"It was only for a moment that Mr. Daigo was suitable to be the champion. I did not take his place."

Zhou Youshi did not expect that even Lurina from Galar knew about his affairs.

It's just that he guessed that his fighting style might not be particularly good... like being the most underworld trainer in the world or something.

In fact, it's quite the opposite. In the Galar region, where battles are extremely popular, Yu's battle method based on basic knowledge is very popular.

It is precisely because battles are highly respected here that Lulina will learn about new trends in other regions across the ocean.

Zhou You, who had planned to fight her, immediately accepted Lu Lina's challenge and went with her to the Shuizhou Arena located just north of Shuizhou Town.

This is one of the arenas with the three basic attributes of Galar grass, fire, and water, which is equivalent to gyms in other areas.

However, due to the existence of "Gigantamax", the arenas in the Galar region are generally the size of football fields, enough to accommodate super-ancient level behemoths for battle.

The wear rate and maintenance costs are also the highest in the entire league, which means that under normal circumstances, the arena will not start battles casually.

There aren't that many trainers with wishing stars and giant wristbands.

The water boat arena is full of annoying water pipe puzzles, which once made Yu Yu go around for a long time when he first came here. He was full of confused thoughts: "I'm not Mario, why do you want me to fix the water pipes!?"

Fortunately, this time he was not the challenger of the gym. Lurina was also eager to fight, so the two of them tacitly ignored the puzzle facing the challenger of the gym.

After a while, they arrived at the battle venue in the arena.

Generally speaking, gym challenges in the Galar region will sell tickets to the public and conduct a series of commercial activities, but this time the situation is a little special. Basically only internal staff and Ah Qiu are watching outside the venue.

"That's Ah Qiu..."

Zhou You planned to wait until the battle was over to find his opponent's elf ball for free.

Eden: Could that mysterious uncle also be the mascot of the league?

Strictly speaking, they "want to be", and that's why the opponent wears the Galar Alliance mascot as a puppet suit and moves around in various arenas in Galar.

Shaking his head to get the somewhat dirty image out of his mind, Zhou You stood at the trainer's seat as Lurina came to the battle arena.

Unlike other regions where general rules generally allow trainers to stand on the sidelines, there are no seats exclusively for trainers in the Galar region's battle arenas.

This means that trainers from both sides must stand in the battlefield and conduct commands near the elves.

There are even some trainers who are obsessed with Dynamaxing and will stand between the elves on both sides after they become Dynamaxed.

Zhou You felt that this form of fighting with the elves was more suitable for him.

The water boat arena has a style similar to that of a swimming pool. Coupled with Lurina's bold swimsuit-like competitive clothes, the process of her entering the battle arena is like walking on a catwalk.

Zhou You, who did not have competitive clothes, had to wear regular clothes. Coupled with his large sword-and-shield style backpack, he looked like a random backpacker.

"Thank you for accepting my challenge, Qiao Qiao. No matter what tactics you use, the elves and I will try our best to defeat it!"

"Go ahead, Big Mouthed Oull!" "Nuomi Ci, the decision is yours."

The owner of the water attribute will start with the "Rainfall" attribute, which is an obvious choice.

The water attribute energy filled by the environment in the arena turned into a downpour in an instant under the guidance of the characteristics of the big-billed gull.

And the rain was also mixed with huge hailstones condensed from the glutinous rice cake with the characteristic of "snowfall".

After nearly a year of treatment, Vulpix (Alola), who was originally weak due to the conflict between ice and fire attributes, has returned to health.

All the fire attribute energy in the body was replaced by the harmless fire of life, so that the ice attribute talent suppressed by the fire attribute gradually became apparent.

Although it has not yet received systematic training and therefore is not outstanding in combat, eating sweets and rare tree fruits all day long makes it have a pretty good foundation.

During this trip to the Galar region, Zhou You planned to find an opportunity to train Nuomi Ci and use the ice stone provided by Xia Bo to complete his evolution.

But before evolving, Nuomizi still couldn't defeat the big-billed gull...

"The strange-colored Vulpix?" Lurina quickly realized the hail mixed with the heavy rain. "Is it a subspecies of ice type?"

"Yes, it is an ice-type regional form."

Hearing this, Lurina, who was surprised to see the other party sending an unevolved elf, suddenly became alert.

The water-flying gull is afraid of the ice-type "Freeze Drying". She doesn't think that the wandering elves have never learned that move.

"Fair wind!" "Nuomici, aurora curtain."

The possible "freeze drying" forced Lurina to take the lead in increasing her speed, while the well-known durability of the ice system forced Zhou You to strengthen her defense.

While his opponent manipulated the power of wind in the heavy rain and hail, Nuomi Ci also used the ice and snow in the field that he had transformed from water properties to create a brilliant light curtain like an aurora.

Hail, aurora and heavy rain combined to create a layer of polar mist on the blue floor of the Aquarium, making it difficult to see through the entire interior.

When the big-billed gull completed its "tailwind" in extremely bad weather, it found that it could no longer find its opponent's position.

Mahuola's predation and habitat in the snowy mountain environment have given Vulpix the protective color of ice and snow, which is quite confusing in such weather.

But Lurina, who was keen on fighting, quickly found a way to deal with it.

"Big-billed Gull, surf!"

When facing an opponent who has nowhere to go, a wide range of AOE moves can always work wonders.

Just like her declaration before the battle, Lurina chose to literally wash away the tactics with huge waves...

However, after riding a huge wave through the rain and snow zone, the Big-billed Gull did not rush out the Ice Vulpix hiding in it. Instead, it was hit several times by hailstones.

Nuomi Ci's ice attribute energy is not enough to condense the hail that threatens it.

However, continuous scraping will also accumulate damage, and you may even suffer serious injuries if you are attacked secretly.

When Lurina sacrificed herself to experience the underworld fighting style that does not depend on level, her competitive personality became more and more excited, and her offensiveness increased significantly!

Could it be that he used some kind of "supernatural power" to float into the sky and avoid the waves?

Thinking of this, she immediately gave instructions: "Use the storm this time!"

The storm brewing in the wind and rain cut through the polar fog, finally revealing the figure of the Ice Vulpix.

It neither hid on the ground nor floated into the air. Instead, it stayed in a place that no one expected... (End of Chapter)

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