This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 645 Mysterious Attribute Immunity

The wind speed dog wrapped in blazing flames was like a leftover... a cannonball that crashed into the Thorny Dragon King who flew into the air using the tidal whirlpool!

However, it didn't hit.

The latter manipulated the water flow freely and avoided direct hits from the cannonballs.

The object hit by Leftover's full-speed collision turned out to be a stand-in made of concentrated "purging smoke"!

The real Thorny Dragon King had already gone down the river to the small lake at the bottom, and at the same time launched a series of "sniping" attacks at the opponent who looked like a target in the air!

"No! Hold on!"

The trainer hurriedly issued a prompt, hoping that the elf could block the attack.

However, this sentence did not come from Zhou You who missed the fatal blow.

What really needs to dodge the attack is not the leftovers in the air, but the Thorny Dragon King who dodges the attack.

After a playful move failed, Gouzi split into another avatar that was identical to his own, spitting fire behind him and heading directly towards the Thorny Dragon King below.

The role of this stand-in is not to reach the opponent's continuous sniper attacks. Its real role is...

"big Bang."

Do you still remember the self-destruction substitute used by Zhanfan in the second battle with Lila? This is also the only function of its substitute.

The next moment, the roar of fire and explosions resounded throughout the battlefield, burning the tidal whirlpool and the small lake dry on the spot. At the same time, it caused minor heavy damage to the Thorn Dragon King. The flames spread wantonly and turned the battlefield into a sunny sky!

As for Zhanfan, who launched a substitute attack but was affected by the smoke of purge, Zhou You, who had finished his CD rotation, took out his Poké Ball and retrieved it directly in the air.

"Qingming, keep going."

A moment later, the Thorny Dragon King suffered a big explosion from the fire skin and had to fall back to the ground in embarrassment.

But with both dragon and water attributes, it didn't actually suffer much damage.

The biggest impact of the fire-attribute explosion just now was actually depriving it of the water flow that could support its full exertion.

Now that it has lost the water-rich environment, it can no longer display its characteristics of swimming freely, and the opponent's Yeib has stimulated chlorophyll.

Under the sun, Ye Yibu, who looked like a crystal-like ice blue with greenery, was like a proud swordsman, challenging an opponent who was far stronger than himself.

Eden's substitute has lost its effectiveness, and now it must rely on its own strength to defeat its opponent!

Of course, there’s also a little help from teammates.

Faced with such a predicament, Yuanji almost wanted to impress his opponent.

However, with his carefulness and good observation skills that were inconsistent with his appearance, he also noticed that this time Yeib did not receive the strengthening that his teammates had inexplicably achieved.

Thorn Dragon King's ability still has advantages besides speed!

The only question is - what was the reason why Ye Yibu completely ignored the fluctuations of the desert dragonfly just now?

Is it still immune to dragon-type attacks now?

There is no way to judge in the tense battle. In any case, it is impossible for the Thorn Dragon King to use dragon and water attributes to attack the opponent.

From this point of view, it seems that my side is indeed at an overwhelming disadvantage...

This was indeed the case. After a while, Genji found that his Thorn Dragon King was retreating steadily from the attack of the opponent's ice-attribute Taijing power wrapped in the solar blade, and was soon suppressed and severely injured.

However, the Thorny Dragon King, whose attack methods are very limited, failed to exert its due level advantage.

But just when it was about to be hurt by Ye Yibu's quick attack under the clear sky, it would lose both sides to its opponent——

"Come back, Thorny Dragon King."

Genji, who finally managed to survive half a minute, took it back into the Poké Ball, and instead sent out the Tanabata Blue Bird, which was even more unfavorable in terms of attributes.

Looking at the blue bird flying on the opponent's field, Zhou You and Qingming couldn't help but feel a pity.

"It seems this is the end of it."

Without the support of his teammates, Qing Ming was still too weak to fight beyond the level. In the end, he only severely damaged the Thorn Dragon King.

Not feeling any disappointment, Zhou You just gave the final instruction: "Tai Jing breaks out."

Unlike the normal situation where the power of Taijing is consumed to cause extra damage, this time the explosion of Taijing releases all the power of Taijing.

Even in a sunny day that can have a certain negative impact on water, ice, and flying attributes, Qingming still released a blow that was nearly as powerful as "Ice Spin"!

"Dragon Wave."

However, facing the ice storm attacking him across a distance of more than ten meters, Genji once again ordered Tanabata Blue Bird to use dragon-type moves.

The dragon-shaped energy field dispersed the last Taijing explosion and headed straight towards Ye Yibu, who was in an equally poor condition.

But this attack has exactly the same effect as the desert dragonfly - the impact on Yeib is 0.

After all, it has only been played for ten seconds, so it is not easy to forget the "texture" just used.

Facts have proved that this Yeib is indeed immune to the dragon attribute, but this mysterious immunity only works on energy.

After the dragon's wave passed over Yeyibu, it normally shattered the land behind it.

It was still slightly damaged by flying rocks.

It's a pity that this non-directional splash failed to make the opponent lose his fighting ability. Instead, it gave Yeib the opportunity to dig a hole and escape.


Genji just doesn't believe in evil: "Tanabata blue bird, earthquake!"

Upon hearing this, the blue bird immediately showed off its singing voice, exerting the special power given to itself by the dragon attribute, and affecting nature with its beautiful singing voice.

The originally dilapidated duel battlefield was shaking again... This battlefield was completely unavailable.

However, no matter how the Tanabata Blue Bird caused earthquakes, Qingming, who had transformed into a flying attribute, also greatly reduced the damage. She also used the attribute energy transmitted to the ground through the cracks on the surface to continuously maintain her own strength through "Morning Light" state.

Until the last half minute passed, the Qixi Blue Bird Dragon Dance twice and the earthquake three times failed to make the tenacious Qing Ming lose his fighting ability.

Finally, in the referee's countdown, it broke out again.

Then Zhou You took it back without waiting for his opponent's Tanabata Blue Bird to launch an attack.

This is the limit.

"Arthur, I'll leave the rest to you."

After taking back Qing Ming, Zhou You sent out his last elf.

As soon as he landed, Arthur's tail flames, who were deeply aware that his opponent was far stronger than him, were burning like fuel on a fire.

The preparations for the sunny day were completed, the fire was turned on, and the life gem that had been hung between the leftovers' neck was also put on it.

Facing the veteran king who specializes in dragon attributes, it can only compete with its opponents on the same stage by going all out!

"Charizard..." Yuanji's face was as dark as water, and he thought to himself, haven't you even lost the ability to fight even one elf?

Why is it the last one?

"It's not a fire-breathing dragon." Zhou You shook his head, "It's a fire-breathing dragon!"

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