This Uchiha is Too Cautious

Chapter 122: ?Asahi Hinata

Hyuga Aya has been evacuating towards Uchiha Kai's location in the opposite direction. Although it is said to be an investigation, she feels that the word evacuation is more realistic.

Keen, she really felt some looming malice from Uchiha Kai.

And this little bit of malice can't help but make Aya Hyuga think of a lot of things.

In extreme cases, she would choose to gamble on her life, but under normal circumstances, she would eliminate all uncertainties, but with this guy Uchiha Kai, she was somewhat helpless.

In terms of scheming, Hyuga Aya is not afraid of Uchiha Kai, and in terms of means, Hyuga Aya does not feel that she is worse than Uchiha Kai, but when it comes to fighting, Hyuga Aya is a little worried.

If you give her a few years to grow up, maybe Hyuga Aya won't have to worry so much, she believes that her strength will gradually grow.

However, facing a Uchiha with three hooks, Aya Hyuga doesn't think she has an absolute chance of winning, especially a person who is insidious and cunning and extremely cold-blooded.

Aya Hyuga is really jealous of Kai Uchiha. In addition to his sudden strength, there is also his 'freedom' identity.

Hyuga Aya didn't even remember how old she was, and there were some more talismans on her forehead.

As he grew older, Hyuga Aya finally realized what this sigil meant.

This is a sign of 'slave', this is a sign of losing 'freedom'!

When she was young, she tried to change all of this through her own efforts, but when she applied for graduation with excellent grades, her dream was shattered.

The ninja school is the most peaceful place in her heart. Once she walks out, she will face a cruel battlefield!

Aya Hyuga, who was tricked by fate, did not give up. On the contrary, she became more diligent and cautious.

And the cruelty of the battlefield has gradually changed Aya Hyuga. She was originally an innocent, romantic and positive girl.

Now, she has transformed into an indifferent and scheming person.

After seeing that her teammates died at the hands of the enemy, she couldn't get anything back except to avenge her teammates.

At that moment, she also knew that only by living can she have a future and realize her dream!

Her dream is very simple, that is to regain her freedom and become a 'free-flying bird'!

For this, she worked very hard. Over the years, her strength continued to grow, and she began to slowly hide herself.

But Hyuga Aya knows that this is not enough, it is definitely not enough, she needs to work harder and harder!

Her career on the battlefield has taught her a lot, and she has lived to this day. She doesn't even know how much her teammates have changed, so that she's already numb.

This kid Uchiha Kai is her new teammate, a family that is as famous as Konoha and Hyuga, and even Uchiha is stronger than Hyuga in some reviews.

Through this kid's resume, Hyuga Aya knew that this guy was probably the same person as himself. Besides this kid, there was another guy named Imai Kenta.

Aya Hyuga didn't take Imai Kenta to heart, because no matter how hard a commoner ninja was, he was still just a commoner!

But Kai Uchiha is different. As a member of a wealthy family, Aya Hyuga dare not underestimate this guy, even if he is just a 'marginal person'.

But slowly, Hyuga Aya began to disdain Uchiha Kai, because although this guy has good strength, he didn't even open his own bloodline limit.

What made Hyuga Aya even more unbearable was that with such a guy like himself serving as the captain, Hyuga Aya was really worried that he would suddenly become passionate.

Facts have proved that this guy is very calm and cruel.

His degree of cherishing his life is no worse than his own, even more ruthless than himself. He is the kind of person who can sacrifice everything except himself!

And this guy is also very smart.

In that extreme situation, he thought of a way to save himself. In such a hurry, he figured out the task of the wave wind team, and at such a dangerous juncture, he figured out the arrangement of Iwanin.

Not only that, this guy has also opened a wheel-writing eye, and he has opened the wheel-writing eye of Sangouyu!

Aya Hyuga knew about the Uchiha group. Their bloodline is very strange. It seems that whether it can be turned on or not is really only a matter of luck.

If you don't turn it on, your strength may not necessarily be weak, but once you turn it on, your strength will soar. Even if a lower ninja turns on the three hook jade writing wheel, maybe he can fight with a upper ninja.

Of course, it may fail in the end. After all, actual combat experience, skills, and chakra are all factors that need to be considered.

But one lower ninja can fight with another upper ninja, doesn't that explain the problem?

Kai Uchiha isn't weak if he doesn't turn on Sharinyan, but Aya Hyuga doesn't think this guy is better than him, but once he turns on Sharinyan, this guy will definitely be strong!

This makes Aya Hyuga very jealous, and what makes Aya Hyuga jealous is that this guy Uchiha Kai is still a 'free-flying bird'!

Look at the fact that this guy was promoted to Jōnin not long after he returned to Konoha, and he even became the deputy head of the security department before he set This is enough to show how precious this guy's 'freedom' is.

Aya Hyuga is just jealous of Uchiha's freedom. She doesn't care about "Junin status" or "deputy minister of the security department". In her opinion, these are all useless things.

However, Uchiha Kai has these identities, especially as the 'Deputy Minister of the Security Department' to participate in this mission, which makes Aya Hyuga not nervous?

With such an identity, he still came to the battlefield, so it can only show one thing, this guy has a very strong purpose.

Although Hyuga Aya can think that this mission is very important, or that Uchiha has other plans, but she knows Uchiha's style, she will not think that Uchiha is for the village!

So if Uchiha Kai has other plans, will it include 'cleaning up the caged bird Hyuga who knows his own details and can't help himself'?

No matter what happens, you have to plan for the worst. This is what Hyuga Aya learned after she went to the battlefield. She must be prepared whether it is or not.

"I hope not." Hyuga Aya sighed: "Fighting with him is also within the scope of the rules, but once this guy breaks the rules, it will be in big trouble."

Hyuga Aya thought so in her heart, her only consolation now is that Uchiha Kei seems to have really searched in the direction of his plan as he said.

With a sigh of relief, Aya Hyuga also gradually slowed down.

In fact, she didn't care about finding Kirin, otherwise she wouldn't propose to gather together, because it would be safer.

Hyuga Aya, who slowed down her pace, also closed her white eyes, but what she didn't expect was that she actually found some traces that white eyes had missed just after walking a few steps...

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