This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 655 Who told me to be number onejpg

Until he finally lost the ability to fight, Arthur, who tried his best, was unable to cause any harm to Metagross.

After taking back the seriously injured elf, Zhou You couldn't help but frown.

What happened just now?

Can Metagross really be so fast that it can't be seen with the naked eye?

Not to mention the naked eye, in fact, even the high-speed cameras outside the battlefield and facing the entire field did not capture any of the process.

It's like time stopped... no, it's like the period of time when Metagross attacked Charizard disappeared!

Within the time limit for sending out new elves, Zhou You tried his best to think about what had just happened.

Mega Metagross's superpowers are among the best among all elves, and its brain that surpasses a supercomputer is the natural enemy of any trainer.

First of all, it must be clear that under normal circumstances, except for Celebi, Dialga and Arceus, no elf has the ability to manipulate time.

Even if it can affect time under certain circumstances, it basically has serious flaws and limitations.

Mega Metagross must have achieved this through some special technique...could it be a resonance resonance?

While Zhou You was doing his best analysis, Dawu was also taking the opportunity to rest.

It is different from Zhou You and Arthur's unlimited firepower, Zhulan and Lucario's absolute control of the waveguide, and the absolute explosive power of Biting Land Shark.

The strength of Daigo and Metagross is incomparable, so they were strengthened on the intelligence side when they were mentally synchronized.

It's no secret that Metagross' brain is stronger than a supercomputer... and that's just in sheer computational speed.

But with the cooperation of the trainer.

Metagross, who is good at calculation, can borrow Daiwu's wisdom.

The erudite Daigo obtained a computing speed that was worse than that of a supercomputer.

In order to prevent the fire-breathing dragon from threatening himself with the classic self-destruction one-for-one method of the fire-attributed elf before it lost its fighting ability, Daiwu, who knew that Zhou You would definitely use such a move, decisively resonated with the elf.

At the moment when the two synchronized, Metagross distorted "gravity" with extremely powerful superpowers, artificially changed the gravity reference system between the two parties, and completed the influence on time with the help of the special theory of relativity.

The twin paradox!

Among the four fundamental forces, gravity is the weakest, but it is also the strongest - only gravity can span the dimension of time.

Therefore, under the influence of human intelligence, supercomputing and superpowers, Daiwu and Mega Metagross completed the challenge to the power of the gods!

At the same time, Daiwu also used the computing power of Metagross to complete the analysis of this battle.

So far, the elves who have lost the ability to fight in Zhouyou include Zoroa, Yueyue Bear, and Charizard. These three are his main force. Among the remaining Wind Speed ​​Dog, Ye Yibu, and Steel Armored Crow, only Wind Speed ​​Dog has the ability to fight. The opportunity will have a certain impact on the subsequent battle situation.

On Daigo's side, those who lost their ability to fight were the Armored Bird, the Telekinesis Doll, and the Fossil Pterosaur. The remaining ones were Cradle Lily, Boss Cordora, and the invincible Metagross.

At first glance, it seemed that the champion side had the advantage, but he always felt uneasy.

And it wasn’t until he borrowed Metagross’ computing power to retrace the entire battle that Daigo finally recalled a detail he had forgotten—

There are a total of six lights that return to the Poké Ball after Zoroa's Stand splits!

Combined with Zoroa's words before leaving...

Is it possible that Zhou You has a way to rejuvenate the elves who have lost their ability to fight?

"Healing Wish" should be possible, and it is also a resurrection move allowed by the alliance. If it is that Zoroa, maybe it can be "imitated"?

Unfortunately, the challenge to the realm of gods was extremely consuming. Even a liver emperor like Dai Wu could only enter this state for a short time, and did not have time to analyze all of Zhou You's ideas.

But even so, Daigo has enough psychological expectations for the next battle, and the rest will be slowly thought about during the battle...

"General Que, the decision is yours!"

After Arthur was easily defeated, the next elf sent by Zhouyou was Dai Duozi, who had similar attributes to his opponent.

"Cannon light cannon."

There is no doubt that the steel-armored crow has also been strengthened by the ability to "take over the baton", and Daigo rigorously uses long-range special attack moves to attack.

"Cannon Light Cannon" is a powerful move that can gradually weaken the opponent's special defense. It is suitable for facing opponents like Steel Armor Crow.

However, after the light cannon accurately hit Otakako, who couldn't even react to dodge, something happened that surprised Daigo.

I saw that the heavily strengthened Black Feather, as beautiful and smooth as a mirror, actually bounced the cannon back!

reflection of mirror?

Can Steel Armor Crow still learn this?

Unfortunately, after the initial surprise, Metagross sauntered away to avoid his own attack.

It doesn't make any sense. Dai Wu is confident enough that he and Metagross together are the unshakable strongest.

Seeing that the opponent could rebound ray-type moves, Metagross accelerated the magnetic field and defeated the opponent's defense with four iron fists wrapped with thunder and lightning.

Facing an opponent that was far stronger than him, even Omitakako, who was good at defense, had to accept defeat.

But before being defeated, it also released all its blades - turning into walls of light and reflection floating in the sky.

With such an obvious foreshadowing, it is obvious which elf will appear next.

"Leftover, the decision is yours!"

Gouzi, who possesses both majestic and naive temperaments, finally appears on the scene. He is heavy and light-footed, and he lands on the pedal provided by his teammates.

Qing Ming's strength is indeed a bit...if nothing unexpected happens, this round of battle will be the final comeback.

As the last elf in the team with a chance to cause harm to Metagross, Gouzi almost bears the hopes of the entire team!

As always, when it landed, the baton provided by the avatar had strengthened it.

"Great outrage."

No need for the trainer to say anything, Leftover immediately activated his full power mode and transformed into a burning fireball that covered most of the field.

At this point, Metagross took damage for the first time in this battle...but not much.

The sunny weather is still going on, and it is in surprisingly good condition as it is also a fire attribute and has absorbed the leftovers left by Arthur in the flames on the surface.

What is surprising is that the light walls and reflective walls that were supposed to be burned by the flames showed no signs of fragmentation. Instead, they became tougher and more difficult to destroy than when they were first released?

But this level of indirect damage does not pose much of a threat to Metagross.

Giant rocks that were as dense as rain fell from mid-air and hit the light wall and reflective wall that served as pedals.

In its super-evolved state, Metagross instantly saw through the weaknesses of these walls, and every rock was just right to destroy them.

Faced with this rock avalanche that was even more exaggerated than that of the Dragon Stars, Shanghan did not hesitate to use his unique skills.

Dig a hole!

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