This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 70 The Imitation Girl in Golden City

Alice: A beautiful dark-skinned girl who has just won a ranking in a competition with you and has the power of a dragon to look like a champion in the future invites you to travel with her. Shouldn't you accept it happily? ?

Zhou You: The black-skinned lolita is not as astringent as the black-skinned big sister. She is a wild girl who is not in the XP system. Although she is a good person, she really can't find anyone who can make her give up the cost of cheating and leveling up the elves through the Phoenix Flame. What a reason to travel in a group.

After thinking for a moment, Zhou You declined seriously: "Alice, you are an excellent trainer. I am also very grateful to you for inviting me to travel together, but after I get all the badges, I should go back to Dr. Omu in Zhenxin Town to help. I’m doing scientific research, so I can’t practice outside with you.”

"I see, that's really a pity. I'll go to Zhenxin Town to play with you again when the conference is held!"

The two of them looked at each other and smiled, and the matter of traveling together disappeared.

Children's minds are still very simple, and they won't struggle with this kind of thing for too long.

After ordering a return ticket to the mainland of Kanto, I traveled back to the Elf Center to try to exchange the unmelting ice as a prize for other props, resources or cash. As a result, after shopping for a long time, no one was willing to buy it...seriously. Who is the master of ice elf training?

However, this may also be due to the fact that non-melting ice is originally a local specialty of Nananoshima Icefall Cave. The demand and market in the place of origin of the goods have long been close to saturation. I am afraid that even if someone is willing to bid, the price will not be too ideal.

In desperation, Zhou You had no choice but to post the Unmelting Ice Pass Illustrated Book online.

And although the main force is on her side, Alice has also contributed to some extent. I will buy some gifts for her after I get rid of the unmelted ice before the next meeting...

Even as they returned from traveling to the Seven Islands to practice, the progress of several other people in Zhenxin Town in collecting badges was still improving steadily.

After vacationing in Lampurchi City, Qinglv worked hard and collected 12 badges in one go, leaving only 4 badges left in the Kanto region.

However, because Dr. Oak received the information about Entei and Mashado that had been passed around, Qinglu had to temporarily return to the Zhenxin Town Research Institute to act as an assistant to his grandfather - by the way (mainly) to see if he could track down these two legends. The location of the elves and subdue them!

After vacationing in Lampurchi City and losing to Xiaozhi's mother Hanako in the beauty contest, Ye Zi successively opened the Golden and Yuhong Gyms and increased the number of badges to 5.

However, she is temporarily staying in Yuhong City, practicing with the museum owner Li Jia, trying to improve her feminine power and strive to win the championship in next year's beauty pageant.

From Ye Zi's point of view, it's too outrageous for him to lose to a housewife in his prime, right?

Although Aunt Hanako looks very young, and her appearance is indeed outstanding...

As for Xiaozhi, after finishing his vacation in Lampurchi City and witnessing his own mother winning the beauty pageant with Dr. Oak, he continued to embark on an endless journey.

However, since Zhi, Xia, and Gang are all top-notch road fools, even if Zhou You once taught Xiaozhi how to find the way outside, he would not be able to match the other two's ability to get lost.

Therefore, Xiaozhi and his team, who are either lost or lost on the road every day, have just obtained the golden and jade rainbow badges and are still on their way to Qianhong City.

12, 5, 5, 3. There are still 4 months left before the opening of the Quartz Conference. The progress of collecting the badges of the three giants of Zhenxin Town is quite gratifying.

However, Zhou You is tired of the life of training others on vacation. After the Quartz Conference is over, he has to have fun for a few months before traveling to other areas.

Not to mention how long it took Zhou You and Eden to practice teleportation on the boat on the way back before they finally became proficient. Three days later in the evening, Zhou You returned to Kuye City and took a tram to Golden City, which he had not been able to enter when he and Ye Zi traveled before.

Golden City, Golden City is the shining golden color!

Looking at the entire Kanto, this well-connected city is also the most prosperous area. The headquarters of Silver Company, which is well-known in many regions, stands in the middle of the golden city, bringing countless business opportunities and the growing number of people closely related to elves. product.

As a leader in the manufacturing industry in the Pokémon world, it was Silver Company that pioneered the basic technology of today's Pokémon balls. This company has endless black technologies, and even calling it the forefront of modern technology is no exaggeration.

And now there are rumors that in order to capture many legendary elves who are like gods, they are developing an ultimate elf ball!

Unlike the games Zhou You is familiar with, at least so far, the Rockets have not taken control of the Silver Company headquarters building. He speculated that this may be because the world line here is closer to the TV version.

It’s a rare trip to the Golden City. There are still 5 days left before the Kanto PTCG regional competition. If you have plenty of time, it’s natural to go to the Golden Gym to collect your own badge.

Now that it has been confirmed that Ma Zhishi did not join Team Rocket like in that outrageous fan comic, there is no need to be too worried about walking in the Kanto area. As the combat power of his team increases day by day, Eden will surely be able to show his face. The day is not far away.

Compared to most other cities in Kanto, the Golden City, which is extremely expensive, is undoubtedly a city that never sleeps. Even the Elf Center appears to be particularly spacious and huge.

However, when Zhou You came to the Pokémon Center to register information and make an appointment for the gym challenge, he unexpectedly encountered an emergency.

At this moment, the Pokémon Center was overcrowded, with many trainers and even ordinary citizens stuck in it, anxiously asking Joey and his assistant to save their Pokémon.

There was a sirens sound not far away, and Junsha took the wind speed dog to the police overnight to maintain order, but despite this, the people in the Pokémon Center were still noisy and chaotic.

"Little sister, what happened inside?" Being squeezed out of the Pokémon Center by the crowds of people, Zhou You randomly picked a wild passerby and asked with a headache.

"There was an explosion at the maglev train station, causing many people's Pokémon to be injured."

After answering Zhou You's question, the little girl holding Pippi turned 360° and made a gorgeous move like a star's appearance, saying: "Also, don't call me little sister, I'm a mimic girl!"

"Mimic girl?" He seemed to have heard of a similar name somewhere.

The girl turned again, and took out a cloak from somewhere and wrapped it around herself.


When she reappeared, she turned into Zhou You, even her height and body shape changed!

"Imitating the girl?" Zhou You (?) imitated.

"Great, how did you become my appearance? With Ditto?" Zhou You was very curious. After applauding the girl's impromptu performance, he circled around her a few times.

In the end, he didn't even find a single flaw!

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