This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 768 Ah, Eden's illusion was wasted again

According to the user's wishes and operation methods, the effects of "sealing" vary, and they have great autonomy.

Not only that, the stronger the spirit of the elf, the more effective this move will be.

As Mikri's ace, Menas has developed vast mental power in the process of practicing coordinated moves.

As soon as Fang appeared on the scene, a powerful wave swept across the entire battlefield, instantly revealing the true location of Eden!

It turns out that the half-body that emerged from the surface not long ago was still an illusion, and the real Eden has been staying in a corner of the battle field from the beginning!

"Okay, Eden, are you still waiting to trick me?"

Mikri didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and he became more and more convinced that it was not a waste to spend most of his energy on dealing with Eden.

"Otherwise, would I really tell you where I am?" Eden shook his head, not feeling frustrated that his figure was revealed.

It is used to it. Anyway, its illusion skills are useless in high-end games. At least it has just solved the Lotte Kappa - it can deceive every one.

However, in the next moment, Eden and Zhou You realized the seriousness of the problem at the same time.

It couldn't move.

Cold spiritual power surrounded him, as if even space had been frozen.

While the body cannot move, even the mental activities have been slowed down.

Time seemed to have stopped passing.

"Absolute zero."

Mikri explained in a timely manner: "Unlike conventional freezing of opponents through excess ice energy, Menas's move "Absolute Zero" is a mental attack that can freeze the opponent's spirit. "

Intangible and qualityless, without any fancy special effects or forward motion, it only relies on the huge spiritual power spread along the "seal" to suppress the opponent.

This move "Absolute Zero" will kill any elf whose mental power is weaker than Menas' in one strike!

So far, Eden has never neglected to practice in this area, and as a fox-type elf, it is even better at this.

However, the accumulation of time and the gap in level are still insurmountable!

Under Menas' cold gaze, Eden's thoughts gradually fell into taking advantage of the opportunity.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Zhou You immediately took out his Poké Ball and attempted to rotate.

But before the light that recovered the elves shone on Eden, it was refracted by the air.

Menas, who had considered this in advance, had already interfered with the refractive index of the air, so that any beam-like effects would be affected.

In desperation, Zhou You had no choice but to wait for Eden's own judgment.

And the latter did not let down the seven years of training. Just when he was about to lose his fighting ability, six rays of energy shot out of his body, and each turned into a white snake substitute and entered his teammate's elf ball!

"The same move will not work twice on the champion, Jojo."

Knowing that Eden can be reincarnated by the substitute "Healing Wish", he showed incredible tactics in the battle with Daigo. Mikri had already incorporated this into his defense.

But as Menas's gaze shifted, cold energy shot out along the line of sight, chasing after the substitutes who turned into light!

Despite this, only three of the avatars were shattered by energy, and the other half flowed into the elf ball.

To Mikri's relief, Eden's elf ball did not enter with a substitute, which meant that it could no longer rely on "Healing Wish" to return like last time.

Zhou You checked for a while and found the White Snake substitute in the elf balls except for Eden, Guluton and Arthur.

At this point, the crispy Eden once again lost his ability to fight prematurely like the last time he fought against the champion... It seems that normal people know the core of Zhouyou's team and who to desperately catch.

After the initial killing was revealed to the public, it was no longer a must-kill.

"What's the explanation for that move just now?" Zhou You had no choice but to take back Eden, who had lost the ability to fight. "This doesn't match the style of Master Huali."

Mikri shook his head: "That's not necessarily the case. The strength of the elf is also a part of coordination. The move just now requires the coordination of the elf far beyond most gorgeous skills, but most people may not be able to see the hidden... It’s just invisible beauty.”

For elves, intensity ≈ beauty.

"Having said that, it's not that easy for Menas to forcefully eliminate Eden with "Absolute Zero". Let's complete the ending of the battle just now, so Luton. "

Before he finished speaking, the red and white ball containing Gullton fell into the center of the field.

Crimson pulses and ancient echoes soared into the sky. Gullton, who had been taken advantage of by Menas due to his "skills", was excited and determined to make up for the defeat just now!

Seeing this, Mikri frowned unconsciously. The consumption of Menas's forceful killing of Eden in seconds was much more intense than he imagined. I am afraid that in the subsequent normal battles, it will no longer be able to do so with ease as before.

But he still thinks it's worth paying such a huge price.

"Meinas, let's soar into the sky with the "Tornado"! "

"Will it be that easy? Let's take advantage of this opportunity and use that move to resolve the battle."

Before he finished speaking, Menas soared into the sky under the influence of the hurricane, while Guluton, who was in high morale, calmed down his mind, took a posture, and gathered all his strength in one place.

Mikri recognized the stance of that move on the spot.

It is the "Zhenqi Fist" that can concentrate the whole body's strength into a single burst!

Recalling Gulton's strength, speed and amazing jumping ability, he immediately judged that once his Menas was hit by this move, he would be eliminated on the spot!

Can't let it finish charging!

Mienshao, who also realized this, manipulated his body in mid-air, turning the tornado wrapped around his body into a fierce "Dragon Wave" and shooting it at the charging Gulton!

Once the "Ki Fist" is interrupted, the gathered power will be wasted, and even the elves may feel tired.

The problem is...

This move is not the so-called "Ki Fist", but they have the same origin and their starting moves look similar.

""Dark Strike"! "

As Mienshao changed his moves in an attempt to interrupt the move, Gulden, who was concentrating on the battle, seized this opportunity and leaped towards the opponent who was spraying Dragon Wave!

The ancient overlord was like a red meteor that streaked through the night sky, leaving red and black light in the eyes of the two.

There was no chance to give instructions or respond. The next moment, Gulden came in front of Mienshao and punched him!

The exploding shock wave and dark red air flow vented out, hitting Mienshao in mid-air to the ground, and a big pit was created with the ground.

Gulden, who finally hit a move in the battle so far, turned flexibly with his wings with a more agile body than expected, and then dived again towards the opponent who fell to the ground.

It fell from the sky under the scorching sun like a burning meteorite, chasing its opponent with "high temperature and heavy pressure"... (End of this chapter)

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