This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 631 Battle! Four Heavenly Kings Flower Moon

A week passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, it was the most anticipated day in the Hoenn region.

The winner of the Caiyou Conference challenged the Hoenn Alliance!

Although most people did not think that this Kanto native, who had not even started for two years and had not yet left the category of "newcomer", could defeat the champion.

But people were also very curious about which of the Four Heavenly Kings this young man who won the conference with an absolute advantage could defeat.

After all, the Four Heavenly Kings can only use 5 elves to fight, at least in the first battle with Huayue, the challenger still had a certain advantage.

Compared with 6 vs. 10, 6 vs. 5 is relatively simple.

Therefore, there are precedents of the Heavenly Kings who are ranked at the bottom of the alliance being defeated and eliminated.

In this regard, Yashida, who spent a lot of effort to build momentum for the opponent, participate in various competitions, invite trick coaches, and solve worries, said that even if Zhouyou only showed up in the Champions League, the battle development area would usher in a wave of enthusiasm when it opened next year!

It is still the battle site of the Caiyou Conference, but now, a week later, it will usher in the highest level Pokémon battle of the Hoenn League.

The Four Heavenly Kings and the champion are all present, and most of the friends and acquaintances are watching the next battle through the broadcast.

Facing this grand ceremony that is watched by the entire Hoenn and even other regions, Zhou You, as the person in charge, still steps on time as usual, and arrives late amid the enthusiastic cheers.

Also arriving at the battle site is the evil king Huayue, who ranks last in the Four Heavenly Kings. The opponent with a tuft of red hair on his head looks like a bad boy. He advocates power and has defeated many challengers with a comprehensive offensive tactic.

Such a simple and bright style is not rejected in battles, but has attracted many young fans.

According to Yashida's information, the Pokémons used by Huayue in this battle are: Great Wolf Dog, Cunning Tengu, Dream Song Cactus, Megalodon and Absol.

According to calculations by professionals, Huayue's Pokémon's energy levels are mostly between 45 and 50, but it is not ruled out that his Absol will exceed people's expectations.

※Level data is referenced from the game.

To be honest, the level is unexpectedly low, at least much lower than the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto.

But in this era, being able to pull up a team of Pokémon of this level is already considered a leader among trainers - there are at least seven or eight years before the unprecedented development of battles.

Of course, Zhouyou is not qualified to complain about the opponent, and only Eden's energy level in his team exceeds 45.

Among them.

The characteristics of the cunning Tengu are "chlorophyll" and "riding the wind", and you must never rashly arrange "clear weather" or use wind-type moves to defeat the enemy.

Megalodon also has the characteristics of "rough skin" and "acceleration", so you can't drag the battle into a tug-of-war, otherwise it is very easy to have accidents.

And Absol can super evolve. According to rumors, Huayue got the super stone of Absol not long ago.

Although it is not clear whether the opponent will use super evolution in this battle... but Yashida thought that Huayue would not sit back and watch him lose.

In any case, Zhouyou has already prepared for the battle.

The time for the league battle is approaching, and both sides stand in the trainer's area.

"Hey, challenger." Before the battle began, Huayue habitually greeted, "I have seen your battle, and your style is very similar to mine. Enjoy a battle that can only be staged in the league."

He had a good impression of this challenger. They were the type who tried their best to break the situation like him. I think the next battle will be exciting and fierce.

"Your hairstyle is a bit strange."

Zhouyou originally wanted to say this to provoke his opponent to use all his strength, but considering that he was in front of the national audience, he did not go too far.

So he just nodded: "Don't be too depressed after losing, because you just lost to the champion."

Huayue: "?"

Why are the kids nowadays crazier than him?

Before he could start to complain, the challenge of the Champions League officially began at the signal of the referee.

"Tsk, go ahead, big wolfhound!" "General Que, it's you!"

The agile body landed lightly on the field. As soon as the battle started, Huayue's big wolfhound let out a ferocious roar containing evil energy.

However, this roar used to intimidate did not seize the initiative at the beginning.

The pure pendant hanging on the neck of the giant crow flashed, and the dark energy ripples bounced back to its sender from a long distance.

The latter did not take it hard, but just twisted and dodged the rebounded moves.

It seemed to be a prop that could reflect the change-type moves. Huayue made a judgment in an instant: "Go forward, flame fang!"

Take a look at the steel type.

Although he did not use any moves, the big wolfhound relied on his light and swift feet to surpass the speed of "Lightning Flash" to come in front of the opponent.

Then, in an instant, 5 "shadow clones" were split, and they all pounced on the opponent with their teeth wrapped in hot flames.

"Front, pounce!"

This level of shadow clones is meaningless.

Facing an opponent who launched a fierce attack with the help of his shadow clone, Dai Xiaozi did not retreat but advanced instead, and rushed forward with his strong body that had been honed and polished by thousands of battles!

The blazing flames scratched the steel body, and the strong figure full of fighting spirit also knocked the wolfhound heavily to the ground.

However, although they each endured a move that was fully restrained by the opponent, the elves of both sides had different reactions.

The big wolfhound seemed to have suffered serious injuries, but the steel-armored crow showed no signs of injury and even continued the pursuit without hesitation!

Seeing this, the big wolf dog hurriedly dug a hole to avoid the opponent's agility that was inconsistent with its huge and bulky body.

Even with restraint moves and level suppression, it's obviously not a good idea to go head-to-head with heavily armored warriors like Steel Armored Crow.

Even if you can win, it is destined to be quite ugly.

But even if the big wolf dog chooses to avoid the edge for the time being, it only gives Duozi the opportunity to use "Fitness" and "Tailwind" to strengthen himself.

Traveling around is a bit disappointing.

And just when he was leading his filial son to start building up and strengthening his offense and defense, the battlefield suddenly became hot. The big wolf dog hiding underground took the opportunity to mobilize the fire attribute energy to release "Sunny Day"!

Zhou Yu muses that the only spirit in Hanazuki's team that can benefit from the sunny weather is the cunning Tengu who possesses both chlorophyll and wind riding.

The latter's speed is seriously exceeded, which is a great threat to Dai Xiaozi, who is not very good at speed.

So he immediately asked Dai Xiaozi to give up the subsequent strengthening after the bodybuilding and tailwind: "Use the rock-breaking technique to break the earth and cause an earthquake!"

Now the big wolfdog had to escape.

It's just that it was already difficult to defeat the steel-armored crow, and now it is no match for the strengthened opponent.

At this moment, the trainers from both sides gave the same instructions:

"Turn back quickly!"

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