This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 629: Xicui Area and First Partners

I don’t care where the mysterious voice that resounded in my mind came from, but judging from the way the other person called me, I’m afraid it was probably something with intelligence and thinking ability.

Xiao Zhao immediately guessed that the identity of the mysterious voice was a certain elf.

Then she looked at the cell phone in her hand that had a special change: "Rotom? Are you playing a prank?"

It is rumored that a kind of elf called Rotom occasionally runs into human appliances and plays around.

"It's not Rotom, it's a llama."

Xiaozhao thought thoughtfully, no matter if it was Rotom or not, it didn't sound malicious, just let it play if you like.

So while chasing Dr. Laben, she chatted with the mysterious elf who could communicate with her soul.

According to the other party, the purpose of this "system" is to help her meet all the elves in the Xicui area.

As for the form and result of the encounter, it is not within its requirements.

But every time Xiaozhao becomes friends with a new elf, he can randomly gain a power from the other person.

For example, if you become friends with Pikachu, you may be able to gain the power to create and use electricity.

But it's just's random after all.

Not only that, after meeting a certain number of friends, you can even get special achievement rewards.

"Sounds very powerful." Xiao Zhao didn't realize it, "Is this really what Rotom can do?"

"It's not Rotom, it's alpaca-chan."


This is outrageous.

After walking only a few steps, Xiaozhao caught up with Dr. Laben who looked frustrated.

"Oh, I still can't make any shots."

Dr. Laben looked at the elves having fun in the wild with a headache. He had to put them into the ball and bring them back to the base before dark no matter what.

"Dr. Laben, what happened?" Xiao Zhao quietly approached the other party from behind.

"Oh!!! The person who fell from the sky, you came to help!"

Seeing that the girl, who was more energetic than him, was curious, he told her all about his predicament.

If you want to catch the elves, you must throw the ball at them, and Laben has no talent for throwing.

So far, he has lost several balls, but the most accurate one was still seven or eight feet away from the elf.

Xiaozhao couldn't help but smile bitterly when he heard this. Doesn't it matter if you only have hands when throwing?

"Do you need my help?" So she volunteered.

Dr. Laben suddenly felt like he was being pardoned and handed a few Poké Balls to the other party.

The latter nodded and approached the elves with the elf ball.

The feel of the Poke Ball in her hand was a little different from the type she usually used, and she didn't have any Poke from the institute with her at the moment.

Fortunately, none of the three elves are hostile to humans. The reason why they didn't score is just because they couldn't adapt to the restrained space inside.

So she didn't bother much and just GOed out the Wood Owl, Fireball Rat and Water Otter with one ball.

When he returned to Dr. Laben, the latter was still panting from the running he had just done.

"It's really amazing! Xiao Zhao, your pitching is so accurate. This ability will definitely come into play here."

Moreover, Dr. Laben discovered that this little girl had no fear of elves at all, which was also quite incredible.

In this world, most people are afraid of even approaching elves, let alone catching elves. In the past, people even called them monsters.

People like Xiao Zhao who are not afraid of the elves, who throw the ball with almost perfect accuracy, and who are loved by the elves are almost a rare exception.

Realizing this, Dr. Laben had a flash of inspiration in his mind - this child can help him complete the Elf Illustrated Book!

Faced with the doctor's request, Xiaozhao only hesitated for a moment before readily accepting it.

She is also curious about her whereabouts and current situation, and believes that her sudden appearance here must have some reason and mission.

By helping the doctor collect illustrations, she should also be able to learn about the Xicui area and find a way home.

The two hit it off immediately and immediately decided to collaborate.

So Dr. Laben took the girl who fell from the sky back to the place where he currently lives, the frontline investigation base of the Galaxy team stationed in Xicui-Zhuqing Village.

Zhuqing Village was built on the waterway and has a history of just two years.

The Galaxy Team is an organization formed voluntarily by people who came from other areas and embarked on a journey back home. The purpose is to investigate the green land and find a suitable place for human habitation in the wilderness full of elves.

Since this village belongs to Team Galaxy, if Xiao Zhao, an outsider, wants to settle here, he needs to obtain the other party's consent.

Fortunately, Dr. Laben, as a scholar from the Galar region, has a certain status here. With him as a guarantee, even the little photo who fell from the sky and claimed to have amnesia and wore strange clothes could pass smoothly.

But before that, Xingyue, the leader of the investigation team, gave her a difficult trial - to go to Dazhi Slope in the Black Glory Wilderness to capture Big-Toothed Raccoon, Mukeer and Little Kitty Monster.

Mingyao, who is also part of the investigation team, will follow her to supervise and observe whether anyone can really capture as many as three elves at once.

And just when Mingyao was about to leave Team Galaxy headquarters with Xiaozhao...

"Hi! Hello everyone, let me say good morning!"

Dr. Lafen stopped Xiaozhao and Mingyao outside: "In order to complete the illustrated book and survive here, I must let Xiaozhao pass the test of Team Leader Xingyue."

For this reason, as a Pokémon doctor, the help he can provide is naturally the elves!

While talking, Laben turned on the switch of the elf ball and released the three rare elves he had brought from all the way.

"Come on, Xiaozhao! Choose an elf you like to be your partner!"

With the help of Dr. Laben, Xiaozhao looked at the three elves in surprise.

The Fireball Mouse looks very cute when he is half asleep, and the Wooden Owl is also cute.

"Thank you, doctor! I choose the water otter!"

Picking up the water otter who was so surprised that he rubbed his cheeks, Xiao Zhao was about to introduce himself to it when he heard the mysterious voice in his mind again.

"(Sound effects of celebration) Teru got a water otter!"

"Achievement Achieved: First Partner!"

"Get the reward: Wenyou fruit - click on the phone screen to claim it."

"Congratulations! You became friends with a water otter!"

"In the random draw of rewards - you got the move: Throw!"

Resisting the urge to complain and ignoring the prank of the mysterious voice, Xiaozhao smiled at the water otter with a black face: "Water otter, please give me more advice in the future!"

"rice wine!"

In this way, even if you encounter elves hostile to humans in the wild, you can fight to protect yourself and avoid being exposed in the wilderness due to being attacked by elves.

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