This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 67 This is the victory of switching venues!

Eden's imitation trick cache capacity:

Thunder, blizzard, and large-scale explosions occupy 9, the exchange site occupies 9, mirror attributes and performance occupies 4, and self-regeneration occupies 3.

Basically, there is only 5 capacity left so that it can be used as needed.

Therefore, after copying Lucario's wave missile, Eden actually forgot to teleport on the spot...

When the return lineup is formed, Travel plans to let Eden use all the imitation cache capacity for copying surfing, diving, tidal whirlpools, climbing waterfalls, flying, defogging, nail spreading, double walls, clearing nails, wishing, aromatherapy and healing wish!

Eden: If you co-write, I am your tool pet?

Thinking about the future might as well wait until your free time. For now, let’s focus on the present.

After being hit at close range by a large-scale blast that was controlled by itself, Lucario became shaky on the spot. Two waves of missiles and one large-scale blast were indeed beyond its ability to withstand.

But in order to allow his trainer Yaxuan to win, Lucario relied on his strong mental power to survive!

The "Ibrahimovic" waveguide appeared out of thin air in the water, and now it has dived underwater again. Is this the legendary "castling of the king's car"?

The current behavior of "Ibrahimovic" diving into the water is both a crisis and an opportunity!

It once again made the starting move of Turtle Style Qigong. It was almost half the size of a human body, and the huge and dazzling wave missile slowly took shape...

When Yaxuan saw this, his breathing suddenly stagnated. It was that move, it actually planned to use that move! ?


A few seconds later, Lucario threw the huge wave missile vertically into the air.

Just when the wave missile reached its peak, it collapsed, disintegrated, and exploded as if it could not withstand the huge pressure. It turned into countless small wave missiles and spread to the entire venue like a heavy rain!

"Waveguide - Sanctioned Light Bomb"! ! !

You can tell from the name alone that this is Yaxuan's inspiration from the divine punishment used by the Great Master of Sinnoh in his hometown to punish sinners!

The place where the heavy rain is most concentrated is the pool in the center of the Ice Field!

This map artillery bombardment didn’t end until half a minute later…

When the smoke and dust dissipated, what appeared in front of everyone was the ice field that looked like a ruin. Lucario was panting heavily and clutching the bone club tightly in his hand, and he was involved in an unknown AOE and lost the ability to fight. auspicious egg and red-faced dragon.

Bami/Alice: "..."

Is this the power of the elite trainer's main elf when it goes all out?

However, "Ibrahimovic", who was supposed to have suffered the most concentrated blow and should also have lost his combat ability, did not surface.

Lucario realized that something was wrong, and endured fatigue to read the waveguides of the entire venue again.

"Eevee"'s waveguide mixed with malice and resentment disappeared from the pool and the entire ice field! ?

In shock, it couldn't help but cast a confused and shocked look at its trainer.

"Look at the sky!" Yaxuan shouted anxiously.

It turned out that "Ibrahimovic" used the exchange of venues between the sanctioning light bombs, exchanged positions with the camera on the ceiling of the seventh floor, and bitten the camera pole above.

During this period, it even transformed its attributes into fighting attributes through the mirror attribute move!

Lucario heard the words and quickly looked up, always ready to meet the enemy in the sky with the bone club in his hand, but he didn't realize it until now and it was too late!

The shadow of "Eevee" was already pressing on Lucario.

The next moment, the lifeless shadows rose up and attacked, half of them turned into sharp spikes to attack Lucario, and the other half turned into flexible ribbons to bind him!

This is the "Shadow Sneak Attack" that Zoroa can only master under extremely rare circumstances!

Lucario was immediately attacked and lost the ability to move. He had no choice but to let the figure of "Eevee" falling from the sky get bigger and bigger in his eyes...


The power of waveguide will stay in my heart forever!

Give me a shot of this series' bonus lock "Wave Guide Sentient Breaking Bullet·Zero Type"! ! !

With the help of the reaction force brought by the release wave missile, "Ibrahimovic" floated steadily not far away.

And its wave missile hit Lucario, who was bound by the activated shadow turtle shell, at zero distance without mercy!

However, in the next moment, the situation of this battle suddenly reversed——

"(Shouts) Luca!"

There is no truth that a fake is not as good as the real thing!

A mysterious light emerged on Lucario and "Eevee".

Immediately afterwards, their bodies actually exchanged in the blink of an eye!

Eden: "???"

Trivia: Zoroark and Lucario are very similar. Not only are they both crispy with double swords (Zoroark is more crispy), but they can also learn to imitate this rare trick.


Congratulations! Yaxuan's Lucario copied the "exchange venue" that Eden copied through "imitation"! ! !

"No, hey, hey, hey—!"

With the roar caused by the explosion of wave missiles, "Ibrahimovic", who had consumed more than half of his physical strength due to being a substitute, was knocked into a state unable to fight by his own wave missiles...

But no.

Everyone's vision blurred slightly, and "Ibrahimovic" and Lucario exchanged positions again!


You've won for sure, but you still have a half-open exchange of venues hidden in your hand! ?

In the blink of an eye, the variant wave missile with a very long name from Eden exploded on Yaxuan's Lucario's face as promised.

Ahhhhh, changing venues is such a sinful skill!

Why do humans and elves want to plot against each other so cunningly?

"Geely Egg, Red-faced Dragon, and Lucario have lost the ability to fight." After the dust settled, the off-field referee made a decision with lingering fear, "Please ask player Yaxuan to replace the Pokémon."

It is worth mentioning that the second elf sent by Yaxuan was unexpectedly a metal monster that had not yet evolved to its full body.

The mature quasi-god with super + steel attributes has usually been unfavorable in previous battles, but this time he made a strategic mistake because he misjudged Eden's true attributes - using super powers to fight against evil attributes.

It was his turn to have the advantage in attributes, and Eden relied on his solid foundation to easily end the battle with 2 waves of evil.

After all, before evolving into Metagross, this mature quasi-god's mobility was relatively slow, and its powerful long-range skills were basically only mentally powerful...

Zhou You and Alice also won the doubles match and advanced to the end together.

"You advanced all the way to the finals like this? I'm a little bit unrealistic."

Alice still finds it hard to believe that the Eevee from around the world defeated the elite trainer Lucario and the metal monster in single combat one after another.

"Are you really just a 10-year-old new trainer?"

Alice (← was given away one by the mixed doubles of friend and foe, and one was given away by the unknown AOE) asked seriously.

"How can this be false?" Even though he has 20 years of fighting experience.

After receiving Zhou You's conclusive answer, Alice lowered her head and pondered, seemingly making a decision.

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