This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 103: ?reward


"Huh, huh, are you really sure it's Kai Uchiha?"

In a valley far away in the country of grass, Uchiha Obito was gasping for breath with his hands on the ground, and a tear of blood appeared in his right eye.

His pupil strength and chakra are both consumed a bit, even if he has Bai Jue's cell support, but how long has he just opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel?

He didn't even have a thorough familiarity and learning process, and he also lost an eye. Forcibly using the pupil technique for transfer makes his body a little too much.

"It should be him."

Bai Jue's voice echoed in his ears, but his voice sounded a little uncertain: "According to some information from other avatars, he was fighting another batch of Mist Ninja Anbu before, and the result was because of this battle. Nohara Rin was arrested.

Kakashi went to the rescue first, while Uchiha Kai went to the rescue after solving Kirin. "

"Then why did he wear a mask?" Uchiha Obito asked strangely.

"He probably doesn't want to reveal his identity, or maybe he doesn't want to reveal his eyes."

At this time, Hei Jue's voice rang in Obito's ears, and soon a black and white guy slowly floated up from the ground: "Kaleidoscope writing wheel eyes are not ordinary eyes, and you who also have this kind of eyes will also You should know how powerful it is. I'm not familiar with Kai Uchiha, but he's right."

"What a sinister guy." Uchiha Obito's voice was a little low.

In his memory, Uchiha Kei was a polite but refusal guy. I really didn't expect this guy to hide so deeply.

Just as Uchiha Obito was thinking, Hei Jue suddenly showed a slight smile.

I'm afraid Obito himself didn't realize that he now has unusual trust in these so-called yin and yang products.

I have to say that Hei Jue and Bai Jue are very smart. They didn't tell any lies about Obito. Almost everything they told Uchiha Obito was true.

But just relying on these truths, they only need a little guidance, and they can completely bring Obito into another angle of thinking.

Obito lost his beloved woman, and it can almost be said that this simple and kind kid has lost the whole world.

When his belief collapsed and there is a new belief that can support him, then he will be more loyal than anyone else.

The converts are fanatical, maybe this world does not have such a saying, but the performance of Obito is so.

Even if he does small tricks behind Madara Uchiha, his belief is still that illusory world.

Until he meets Naruto Uzumaki who can say dead by his mouth...

What Black Jue and Bai Jue did was to deepen his trust and consolidate his new beliefs.

Let him know who is really good to him, and let him keep moving forward on the road of 'right'.

For a long time, Obito seemed to have recovered. It was hard to believe that he could stand up so quickly after using so many pupil techniques.

If it was Kei Uchiha himself, maybe he was still paralyzed on the ground and unable to move.

"You said, what would happen if we exposed his news?" Uchiha asked with a sullen face: "Doesn't this guy want to expose his power? We directly expose his power, I'm afraid... ..."

"I'm afraid we will have to be more careful in what we do in the future. The most he exposes is to cause some trouble, and we must always pay attention and be careful what causes him to come here."

Hei Jue directly rejected Uchiha Obito's words: "This kid is very talented. He has figured out some of your information in a very short time, but we don't know anything about him. However, don't forget, He's also your best whetstone."

"But such a guy..." Obito was a little unwilling: "Just let him hinder us like this?"

"No way, he doesn't know our plan, and he doesn't know who you are."

Although Hei Jue is not sure what happened to Uchiha Kai, he is also very determined now: "This is our advantage, so he doesn't know what we do, as long as he doesn't get too angry.

What you have to do now is to familiarize yourself with your own strength and make yourself stronger. As for a Uchiha Kai....

When you do what you should do, he is not afraid at all. "

Obito fell silent, indeed Uchiha Kai might not really know his identity.

On the contrary, they are almost certain that the guy who uses swordsmanship and wears a mask is Kai Uchiha!

It has to be said that this is a great advantage, and Uchiha Qi doesn't know what they are going to do. The biggest reason for him to find the past may be to find out about Lin's situation.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Obito simply doesn't take Uchiha Kai to heart. Indeed, he has too much to learn.

Moreover, Uchiha Kai, who also has a kaleidoscope, is indeed his best sharpening stone.

"It's a pity, then let him continue to disguise." Uchiha Obito snorted coldly: "The guy who is like a rat is really nothing to be afraid of, and I will take care of him slowly in the future."

"I'm afraid you don't need to do anything, this guy won't be able to laugh for a few years." Hei Jue suddenly said at this time.

"How to say?"

"Because, his eyes can't last that long..."


"This time it's a bloodbath, I hope Uchiha doesn't get sick with his brain."

In Uchiha Madara's underground base, Uchiha Kai waited for a long time before silently putting away the ninja sword: "Although you are a lunatic, you really annoy me, but it won't make you feel better. "

For this plan, Uchiha Qi has indeed invested a lot of money, and he has long expected that his actions will be discovered.

But in order to get what he needs, he has to take a risk.

Taking risks is not something that Uchiha is good at, but after careful thinking, Uchiha thinks that as long as Uchiha has no problem with his brain, or black is never stupid, they will not expose Uchiha.

Especially when he was fighting with Obito, he deliberately showed the performance of seeing through some of Obito's information, which can be regarded as a warning.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi was too lazy to pay attention to this matter. Although Obito was a neuropathy, there was still a certain distance between neuropathy and mental retardation.

Turning his head, Uchiha Kai took out a few empty scrolls, and picked up the left hand that originally belonged to Obito - this arm was broken when Obito tried to leave for the first time.

Now it has become Uchiha Kai's trophy, and because of Obito's rush to leave, Uchiha Kai still has a half-finished white product hanging on the golem.

"What a great harvest!"

Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing some smiles at this moment. Although the cost was a little scary, but for him, the gain this time was also scary!

In addition to getting Uchiha Obito's arm, he also got two half-finished Shirai bodies - he didn't dare to take more.

These bodies contain the cells of the first Hokage, which is what Uchiha Kai dreams of!

The only trouble is how to use these things, but this matter needs to be thought slowly after Uchiha Qi returns to the village.

After getting enough things, Uchiha Kai planned to burn the place down one by one.

It doesn't matter how much you can burn, at least don't let Obito find out what they've done.

It's just that when he tied all the seals, he suddenly stopped his movements.

He suddenly realized a problem - this is Uchiha Madara's base!

Although I am not sure if this base is the base that Uchiha Madara used to hide and cultivate after using 'Izanagi' to erase the effect of death.

But as Madara Uchiha's site, it's hard to say that there are no other things he left behind, such as some of his experiences?

Although it is very likely that it will be burned by Uchiha Madara, but if I don't go to Uchiha Kai, I feel a little unwilling.

People's greed is endless, and Uchiha Kai himself is no exception, and Uchiha Kai's greed is even more serious!

If it wasn't for his greed and hope of staying alive, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today if he maintained this belief.

"Then go look for it."

Uchiha Qi stopped the seal in his hand, and thought for a moment that he made a few shadow clones here: "Search carefully to see if there are books, scrolls, etc., we only have ten minutes."

"Yes." Uchiha Kai's shadow clone replied simply, and then they immediately dispersed and started searching.

Thanks to the large internal space of this cave, but the actual area is average, Uchiha Qi believes that as long as you look carefully, it is difficult to say what you will gain.

If there is, then everything is fine, if not, it is no big deal, at least I have tried it myself and there is no problem, right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai himself once again opened the writing wheel, and carefully began to search in this dim cave.

Time passed quickly, Uchiha Kai and his shadow clones searched this place almost all over, but they never found anything of value.

This made Kai Uchiha a little depressed and at the same time he accepted the reality. Sure enough, luck has basically nothing to do with him.

Except his luck was slightly better than that of the spearmen, the rest seemed to be the same.

"Forget it, if you don't have it, don't force it."

Uchiha Qi made a seal on his hands, and the chakra in his body began to surge in an instant. The next moment his fire escape was completed: "Fire escape, the technique of dragon fire!"

Two stout fire dragons spewed out of Uchiha's mouth, and for a time this dim cave became bright as day!

The sturdy fire dragon rampaged in the cave unscrupulously, smashing everything that could be smashed, and burning everything that could burn!

Uchiha Kai turned around and planned to leave, but at this moment, he suddenly saw the one where Uchiha Madara often sat exploded.

And in this stone bench, there was a yellowish thing that was somewhat similar to a book - there was actually a mechanism in the center of the broken stone bench!

"This is?"

Uchiha Kai was stunned for a moment, then he showed a look of He immediately rushed up with a telekinesis and picked up the book that was about to be burned by the fire dragon.

Without looking carefully, Uchiha Qi immediately put it away.

After thinking for less than a second, he took out a few scrolls and tore them to pieces, then threw them into the center of the stone bench.

After doing all this, Uchiha Qi turned around and left. He was very excited now. He wanted to see what was hidden by Uchiha Madara.

And next to the forest not far from this valley, Uchiha Obito and Hei Jue looked at the cave that was constantly emitting black smoke. After a long time, Hei Jue murmured a little tremblingly:

"How dare he? How dare he? Is he an idiot?"


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