This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 637 Lost Property Communication Function

"Hey, Shiba, I really hope you can bring me more challenges.

"Is this the end?

"The elf and I haven't gotten serious yet!"

A battle of this intensity has not even reached the level of warm-up for internal fighting in Zhenxin Town.

Champions League, nothing more than that!

And just when a certain thornhead from Zhenxin Town had just defeated the fighting king Sheba, another girl from Zhenxin Town also arrived in front of Kona.

The battle between the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto is far from over...

But at least Furong's battle on Hoenn's side ended tragically with a string of fives.

Zhou You admitted that the Wandering Eidolon, Dark Night Demon, Dream Demon, Soul-Ecstasy Eye, and Mega Soul-Ecstasy Eye were all elves capable of both offense and defense, but their shortcomings of low speed and low vitality were infinitely amplified after he used the magic space to complete the enhancement. .

This finally led to Furong's fiasco.

Despite being beaten 2-on-5, this cheerful girl who seemed to come from the tropics was not too depressed.

After seeing the strong connection between her opponent and Charizard to achieve some kind of resonance, she realized that she had not lost unjustly, and became even more enthusiastic about her ghost-type elf.

And just when the second battle was over and Zhou You regained half an hour of rest, a familiar notification tone suddenly sounded on his phone.

Nothing happened while he was relaxing, so he took out his cell phone and started checking it out.

"Haha, it took more than a week for Xiaozhao to notice that my avatar changed to Wangluo?"

It turned out that it was Xiaozhao who sent him a message online.

Small photo of the investigation team: Mr. Wang Luo (blushing), do you also have a little alpaca mobile phone?

You're blushing like a hammer!

No, wait, Zhou You suddenly realized the seriousness of the problem.

Isn’t Xiaozhao washing the green leaves now?

Why did she send herself a message?

What the hell is a little alpaca phone?

"It's me, Zhou You." He changed his avatar to Zhanfan, "I saw some interesting posts and used them as my avatar."

Small photo of the investigation team: Don’t casually use others as your avatar (annoyed).

Ordinary magician: Putting aside that, why did you suddenly disappear from my house? Dr. Yamanashi has been looking for you for half a year. Where are you now?

A small photo of the investigation team: Well, it’s a bit of a long story.

Under Xiaozhao's explanation, Zhou You learned about the other party's experience during this period.

After falling from the sky to the Xicui area a few days ago, she was picked up by Dr. Laben from the Galar area and brought back to a Team Galaxy stronghold.

The next day, I obtained a water otter from the doctor, and participated in Team Leader Xingyue's test of conquering three elves at once. Finally, I brought 20 elves back to the camp to find Dr. Laben. I successfully completed the test and successfully entered Team Galaxy.

Afterwards, she teamed up with Mingyao and started the daily routine of the investigation team.

In this way, in fact, Xiaozhao has just arrived in Xicui not long ago, and she is still only a 1-star investigation team member?

A small photo of the investigation team: I worked very hard and helped the villagers find spinytails, muckels, kitten monsters, small fist stones, and the leader, the swimming ring weasel, but the doctor and the research team were a little too busy.

Ordinary magician: Dr. Oak last year must have felt the same way... So what is the little alpaca you just mentioned?

Xiaozhao was stunned for a moment, wondering whether he should inform the other party of the elf who claimed to be a system and possessed mysterious power.

After making friends with elves, you gain the ability to "throw", "strength", "see through" and so on. Isn't this scary?

But before Xiao Zhao could make up her mind, the mysterious voice in her mind suddenly spoke again:

"Congratulations! You and Qiaoqiao have become friends!"

"The random prize is drawn - the little alpaca mobile phone has unlocked the lost object communication function!"

"How can Qiaoqiao trigger the friend mechanism if he's not an elf?"

A girl who was resting in the team members' dormitory punched the pillow on the spot. Why is this system so stupid!

But soon her attention fell on the so-called "lost object communication".

After checking the instructions on the phone, Xiaozhao roughly understood the effect of this new open function.

Due to the rift in time and space, there are many items lost by people in other time and space on this green land. She can return these lost items to their owners through her mobile phone.

At this time, Xiaozhao will obtain FP, which is friend particle.

These points can be used to exchange for some things she needs, such as elf balls, evolution props, etc.

Not only that, she can also communicate and exchange with other people holding mobile phones by consuming FP.

Almost intuitively, Xiaozhao instantly realized the correct way to utilize communication exchanges between mobile phone users.

Small photo of the investigation team: Qiaoqiao, exchange elves with me after a while!

Ordinary magician: Why do you say this suddenly? I don’t like exchanging elves very much.

Especially the dangerous Xi Cui.

Of course, there would be no problem if the water wave dolphin voluntarily ran away with Xiao Huang.

Small photo of the investigation team: That’s not what I meant, I just wanted to let the elves bring some items from modern society through exchange (please).

Then she told the other party about the function of lost object communication.

A small photo of the investigation team: I need toilet paper, clothes, medicine, seasonings, daily necessities, a map of the Sinnoh region... and a pillow.

Otherwise, if she accidentally breaks the pillow, she may have nothing to sleep on in a short time.

Using the mechanism that the elf ball can also store items, the elf brings the props to Xicui, and then consumes FP to let them go back.

Although it costs double the FP, it has to be said that there are some daily necessities in modern society that she cannot live without...

After roughly understanding what the other party meant, Zhou You was naturally willing to help. A girl who was thrown by an alpaca two hundred years ago would encounter too many difficulties.

Ordinary magician: Let's do this, you save points first, and when you have half of the points, tell me, and I will ask an elf named Brother Diqi to bring you what you need most.

Ordinary magician: Then you don’t have to return Brother Diqi, just bring it back when you come back.

Small photo of the investigation team:...

Why did she feel that the other party seemed to be showing some kind of evil smile when he said this sentence? Your malice almost surged over the words!

Just as Xiao Zhao was about to get to the bottom of it, a mysterious voice sounded in her ears again:

"Ding~ A lifeless avatar cannot communicate and exchange, dear! Suggested solution: Spend 10 times FP to create a restricted copy in the Xicui area to use as a clone."

Xiaozhao was thoughtful when he heard the words, just to create a clone like a double for the Emperor Cavalry here, it would cost 10 times the points. This is too dark!

But if we can prevent Qiaoqiao's elves from coming to the dangerous Xicui area, doesn't this level of additional expenditure seem unacceptable?

In the gem version, Fleur's lineup is even more perfunctory than Hua Yue's, with 2 Wandering Eidolons, 2 Cursed Dolls, and 1 Seductive Eye.

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