This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 686 The drowning incident of the diving club (Part 2)

Since it was mentioned that the elves they carried might contain clues to the murderer who stabbed Hannah in the back, the three of them had no choice but to reveal the elves they held.

Lulina carries a total of six elves, namely:

The armored warrior with insect/water attributes, the Swamp King with water/ground attributes, the Super Bad Star with poison/water attributes, the Big-billed Gull with water/flying attributes, the Goldfish King with water attributes, and the Devouring Turtle with water/rock attributes .

The entire team of elves are pure water or composite attribute elves containing water attributes, with neither electric nor fire attributes.

It would be a bit reluctant for such a lineup to cause burn marks.

Of course, super bad stars with poisonous properties can indeed use venom to cause corrosive effects that look similar to burns.

The problem is that the marks on Hannah's diving suit are obvious "burns", which are not the effects of poison-type moves.

Although it is not impossible to say that Lucrina's spirit may have "fire awareness" and "electricity awareness", it is really difficult to confirm quickly.

As long as all of them insist that their elves will not "awaken their power", there is nothing they can do.

After excluding Lu Lina, let’s look at Qiao’s elf:

The long-winged gull with the water/flying attribute, the ancient moon bird with the flying/water attribute, the fairy milk with the ordinary (fairy) attribute, and the fruit-gnawing insect with the grass/insect attribute.

Similar to Lurina's situation, Qiao's elves are mostly water-type, and there are also some elves related to food.

But there is no doubt that his elf does not have the talent to use electric or fire-type moves.

"That's not necessarily true. I remember that the Ancient Moon Bird has an exception." Zhou You suddenly remembered the Ancient Moon Bird in the movie version, "Its missile is still very powerful."

The Ancient Moon Bird swallows Pokémon in one gulp. He is very gluttonous and has the habit of swallowing everything in one bite. It will put anything in its mouth that is the right size to swallow.

When it finds its favorite pike, it will swallow it in one bite without thinking. Sometimes it would accidentally swallow Pikachu. Although it was uncomfortable if it got stuck in its throat, it didn't particularly care.

"Bite of Missile": Ancient Moon Bird's exclusive characteristic, its power is unexpectedly high, and it will occasionally cause corresponding effects on the opponent depending on what it swallows or launches.

"If Joe's Ancient Moon Bird swallowed a passing Pikachu... no, a snapping sea urchin near the coral reef, it should be able to cause fainting, severe electric shock, and burns."

After hearing Zhou You's words, both Lurina and Lance looked at Qiao with something wrong.

Although it sounds far-fetched, it is not impossible to achieve.

Although the Snapping Sea Urchin is only a small one, its characteristic is that of an "electricity maker". Even a broken thorn from its body can discharge electricity continuously for 3 hours.

The snapping sea urchin fired by the Ancient Moon Bird may indeed release all the electricity in the body during the shock.

"Jo, I remember you had a crush on Hannah."

Lance suddenly discovered a blind spot: "Why did you just watch when I confirmed her injury? Did you really stab her in the back? Otherwise, why would you feel guilty and dare not approach her?"

"I didn't! I just...this has nothing to do with you!"

Qiao suddenly blushed.

Then he suddenly thought of something and defended himself: "And the sea urchin is a very timid elf. Just touching the broken algae will frighten it and discharge it. If the ancient moon bird really swallowed it, it would definitely be emitted. He was so severely injured that he lost the ability to fight!"

Only then did everyone realize that it was indeed the case. It would be meaningless if the sea urchin had been discharged before being launched. Let the Ancient Moon Bird swallow it and it would simply self-destruct.

In this way, until there is evidence that Qiao's Ancient Moon Bird can use a "mouth missile" to fire electric shocks without being affected, Qiao's suspicion has been eliminated.

"And then there's my elf, right?"

Without waiting for anyone to ask, Lance released all his elves.

They are the fighting attribute Haoli, the rock/fire attribute Jutanshan, and the earth/electricity mudfish.

Although the mudfish among them has electric properties, it is not actually an elf that lives on the bottom of the sea.

Known as "Trap Pokémon," they bury themselves in the mud of the intertidal zone and the seaside, wait patiently, and then paralyze their prey with electric discharges.

Even if Lance really had a way to make the mudfish move in the sea, it would be impossible for this elf to maintain enough fighting power to stun people.

Not to mention Haoli and Jutanshan.

The latter's "steam engine" characteristic allows it to gain extreme speed when it is attacked by water attributes (in terms of 30 speed racial value), but this is completely different from staying in sea water. Maybe it will die directly?

"Wait a minute, Jutan Mountain and Mudfish, I remember these are the elves from the mine, right?" Zhou You thought, there was a mine near Shuizhou Town, and there was indeed an elf there that could discharge electricity and enter the water.

Heart Bat, a spirit with super power and flying attributes, "Charging Beam" and "Hot Wind" are all in its skill pool.

Because this type of elf has a "simple" characteristic and can master the "simple beam" to allow teammates to implement special tactics, Zhou You has a certain impression of it.

Hearing this, Lance shook his head repeatedly: "No, this is just a coincidence."

"What's more, the habitats of Rolling Bat and Little Tanzi are mainly in the Galar Mine. Although they occasionally appear in the Second Mine near Shuizhou Town, those are rare situations.

"And I have never been to the Second Mine. The evidence is that the mudfish in the Galar region have ground/steel attributes, but mine is an alien species with ground/electric attributes."

Zhou You thought thoughtfully, in this way, wouldn't everyone's suspicions be eliminated?

Maybe this time is just a pure coincidence?

Not a big problem.

Anyway, Hannah has been treated by herself and can tell the truth when she wakes up.

After Eden comes back, he can also ask it to ask what happened to the bucket tip shuttle.

Although Zhou You had determined that this incident was just an accident, Lu Lina, who was still unwilling to accept it, discovered new clues.

"Look at Hannah's bucket tip, the burn marks on its body are obviously different from the burns caused by electric shock."

As an expert in peeing and growing up with water-type elves, Lurina's elves have been attacked by grass and electricity types in battle more than once and lost their fighting ability.

The Bucket Tip Shuttle is also a water spirit. Even if it withstands an electric current that is enough to burn it, the main injury should still be an electric shock.

Electrical injuries and electrical burns look completely different, but the difference is only obvious or not.

But the condition of this bucket tip shuttle is that of a very uniform burn caused by long-term roasting.

"I see!"

A flash of light flashed in Lurina's mind: "I already know who the murderer is!" (End of this chapter)

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