The Water City of Odomare is located on the sea south of the peninsula where Junipe Town is located. Every year, a large number of tourists travel before and after the Alliance Conference. Naturally, Xiaozhi and his team who have not gone out to play after the conference are not exempt from this.

After watching the championship challenge match between Kanto and Fengyuan at Akin's house, Xiaozhi, who met with Xiaoxia and Xiaogang for sightseeing, went to Jihua City not far to the west to take a boat trip.

At the same time, after challenging two alliances, I just woke up from a full night of traveling around until noon.

"I'm so sleepy, I want to sleep a little longer."

Yesterday's battle was really tiring, and it was a pity that we couldn't compete with Ye Zi in the end.

Qinglu, who was knocked down by Ye Zi after half an hour in office, learned the hard way and decisively decided to study abroad in Carlos to study the latest attributes and knowledge that would make him stronger.

Ye Zi, who had already planned it, abdicated at the speed of light after winning the championship and went to the Philei region near Sinnoh to study the habits and ecology of elves in areas where elf battles were not introduced.

I can only travel around and stay at home with nothing to do, and even plan to take a trip to Odomare.

A water conference will be held there the day after tomorrow. If he remembers correctly, two Phantom Thieves will steal the Heart Drop that night and try to master its power.

Although they are unlikely to be Xiaozhi's opponents now, they probably will not choose to confront the latter head-on.

If things turn out to be similar to the plot in the theatrical version, that Latios might die.

There is no need for the elves to repay the trouble caused by humans. Now that they have caught up, Zhou Yu will not let Latios die...

Just as he was thinking about how to keep Latios without affecting his vacation, a familiar notification tone suddenly sounded on his phone.

Small photo of the investigation team: Qiaoqiao, congratulations on becoming the champion! By the way, I also became a 1-star member when I joined Team Galaxy!

It was Xiaozhao from another era who sent the message. It seemed that time passed at about the same speed on both sides.

Ordinary magicians: Be careful when operating in the wild, and beware of Team Galaxy people.

And a certain cook who only knows how to make taro pancakes, but it’s not appropriate to give such detailed tips.

Small photo of the investigation team: No problem, life should be on track from now on.

Small photo of the investigation team: And... I plan to work hard to recover lost objects and accumulate FP points. Can you help me buy some necessary supplies then?

Ordinary magician: Give me the list and I will buy it for you later.

Not long after, Xiaozhao sent many daily necessities, as well as things that modern people basically cannot live without, and condiments that were not very common in that era.

Looking at the small number of things in the shopping list that only the opposite sex would use, Zhou You couldn't help but fall into thinking.

Do you really want to buy these things for Xiaozhao?

"Forget it, Eden will turn into a human and buy it when the time comes."

"Too lazy to move, I think you can solve it with 'I have a friend'."

Zhou You's face was filled with dark streaks, and the little fox became a bit lazy after winning the championship.

But before helping Xiao Zhao with shopping, he had to go to the airport in Asakusa to pick up an acquaintance...

“According to legend, in distant ancient times, an old couple living in Odomare rescued an injured brother and sister and healed their pain under careful care.

“Until one day an evil monster attacked the island, and when the island was about to be destroyed, the brother and sister turned into elves in front of the old man, summoned their companions, and dispelled the power of darkness.

"In the end, they left Aldomare after leaving behind a gem called the Heart Drop, and have frequented the city since then. The city also regards Infinite Pokémon as the patron saint of the water city."

In the airport lobby, the exotic blonde girl put down the guide book and looked expectantly at the distant south.

It's summer vacation again, and Salina from Carlos finally has time to go out and play.

Not long ago, Zhou You revealed the news that Xiaozhi would go sightseeing in Aldomare after the tournament. She chose this world-famous water city as her travel destination this year.

There is nothing else to it, just longing for the legendary infinite Pokémon.

"Salina, good morning."

"It's already noon."

For people living alone, day and night are actually the same.

"The water competition will be held in two days, so now is the right time to go to Odomare."

Completely ignoring the other party's complaints, Zhou You took out a heavy cloth bag and handed it to the other party: "These are the souvenirs I brought to Xiaozhi when I came back from Fengyuan. Please help me give them to him on the way."

"No problem, but why don't you go play?"

Serena took the bag and weighed it, and found that the thing inside seemed to be a round sphere.

When he opened it, he found it was an orb that exuded mysterious brilliance and spiritual power.

So valuable! ?

Hearing this, Zhou You shook his head. Of course he wanted to go, but there was no need to come into contact with Xiaozhi and his group.

Xiaozhi went to solve the disaster in the city, and he and the elves enjoyed the holiday in the water city with peace of mind, a win-win situation.

Okay, Serena won't force it anymore. The other person is the doctor's assistant, so he will probably be very busy.

"But I gave this gem to Xiaozhi, and it was still a bit..."

Even though it was a gift on behalf of others, it was a bit too forced.

"It doesn't matter. The Heart Drops look very beautiful, but in fact they are exclusive carrying props worth only a few dollars. I still have a lot of them."

As he spoke, Zhou You opened another bag, revealing a large number of orbs of similar appearance.

These are Heart Drops, exclusive props that can only be sold in the game store for 100 yuan, and some versions even cannot be sold at all.

It is the soul crystal of Latios and Latias. Just holding it can increase their special attack and special defense by 50%. Strictly speaking, it is a priceless treasure that cannot be measured by money.

"To you, it is a beautiful bead, but to Xiaozhi, it is just a prop used to improve the attack and defense of a specific elf's ability. He won't think too much about it."

Serena was speechless. Xiaozhi would definitely not think too much, but she would.

But if you just transfer and carry props, then it’s really not a big problem...

Saying goodbye to traveling around where she seemed to have no interest in water, Serena took a boat to Odomare.

This city on the sea has a maze-like intricate waterway. Passenger boats, which have almost replaced roads and bus systems, can carry people to every corner of the city. It is a well-deserved water city.

In the square in the center of the city stand two patron saints who saved the water city from the disaster, namely the elder brother Latios and the younger sister Latias. Legend has it that they are hiding somewhere in the city and watching human life.

However, countless tourists who have returned without success seem to be enough to prove that infinite Pokémon do not exist, and it is all just a beautiful legend...

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