In Honglian Town on Honglian Island, in the corner of the Crimson Restaurant, a hot spring hotel run by Xia Bo, two twins were chatting in a low voice with a middle-aged man in a windbreaker.

The past of Red Lotus Town, the daughter of Dr. Fuji, the successor of Team Rocket, and the strongest elf created by the combined efforts of many scientists.

It wasn't until he heard so many secrets from the other party that the handsome international policeman realized it belatedly.

The Rockets are definitely not what they appear on the surface. They have far-reaching plans. If they are left alone, they may even turn the entire league upside down in the near future!

"This, this is Team Rocket!"

The handsome guy slammed the table angrily and said angrily: "On the surface, they are attracting money from various regions in the form of the Rainbow Group, and secretly they are conducting genetic experiments that violate human ethics to create weapons. Are they preparing to overthrow the alliance?"

The first generation of Rockets was the era of Sakaki’s mother. The Rockets’ goal was very clear – to make money.

But when Sakaki's mother died and Sakaki took over as the leader of Team Rocket, he became ambitious and wanted to rule the world by force.

What gives civilian trainers a way out under the alliance system, and what overthrows the alliance to build a better world.

What Sakaki hopes for is to return to the past era where the strong decided everything!

Then use your own power to find your son who has been missing for many years.

But Zhou You didn't reveal this to the handsome guy.

"Guests, your order is here."

Just when the handsome guy was filled with indignation after hearing the secret about traveling around, the blond hippie-looking store manager came to the three of them with a plate.

"Mr. Ota Shuairou's pork chop rice and beer, Eden's children's vinegar pearl milk tea rice bowl and moo fresh milk, and the traveling children's ramen and tangerine juice."

"Then here's this, my scallion fried clams and chazuke rice." As he said that, the store manager happily sat down next to the handsome guy.

handsome guy:? ? ?

What's going on when the guests are eating and the boss is talking to himself before he comes to the table?

Is this the customs of Kanto?

"Uncle Handsome, in fact, this boss is also one of the people related to those incidents, and he is also the gym leader Xia Bo of Honglian Town." Zhou You explained while eating at the handsome boy's shock.

"Nice to meet you! Hello, Uncle Xia. I am an international police officer, codenamed Handsome Guy. I am currently tracking down information about Team Rocket in order to eradicate this behemoth in the future."

Xia Bo smiled and nodded. He had heard about the International Police who were affiliated with the Pokémon League. He was not convinced that they had noticed that Team Rocket had been deeply entrenched and had long-standing abuses, and that they were tracing the past of Red Lotus Town. Accident.

"Eradicating Team Rocket is not an easy task." Xia Bo sighed helplessly. "In addition to Dr. Fuji, who went astray at all costs in order to resurrect his daughter, there are many well-known elf doctors in the industry who are also working for the Rockets. Play for the team.”

Dr. Sirano provides Team Rocket with specialized and sophisticated weapons.

Dr. Seger, who provides Team Rocket with the energy needed for large-scale operations.

Dr. Nanba provides Team Rocket with an enhanced device that exceeds the limit and triggers the full power of the elves, and studies the Poké Virus.

"With the loyalty of these doctors who have used their wisdom on the wrong path, coupled with the huge wealth that the Rainbow Group has amassed by using these technologies, the Rockets are now a heavyweight enemy that the alliance cannot ignore."

The only good thing is that Xia Bo's good friend Dr. Fuji left Team Rocket after realizing his mistake and lived in seclusion in Ziyuan Town to atone for his actions.

Without the "genetic" and "evolutionary" support provided by Dr. Fuji, Team Rocket's plan to create artificial elves and give them evolution beyond their limits eventually came to nothing.

Among the many experimental products, there are only two semi-finished products left - Chaomeng.

"Mewtwo...there are two?"

The handsome guy and Zhou You couldn't help but frown when they heard this.

The former was amazed that there were two such powerful man-made weapons, while the latter was surprised that the Mewtwo in this world was completely different from the one in the game.

In the game, Mewtwo is the only one (in the same world line).

There are two of them here! ?

"Yes, those two Mewtwos are what Sakaki relies on in his attempt to dominate the world. Even one of them can easily destroy a city!"

Speaking of this, Xia Bo actually showed a fearful and worried look: "Two Mewtwo, one combined with male genes, one combined with female genes, were placed in the secret of the 4th floor underground of the Pokémon House. Laboratory and the new islands between the Seven Islands and the Orange Islands.”

"X and Y, Dr. Fuji invested in their expectations of evolving in different directions. However, the experiment ultimately fell short due to a funny mistake."

"On the same day, Mewtwo from the Pokémon House and Niijima went berserk at the same time!"

"Mewtwo Y turned the Pokémon house he was in into ruins and disappeared into the sky without looking back.


Since then, the Rockets, who possess absolute force, have begun to act openly. While continuing Dr. Fuji's research on X and Y, they are accumulating strength to overthrow the alliance and establish a new order.

Then look for my son.jpg

After listening to Xia Bo's story, Zhou You understood clearly.

X and Y respectively represent the two super evolutions of Mewtwo.

Mewtwo· ”, “The Birth of Mewtwo”, “The Return of Mewtwo ~ The Rise of Storms” and some episodes of “Journey”.

Mewtwo·Y, on the other hand, has a relatively peaceful personality. After destroying the Pokémon house, he escaped alone, lived with the elves and pondered the meaning of his existence, and then starred in the theatrical versions of "Mewtwo ~ Prologue to Awakening ~" and "Speed" Genesect ~Mewtwo Awakening".

What an international movie star.

In any case, it seems that there is a super-evolved world line in this world, but it is unknown so far. Zhou You seems to have not seen this phenomenon in any TV shows or public occasions.

So the world line here turns out to be closer to the origin, that is, the world line where Dr. Fuji studied super evolution?

"A legendary spirit that can easily destroy a city..."

The handsome boy was increasingly shocked by what Xia Bo said about Chaomeng. If the Rockets really possessed this level of force, the police would not have the corresponding power.

Only the strongest group of trainers in the alliance, the Four Heavenly Kings and the champions can fight at the same time to suppress and defeat Mewtwo!

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