After creating countless floating platforms above the battlefield as stepping stones, Otakako decisively hit the wall with "Quick Return" and returned to the Poké Ball. The armored bird that was about to attack additionally had no choice but to smash the attacking version of Rockslide on top of it. On numerous light walls and reflective walls.

It is also a common operation to open a venue/space/weather and run or give it away.

The second elf to appear is of course Eden, who can bring huge benefits to the entire team.

"A suitable venue was arranged so that Zoroa, as an auxiliary, would not be attacked immediately under the cover of the double wall, and also avoid the trap under his feet."

Daigo's reaction speed was much faster than that of the Four Heavenly Kings he had encountered before, but by the time he realized this, it was already too late to stop Zhou Yu's plan.

"Although I also want to defeat you with my own strength, unfortunately now is not the time. You have saved a life."

As he spoke, Eden cast the substitute as usual.

"Continue the rockfall." Dawu remained unmoved.

Continuous rockfalls broke through the double walls one after another, and they broke through in front of Eden.

Those rock avalanches that failed to produce any results fell back to the surface and turned into spikes and hidden bomb rocks.

Pounce, scatter Ling, invisible rock, a triple effect of rock collapse, Zhou You has reason to suspect that Daiwu borrowed the coordination skills from a certain gorgeous master.

But so what?

Just when the rockfall that broke through many obstacles was about to hit, it was unknown whether it was Eden or an identical double who cast the "Swapping Field", causing the two to appear at the other end of the air, covered with spikes and The surface of Invisible Rock.

Since Daigo doesn't have the ability to determine his true identity at a glance, the armored bird doesn't have the ability to attack the entire field at the same time.

If you hope not to be confused by the substitute, you must determine where the real person is!

At this time, Eden on the surface used "acting" and adjusted his characteristics into an "electrical maker".

The electrical energy in the battlefield gradually became active, and even the spikes on the surface produced electric sparks visible to the naked eye.

It turned out to be an "electric venue"!

In an instant, Daigo made a judgment.

1. When Eden uses "Stand-in", he cannot have extra energy to use other moves.

2. The "switching venue" of sending both parties to different locations at the same time is an effect achieved by the avatar through certain techniques.

3. Even a substitute is unlikely to release too many moves at the same time, so the probability of this electric field move being released by Eden's body is higher.

"Armor bird, scale shot."

Without excessive prompting, the elf realized the target the trainer wanted to attack, and immediately fired a large number of steel blade feathers at Zoroa on the ground.

"Scale Shot" is a method of launching scales for continuous long-range attacks. While attacking, the speed will be increased due to the reduction of redundant parts... and the defense will naturally be reduced accordingly.

Originally, it was supposed to be a stunt that only elves with scales could master, but thanks to Daigo's efforts, the armored bird with the characteristic "Shattered Armor" also mastered the skill of actively shooting feathers as sharp as blades!

While the defense is reduced and the speed is increased due to the scale shooting, it can also achieve the effect of shattering armor. Each time the feather is fired, a certain amount of defense power can be exchanged for a huge increase in speed.

In the blink of an eye, the armored bird's speed reached its limit, and its sharp blades and feathers shot out like a machine gun, penetrating the double walls layer by layer and reaching directly in front of Zoroa!

But it missed, and Eden wasn't there from the start.

Looking at the brown-blue figure that disappeared into the air after being penetrated, Daigo realized that his guess was wrong. It turned out that the one in mid-air was Zoroa's true body.

So this Zoroa not only allows the stand-in to cast moves, but the stand-in can even use multiple different moves at the same time... Is this completely unreasonable ability really possible?

Daigo was vaguely aware of some incongruous feeling.

Is it an illusion?

However, the range of Soroa's illusion is limited, and it does not cover the entire battle field and the opponent's trainer seats.

Is it possible...

While the trainer was analyzing, the armored bird continued to attack.

However, since all the redundant feathers have been shot, continuing to shoot like this will really reduce its defense ability, so it re-selected the rock avalanche that will also be laid out.

However, before the armored bird's attack could resume, a dark red fire containing endless resentment erupted from its body!

"Jealousy Fire" is a fire-type move that uses jealousy as energy.

Although Eden is not jealous of opponents who are neither furry nor foxes, and cannot exert the maximum power of this move, this move will also have better effects on elves with enhanced abilities.

"Armor Bird, turn back quickly!" Daiwu realized what happened instantly.

The case is solved, this Zoroa has evolved into Zoroark!

Talented illusions can forge energy, manipulate light and shadow, and confuse people's hearts, bringing endless variables to the battle!

The armored bird, deceived by inertia, never thought that its opponent had such a hidden skill. However, when it realized this, it was already too late to respond.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, the armored bird immediately wanted to use a quick turn back to the elf ball, but unfortunately the second jealous fire hit it again.

There is no insurmountable level difference with Eden, and the armored bird has been continuously hit by restraint attributes to directly attack its weak points. Unsurprisingly, it lost its combat ability.

Exactly 30 seconds have passed since the battle started, allowing both sides to take turns again.

After defeating the armored bird, Eden, who was standing on the upper pedal, turned into six streams of light and flew back into the elf ball, and the "electrical field" on the surface also returned to nothing.

A little fox with brown and blue fur appeared in the center of the battlefield.

Ko No Eden Da!

"I didn't expect that little fox was no longer suppressing evolution." Dawu couldn't help but be dumbfounded when he saw this. He didn't expect that Qiaoqiao had been suppressing Eden and not evolving because he was here to kill him at first sight.

"No, I haven't evolved." Eden objected, "It's just that my illusion has become stronger."

Fantasy filled with dream energy can be turned into reality to a certain extent. This is the most cutting-edge science and technology in the Unova region, and it is also a skill that Eden has been specializing in this season.

The real illusion, the ability that was originally exclusive to Zoroark, has been initially mastered through its efforts. It is for this reason that the fake electrical energy emitted by the false electrical manufacturer and the electrical field will be believed by opponents to be true.

It's a shame to say that Eden can't act as a XX maker, can't learn the electric field, and doesn't have any extra memory capacity for this move.

Anyway, as long as you can deceive your opponent...

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