This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 73 Is this my computer? This is my Nintendo Switch backpack!

Before challenging the Golden Gym, Eden was tricked into learning skills by a wild imitating girl.

Therefore, the only elves currently possessed by Zhou You are Charmander, Katy Dog, mascots, and elf eggs. Judging from the lineup, it is a bit reluctant - 2 vs. 4 with this level of training is too whimsical.

So after wandering out until midnight, he had no choice but to squeeze into the overcrowded Elf Center, register and enter the room provided to trainers for free to rest.

It's strange to say that in the game, he was a ruthless stack machine and elf hunter, but in reality, he had no interest in catching wild elves.

Even when Deng Huoshan met the legendary mythical beast, his desire for knowledge about the history of this world and his curiosity about the immortal elves' views on human beings overcame his desire to collect.

Maybe traveling around is really a waste of time, and even the elves currently on hand are basically (or all) given by others.

He was basically just enjoying the fun of living with the elves.

"But it can't go on like this. After all, we still have to help the doctor complete the illustrated book. Whether you want to be a gym owner, coordinator, trainer, or cultivator, you have to have several echelons."

Moreover, the Quartz Conference is coming soon, and at the very least, we need to gather a decent-looking team.

It doesn’t matter how useful the other 3 are. It doesn’t take a lot of combat power to play on a sunny day, sprinkle some poisonous water chestnuts, clear out nails, add some debuffs and then rotate away, right?

In this way, ordinary elves such as Stinky Mud, Ghost, and Stinky Flower quite meet the needs, and they don't require much training to play...

In any case, we must spend more time on capturing and cultivating elves next.

Zhou You opened his backpack and checked the remaining Poké Balls.

Before going out, Dr. Ohmu gave each of them 10 red and white balls. He used 5 when he accidentally gave birth to a litter of fairy milk, and used 2 when Deng Huoshan pretended to be Emperor Yan and Masha. Currently, only 3 are left. indivual.

For those who make it their mission to complete the illustrated book, it is inevitably not enough.

Fortunately, Zhou You's work for Dr. Oak was not in vain. After passing the data on the fairy milk and legendary elves to the research institute, the doctor not only paid for the follow-up activities (although it was only pocket money), but also paid some new elves. Balls and Gufagan fruit balls were transferred to their accounts.

Poke balls can be said to be trainers' weapons (in every sense). These special balls that cannot be purchased through conventional channels are the greatest assistance that Dr. Oak can give them.

"I don't know what kind of balls Dr. Oak has passed to me. There should be no heavy balls with the highest damage or cool ultimate balls in this era. The most they can be is the tangerine balls made by Mr. Steel?"

In the free temporary residence provided by the Elf Center for trainers, Zhou You endured the feeling of sleepiness and exhaustion, and with the anticipation of opening the box, he yawned and opened his personal account "→ Zhou You's computer" in the item storage system.

“There are 50 red and white balls, 5 commemorative balls, 10 super balls, 3 heavy balls, 3 fast balls, and 3 catching balls.

"The configuration is quite complete. I'm afraid I won't need to buy a new one after using it for a year or two."

After all, Wandering's consumption of Poké Balls is very low visible to the naked eye.


After taking out the Poké Ball that Dr. Oak passed to him from the prop storage system, he noticed that there were still several boxes with garbled titles under his account.

He clicked on it with obsessive-compulsive disorder, intending to change the name of the box to normal, but accidentally jumped to the page of the garbled box with his hand.

The next moment, he felt as if he had been beaten randomly with a flurry of blows, penetrating energy, fighting spirit strikes, and shocking fists in the physical education class of his junior year. He entered a state of shock where his mind went blank!

"This...isn't this a bunch of props from the game backpack in my NS!?"

Medicines, props, elf balls, skill machines, important props, fossils, key stones, super stones, wishing star giant wristbands, Tai Jing Beads, etc...

Almost all the items in his backpack from lgpe to Zhuzi appeared in the garbled box of his prop storage system!

However, I don’t know whether it is due to bugs or data corruption, but there are also many items (such as experience candies that increase the power of Go and directly upgrade the level) that are in a garbled state and cannot be moved or accessed.

Zhou You gave up thinking at the end and was so frightened that he quickly closed the computer...

Early next morning.

"Where's the unfamiliar ceiling? I was so sleepy yesterday, how could I fall asleep?"

Zhou You opened his eyes again and found that he was lying on the bed of his temporary residence. Due to the indecent sleeping position, his belly was slightly red and swollen due to the wind.

"It's like having a scary nightmare."

In the nightmare, he opened his account in the prop storage system, but the props inside were not just the elf balls transferred by Dr. Oak.

There are more dangerous items that are likely to be attacked by randomly spawned mythical beasts while walking as long as they are taken out.

Like the vermilion orbs, indigo orbs, or grass-green orbs that might attract the Fengyuan Three Fools.

Like what might attract the Sinnoh Three Gods Diamond Orb, White Jade Orb, and Platinum Orb.

Like the Celestial Flute and 19 stone slabs that were probably killed by Arceus as soon as they were taken out.

How can you insert 11 stone slabs in the Rose Park to go to a special space that is suspected of destroying the world and obtain a gift pack of mythical beasts... There are also inexplicable places like the Rose Park in reality! ?

It doesn't matter in the game. Once these things appear without any barriers in reality, it won't be long before the corresponding owner notices his aura and comes to check the water meter.

To be honest, it's a bit scary, especially the Flute of Heaven and the 18+1 stone slab.

The world here seems to be closer to the TV and movie world lines, which means that the clone of Arceus fell asleep after being deceived by humans and planned to punish him when he woke up.

If he took out this pile of things, Arceus might not wake up and destroy the world on the spot.

Fortunately, it's just a nightmare.

Although Tianxia, ​​who traveled around his ancestral home of Golarion, had many outstanding sorcerers in his maternal relatives, as a hybrid of Earthlings, he himself had no talent in this area.

In other words, Zhou You is really not a magician...

"Eden won't be back for a while. Let's rest for the next two days. Let's go for an outing on Route 8 west of Jinhuang City. I heard people say that Vulpix can occasionally be found there."

While explaining today's plan to Arthur, Zhanfan, and Little Fairy Milk, Wandering Lightspeed completed the customary washing, and took his elves with him to squeeze out of the still crowded Elf Center.

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