This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 677 A'Du's invitation

As a dazzling light rises above the sea level, the catastrophic events caused by the Phantom Thieves sisters Sanna and Lianne come to an end.

Without the defense equipment that had been passed down to this day, the water city of Aldomare had to usher in a new era.

After that, when Xiaozhi and his party went to the B\u0026B to ask Zhou You for an explanation, the elusive man had already gone to an unknown place.

The Team Rocket trio and the Phantom Thieves who were caught by them were caught.

The two groups of people clashed on the spot...

Then the trio was blasted with a hundred thousand volts, detonating all the gold coin-shaped drones and flying into the sky.

When Team Rocket swam to Azure Island with perseverance, it was already three days later.

As for Sanna, Lianne and their equipment, all of them were handed over to Miss Junsha (Odomale's appearance) by Xiaozhi and his team.

After that, the group continued to spend a few days on vacation, enjoying the sea sightseeing with the Shuidu brothers and sisters, and finally came to the day of separation.

"Goodbye, Latias, Latios, Kanon, and Mr. Bengre. We will come back to play with you if we have a chance in the future!"

At the port of Odomare, after their vacation, Kasumi and Serena reluctantly said goodbye to their friends and boarded a cruise ship to Asakusa City.

In just one week, they have established a very deep bond.

But when it comes to parting, it makes people feel particularly sad.

Suddenly, the figure of Kanon, who had already faded from sight, appeared in the port.


The sharp-eyed Serena quickly discovered the other party. No, Canon was not wearing his favorite hat. It was Latias.

Holding her beloved drawing board, she caught up with Xiaozhi and his party at the last moment.

Before they could react, the girl gave Xiaozhi a parting kiss.

Then he stuffed the painting into the other person's arms without any explanation, turned around and ran out of the port without saying a word.

※By the way, according to the official statement, this is just a "kiss of thanks".

※In addition, in the 25th anniversary version of the Water City movie version, Latias's matching moves happen to be "Mist Ball", "Dragon Wave", "Diving" and "Angel's Kiss", and the first trainer is Odomare is shy.



Seeing this, Xiaoxia suddenly blushed incoherently!

Are the people of Shuidu so unrestrained?

The Carlos people are also very passionate and unrestrained, but Serina's mood is inevitably a bit complicated at the moment.

Although it was probably just a kiss of gratitude, it actually allowed Latias to overtake...

Xiaogang silently pretended to look at the scenery, but he saw nothing.

Not quite understanding what Latias meant, the simple Xiaozhi didn't think too much and just looked at the painting it gave him.

It was a sketch drawn by the real Canon, depicting them playing in the secret garden.

Holding the sketch in his hand solemnly, he made up his mind to treasure this painting and the people in it throughout his life.

However, the separation from the Latios siblings was shorter than expected.

Not long after the cruise ship left Odomare, two figures, one blue and one red, caught up and stopped in front of the group of people.

After experiencing the previous events, the Latios brothers and sisters realized that they were still weak and not qualified enough to become the guardian gods of the water city.

Therefore, after communicating with other people of the same race, I decided to go out with humans to experience and improve my strength...

At the same time, Zhou You, who had no idea that Xiaozhi and Serena had escaped from the red and blue water, was about to leave for Galar, but an unexpected figure greeted him in the Azure Highlands.

"Zhang Guan Du, why did you suddenly come to the Azure Highlands for inspection?"

Looking at the serious-looking investigator, he felt slightly guilty - was the alliance going to veto his proposal to hold 11 badges by himself again?

Although it is indeed impossible for the alliance to agree to such an outrageous application, this is not the main reason why Du came here today.

"I received a report from someone saying that your elves dismantled ancient relics passed down by Aldomare for thousands of years. Is this true?"

Eden: As expected, I came here to claim compensation.

Zhou You was silent for a moment and had no choice but to tell the truth: "It is indeed true, but it was just to save Latios who might die because of it. It was a desperate choice."

Seeing the other party's straightforward admission, Watanabe didn't know what to say.

You can't blame him for saving the legendary elf, right?

"In that case, just treat it as an accident. The people of Odomare also chose not to hold you responsible."

The wandering Heart Drops and Holy Ashes helped a lot after all.

For Du, who has been fighting criminals all year round, resorting to force under certain circumstances is inevitable, as long as it does not cause irreparable consequences.

In fact, Watari believed that Zhou Yu, who was very keen in this area, was suitable to inherit his job.

Therefore, the main purpose of his coming to Azure Highlands today is to serve as the champion and extend an invitation to Zhou You on behalf of the alliance: "Qiaoqiao, on behalf of the alliance, I would like to extend an invitation to you. I hope you will join the alliance and assume the responsibilities of the Four Heavenly Kings."

After this year's Silver Conference, Kanto and Johto were officially merged into the former Kanto region, and Adu took over as the champion of the Kanto League.

However, there are some problems with the position of the Four Heavenly Kings...

Except for A'Du who took over as the champion.

The ghost king Kikuko stepped down from his responsibilities as king under Qinglu's attack, and decided to try to understand Ohmu's research over the years and re-understand his favorite battle from a new perspective.

After being killed by the traveling Sunny Team, Kona learned from the pain and decided to put aside his status as the Four Heavenly Kings for the time being and continue his journey of spiritual practice to solve the problem of ice attribute resistance.

Under the guidance of Ye Zi, Shiba realized that only by combining hardness and softness can he realize the complete state. He gave up the title of King of Heaven and went to the Fengyuan area, where he and Fujishu started practicing surfing again.

in short--

"All the Four Heavenly Kings in Kanto have retreated?" Eden was a little surprised by this, "What about the Four Heavenly Kings in the Johto area?"

Hearing this, A'Du couldn't help but look a little ugly. Since the Rockets sucked blood from the two regions all year round, there weren't many people who could take on the responsibility of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Before that, some of them were kings of two regions at the same time.

Therefore, when they were promoted and retreated, only the newly appointed Aju, Yishu and Lihua were left in the city.

The three people from Zhenxin Town naturally became the first choice.

"Qinglu and Ye Zi ran too fast and I didn't stop them, but you absolutely don't want to run!"

In order to gather the Four Heavenly Kings, Du also worked hard: "As long as you agree to take over as the Four Heavenly Kings, how about I promise to give you 8 badges on behalf of the alliance?"

"Deal! I guarantee that even the champions from other regions will not be able to get in front of you, and I will definitely find a chance to bring Qinglu, Ye Zi and Xiaozhi over to become the Four Heavenly Kings!"

"That doesn't mean..."

Hearing this, Du couldn't help but shed a cold sweat. Xiaozhi didn't care, if the three of you become the Four Heavenly Kings together, then I have the nerve to continue to be the champion?

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