Faced with Zhou You's relentless pursuit, Daiwu took back the light-speed cannon fodder, the cradle Lily, and sent out his last elf, the mega Metagross.

Eight minutes have passed since Metagross was bounced into the ball, and Daigo and Metagross are still maintaining this fully loaded overclocking mode!

Are you really human?

Zhou You deliberately complained like this, but after thinking about it carefully, he seemed to have maintained Arthur's super evolution, so he didn't mind it much.

Maybe it's because of his special constitution, like his body is full of liver or something.

"I'm going to disappoint you now, Qiao Qiao, Metagross has always maintained its mega evolution." Daigo said in a relaxed tone, showing no sign of fatigue at all.

After all, the load on the trainer of the Mega Metagross in the Poké Ball is much smaller than fighting in the battle field, so this is not his limit yet.

But if Eden spends ten minutes with Cradle Lily like Ye Yibu did, it might really bring him down.

But Zhou You shook his head: "I don't want to prolong the battle too long."

An elf like the cradle lily cannot be given time to take root and develop, otherwise it is not certain who will bring down the other, so it must be stopped no matter what.

In this way, the final battle became the championship's ace, Mega Metagross, versus the pitiful, helpless but wicked Zoroa.

There is no suspense about who will win or lose.

Zhou You and Eden just wanted to give it a try.

"Surprise attack."

As soon as the Mega Metagross appeared, Eden plunged into the ground like a dive and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Metagross, on the other hand, did not try to pursue it. It just manipulated electromagnetism to float in the air, consuming energy to "self-regenerate" and temporarily recover some of its physical strength.

The continuous scraping of leftover rice still caused some damage to it.

After recovering its strength, Metagross began to concentrate on the shadows on the ground.

Theoretically, moves such as Submerged Surprise Attack need to be performed with the help of shadows, and the double wall pedals in the sky that can create projections have long been removed. The only shadows that Eden can use as an exit are the shadows between it and the clouds.

No matter where the opponent chooses as an exit, Metagross will be able to detect it immediately and block it.

A moment later, an exit from another space appeared directly beneath Metagross.

Even before the opponent's figure appears, it has accumulated moves and plans to kill it with one blow.

Eden, who had long expected this, appeared in multiple forms formed by shadow clones, and then each left in different directions.

However, the calculation power of Metagross is so powerful that the real body has been locked from the moment many shadow clones appeared!

The cannon light cannon shoots out, turning everything into scorched earth and blasting towards the fragile opponent!

Just at this moment, a spiritual force used to lock the space appeared behind him - that was a sign of "exchanging venues".

Was the substitute he just hit a fake?

Without too much hesitation, Metagross calculated the time and turned around with a "Comet Punch"... but it still only hit the stand that was destroyed in one blow.

And at the moment it turned around, a head poked out of the hole left on the surface when Zhanfan dug a hole.

And the fully enhanced Dark Explosion!

The extremely "fast" evil energy bombardment accurately hit the bluffed Metagross, causing a slight heavy damage to it.

Then Eden didn't want to fight anymore and re-entered the different space where the shadow was the passage.

Upon seeing this, Daigo suddenly realized that the illusion of this Zoroa has been trained to a level close to that of Zoroark. Even the stand-in that would be seen through by Metagross in an instant under normal circumstances will be faked by the illusion to look exactly like the real body.

Eden had just entered the shadow attack state through a stealth attack on the surface, but in fact he directly entered the space left by Zhanfan's previous digging hole in the ground.

He then took the opportunity to create two fake avatars, one after another, to induce Metagross to reveal its flaws. Instead, the main body came up from the tunnel left by digging a hole and launched a sneak attack on Metagross!

After analyzing Eden's tactics, Daigo couldn't help but frown.

Zoroa regained his fighting ability through the wish of healing. Yeib who used this move was also in poor condition. In addition, the former had been strengthened and would consume extra physical strength...

Where did it get so much physical strength and energy?

Naturally, Zhou You didn't use the Fire of Life to restore any of the elves that had lost their ability to fight in this battle.

As Zoroa, whose durability is extremely poor, the reason why Eden retains enough physical strength and energy to squander it... is completely a false proposition.

The key to being able to use the stand unscrupulously lies in the leftovers who had previously self-destructed. When Gouzi dug a very deep cave to avoid the rockfall and the subsequent vibration, he did not just dodge, but spent almost all his physical strength. The energy and fire of life left behind a double.

The kind that won't self-destruct is roughly equivalent to "portable travel".

At this moment, the substitute of Leftover Rice has changed hands!

Without giving Daigo time to think and uncover the secret, Eden once again started using his substitute to cover and appear from other places to take the opportunity to attack Metagross.

Each of the enhanced stand-ins are so real that Metagross has to take them seriously, and then a hit without warning from the corner will pose a threat to it.

The only regret is that only the first time successfully achieved perfect results.

Most of all subsequent attacks were avoided by it and its astonishing computing power at the critical moment, and only a few were missed, causing minimal effects.

After all, it's just the first kill, and only the first one will be effective.

As long as Dawu and Metagross concentrate at the same time, they can detect the illusion through every detail.

This process took another two minutes. Daigo and Metagross were still full of energy, and Eden almost doubted whether the opponent's trainer also had the fire of life in his body...

On the other hand, Metagross's super evolution did not have no impact on Daigo, and his condition was actually declining.

It's just his iron-like tenacity and mental strength that keep him at the peak of his grace and spirit.

If he was endlessly delayed by his opponent, Daigo would definitely not be able to maintain his condition. For this reason, he decisively adopted more proactive tactics.

Once again, after the Shadow of Eden sneak attack, Metagross directly under the instructions of the trainer hammered the ground with four claws continuously, causing the entire site to be continuously affected by extremely violent earthquakes!

The moment he opened the exit underground, he noticed the continuous hole. He had no choice but to emerge from the ground with a substitute who had eaten most of the leftovers.

Metagross, who had been monitoring the entire scene, immediately launched a killing blow with its "Bullet Punch", which was fully loaded with physical attack... In fact, no matter what move it used, as long as it hit, it would definitely be a sure hit.

However, the next moment, the opponent's sudden burst of brilliant light forced Mega Metagross to stop attacking.

That is the inviolable light of evolution! (End of chapter)

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