiha Qi sighed, then took a list and handed it to the guy in front of him: "Sign it, then pay the fine and you can leave."

"Yes, Lord Qi."

This young ninja did not have the slightest dissatisfaction, and honestly signed the ticket given by Uchiha.

Compared to some Uchiha ninjas he met before, or other units of the security department, this unit of Uchiha Kai made him very fond of him.

Moreover, he himself knew that he had done something wrong. If it was in the past, he would definitely be punished severely, but the actions of this Master Kai in front of him were very clever.

When he was drunk and hungover, he was thrown into prison for a night to rest, which was considered a punishment for him.

Although you still have to pay a fine, this is many times better than before.

After dealing with this guy, Uchiha Kei also stood up. He had already dealt with all the guys who made trouble in the tavern yesterday.

Although not tired, it is a waste of time. In contrast, Uchiha Kai is more willing to spend more time on improving his strength.

During this period of retreat, Kai Uchiha's strength has been improved once again.

The only regret is that he did not have a qualified actual opponent during this period.

Imai Kenta is not willing to fight with Uchiha Kai at all. It seems that the last battle made him feel that he was exposed too much. He used his busy work to refuse every day.

This kid Kakashi served in Anbu. He entered Anbu earlier than in the original book, and now he is in an investigation period and does not have so much time.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai can only spend more time on the research of the technique, rather than on the actual combat.

Although Uchiha Kai has a good imagination, it is a little embarrassing for him to really let him develop what kind of ninjutsu.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai is more choosing to use the existing Chidori to exert the greatest power without sprinting distance.

At the same time, he also gradually allowed himself to use the Susanoo in the initial stage skillfully in the state of Sangou jade.

Of course, he is also in Uchiha's library, looking for ninjutsu that suits him to supplement and learn, and most importantly, he began to try to develop more attributes.

Of those big men in the Warring States Period, who did not possess several types of chakra attributes, and could use their powerful power at any time.

Kei Uchiha seems to remember that the so-called 'Blood snares', which is above the 'Blood Limits' and 'Blood Eliminations', is the definition of an art formed by the fusion of seven nature changes.

Kai Uchiha couldn't imagine the difficulty of qualitatively changing and merging the seven attributes.

Up to now, what Uchiha Kai has mastered is only fire and thunder.

But for the future, Uchiha Kai can only try as much as possible.

"And even if it can't be merged, the blood will continue to be collected, but at least there must be a Taoist jade, right?" Uchiha Kei thought silently.

"Qudao Jade possesses the power of yin and yang and the five elements, and also exerts the power to surpass the "blood succession limit" and "blood succession elimination".

But the Daoyu jade is a 'skill' rather than a 'blood follower'. Meaning, if I have mastered the power of the seven properties, maybe I can try it. "

Of course, it's just an attempt. After all, without the Chakras of Asura and Indra, Kai Uchiha doesn't know if he can open the eyes of reincarnation.

But if you don't try it, Kai Uchiha will definitely feel unwilling. People are always full of greed. He just came to this world and only thinks about the kaleidoscope.

But now that he has these eyes, he also begins to seek a higher and more powerful eternal eye. UU reading

"I don't need to think about Yin Dun, because I have the blood and the limit itself. I have also learned about Fire Dun and Thunder Dun, so..." Uchiha opened the door and walked outside.

"Then Yang Dun, Earth Dun, Water Dun and Wind Dun are the most difficult things.

However, considering that I have Bai Jue's half body, it is the product of the cells of Qianshou Zhujian, which means that Yang Dun, Earth Dun and Water Dun don't need to think about it.

Only the wind escapes, we need to work harder..."

Kai Uchiha has already started to try to learn about wind escape, but it is a pity that the Uchiha family doesn't seem to have any powerful wind escape ninjas.

Uchiha Kei felt that it was really impossible and he was going to visit Minato Minato. Uchiha Kei did not forget the son of Minato Minato, but he was a wind escape ninja!

"Master Kai." Just as Uchiha Kai was about to leave the security department, Uchiha Chuan suddenly appeared beside him.

"Huh?" Uchiha came back to his senses: "Kuan, what's the matter."

"Master Qi, Young Master Itachi is outside the door, he wants to find you."

"Uchiha Itachi?"

"Yes, young master... He is called Sir, your teacher."



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