Gulerton's debut ended in a mutual destruction, which was a bit embarrassing, but after all, it had consumed a lot of physical strength in the battle with Milotic, and Mega Swampert, which was in a head-on confrontation with it, was slightly stronger.

After being hit hard in a short period of time, even a legendary Pokémon with strong endurance could easily lose.

However, not long after Zhou You took it back into the Poké Ball, this guy was alive and kicking again.

"You see, there are always people who are better than you."

Gulerton in the Poké Ball felt mixed emotions for the first time. So far, this was the only Pokémon that knocked it unconscious in a head-on confrontation, except for the two black and white dragons.

Perhaps we should really consider the so-called strategy and tactics?

No, it is indeed necessary to empty our brains and just fight! If we don't win, we can practice and fight again!

Zhou You: "..."


Gulerton did deal with the Pokémon type that he was least good at dealing with in Mikoli's team.

With Mega Swampert losing its combat capability, the remaining team of Mikoli began to become more predictable.

On the other hand, even if the obviously unreasonable strong Gul'ton was defeated at the cost of Swampert, which was specifically targeted at Daigo, and perished together with the opponent, the current situation has not changed.

Mikoli's side has already lost the combat capability of three Pokémon, Kamasutra, Milotic and Swampert, and Zhouyou still has four Pokémon left.

In a battle of this level, the difference of one Pokémon is enough to affect the game, not to mention that before Eden was killed, it had provided rapid strengthening support for Zhouyou's three Pokémon through its unique substitute.

Mikoli couldn't help but feel a little tricky.

Unlike Daigo, who has a straightforward and simple style, a tough style, and constantly expands his advantage to force his opponent, the battle with Zhouyou is like a blunt knife piercing the meat, and every wrong choice will have an impact on the entire battle situation.

When the opponent realizes his mistakes and the traps buried deep in the battle process, he has fallen into a situation that no method can save him.

Thinking of this, Mikoli couldn't help but look at Eden hanging on Zhou You. Fortunately, he had eliminated the most troublesome one and still had a chance to recover.

"Go, Gyarados!" "Cub, it's time for you to play."

After Gulden, Zhou You chose a joint defense.

The moment the Steel Crow, which was shining under the crimson pulse, landed on the field, it flapped its wings and flew high. With a wingspan of nearly five meters, it seemed to cover the sky and the sun, exuding an ominous sense of oppression. As soon as it appeared, it was greatly enhanced by Eden's legacy.

The elves sent by Mikoli were equally fierce. The nearly seven-meter-long Gyarados flew into the air in the shape of a flying dragon riding the cloud, and faced the Steel Crow from a distance under the scorching sun.

Seeing that its opponent had enhanced its ability under a stream of light, it was overconfident and also strengthened its ability on the spot, arrogantly threatening!

Zhou You said in silence: "This is really 'overconfidence'..."

Before defeating the opponent, he began to increase his physical attack. Mikoli's Gyarados is indeed more confident than other similar ones.

"How can I face the stage after stage without confidence?" Mikoli didn't care about Zhou You's implication, "I thought Qiao Qiao would send out a fire attribute Pokémon that complements this crimson wave."

Zhou You said seriously: "Of course the trump card should be kept until the end."

Mikoli was deeply skeptical. This romantic approach is not Zhou You's style.

Did he predict in advance that he would choose Gyarados, which is not mainly water attribute?

Although the idea of ​​using rock attribute moves to eliminate Charizard first was blocked, Zhou You's choice of not sending out fire attribute Pokémon also brought him convenience.

"Gyarados, turn into a real dragon!"

As soon as the voice fell, Gyarados soaring in the air released the dragon attribute energy in his body.

It was like a storm that covered the sky and the sun, sweeping across the field. While maintaining its flying state through the "Tornado", Gyarados, who actively stimulated the dragon blood in its body, danced vigorously, and further activated the dragon attribute factor in its body with the "Dragon Dance".

Zhou You did not give instructions to Dai Xiaozi, allowing him to play freely and observing the changes of Gyarados leisurely.

And soon he saw the door of Mikoli's Gyarados.

The activated dragon blood allowed Gyarados to gain the ability to control the weather to a certain extent. Just as the storm raged and dispersed the crimson pulse that had lost its owner, a thread of rain fell with the tornado and the flying dragon dance, and gradually turned from silk threads into raindrops and even trickles.

The strong storm descended on the Great Wetland in the blink of an eye!

Teacher Da Mi, is your Gyarados using the three-in-one moves of "Tornado", "Dragon Dance" and "Pray for Rain" legal?

On the other hand, Dai Xiaozi, who does not have a daily tour instruction, also brings home advantage by "tailwind".

Then he looked at the arrogantly strengthened Gyarados with an extremely aggressive look, and easily cast "Storm" to attack the opponent under the rain.

However, at this moment, Mikoli synchronized with Gyarados, who was at the climax of Dragon Dance, and strengthened its "cool" to the limit!

In the absence of Super Stone and Evolution Stone, Gyarados actually completed the transformation of blood independently!

The light of super evolution shone in the storm, releasing a storm more violent than Dai Xiaozi's moves!

"Mega evolution..."

Zhou You scratched his head. He remembered that Mega Gyarados's characteristic was to break the rules. How come this technique of mega without stone seemed to be popularized after him?

You champions, you don't spend all day at home watching my battle videos and analyzing them?

A moment later, a roar that shook the world was released from the light and storm. The mega-evolved Gyarados released a fierce "wave of evil" with just the sound!

Facing this "wave of evil" that was released casually, Dai Xiaozi did not take it head-on, but tightened his wings and turned into a mirror to complete the defense against wave-type moves.

Although the "mirror armor" characteristic it acquired after training cannot refract light and wave-type moves, it can at least provide some defense when facing these moves.

But the changes of Gyarados after mega evolution were more drastic than it expected.

Even though it had completed the defense, the "wave of evil" seemed to completely ignore its steel feathers and hit its body directly!

Zhou You noticed this and was very curious. How far did Mikoli develop Mega Gyarados's "extraordinary" ability?

Facing Gyarados that seemed to be able to ignore defense and deal real damage, he finally couldn't observe the tactics of other champions in the back.

But he directly took back the filial son who had completed his task and threw a somewhat old red and white ball into the field.

"Eden, let Mikoli see the real thunder."

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