According to Xiaozhao's investigation, none of the circle bears on Azure Island have evolved.

Xiongda is the only one among them, which means that in addition to the full moon, special peat blocks are also indispensable.

Therefore, Zhou Yu handed over a large number of peat blocks from the green land to Dr. Yamanashi as a maze product, hoping to use technology to reproduce the special ingredients in the peat blocks two hundred years ago.

However, just as the research on the Circle Bear and Moon Bear was in full swing, the ominous red light emanating from the distant direction of Enzhu City became more and more conspicuous. Even the three people in the azure highlands could feel the red light emanating from it. The meaning of destruction.

The decisive battle is at hand.

Late that night, Kotora, who couldn't stand Dr. Yamanashi, put on her pajamas and planned to go back to her room to play with her newly released smartphone before going to bed.

However, because she was not familiar with the other courtyard, she could not successfully return to the room prepared by Zhou You for his guests. Instead, she came to the other party's collection room inexplicably.

"Strange, what exactly is this feeling..."

Somehow, there seemed to be something special attracting and calling her.

So Xiaozhao skipped the ancient white stones, alien meteorites, scrolls describing mysteries, mysterious golden tentacles, fossils of unknown creatures and other priceless treasures, and went all the way to the deepest part of the collection room.

There was an ordinary piece of white stone slab, which was stored separately from all other exhibits for unknown reasons. It had a pattern of a cross star embedded in a prism.

For no reason, Xiao Zhao felt an incredible sense of kindness.

Then she subconsciously reached out to touch the unprotected stone slab and picked it up easily.

Realizing that the pattern on the back was different from that on the front, he turned it over and took a closer look.

The back of the stone slab is not a pattern, but an inscription written in ancient Sinnoh language:

"It watches Pokémon... and people in all universes?"

The moment Xiao Zhao read out the inscription, the ordinary and extremely friendly stone slab suddenly burst into golden light, and an indescribable power suddenly enveloped the entire azure highland!

On the other hand, both Zhou Yu and Dr. Yamanashi who were researching noticed the incredible power and looked at its source at the same time.

And when Zhou You and Dr. Yamanashi, who realized the seriousness of the problem, hurried to the collection room, the mysterious power that suddenly appeared disappeared inexplicably.

What disappeared at the same time was Xiaozhao, who had just said goodbye to the two of them and went back to rest...

"Xiao Zhao!" Dr. Yamanashi shouted anxiously. He was horrified to find that the sensible and knowledgeable girl had disappeared!

Beside the doctor, Zhou You, who had witnessed everything at that time, told the truth to Zhou You, looked towards the end of the collection room.

What disappeared was not only Xiao Zhao and that incredible power, but also the legendary tablet he placed in the room as a memorial...

At the same time, in the incredible maze, on the 19th floor of the Tower of Time.

"Everyone, are you ready? Not far ahead is the entrance to the top of the tower."

After experiencing endless getting lost and a long adventure, when there was only one passage left from the entrance to the next floor, Pikachu, wearing a hat, looked back at the elves nervously.

The partner who picked him up from the beach gradually became stronger during this trip, blossomed into a new attitude in the recent battle, and evolved into an unprecedented pink ribbon Eevee.

Kojiro, who has always protected everyone in front of him, regained himself and evolved into a majestic wind speed dog.

Musashi, who rushed forward when encountering trouble, recalled his love for elves and evolved into a reliable happy egg.

Meow meow... is still the same meow meow, but seems to have acquired the will of iron and the toughness of steel?

In the adventure of the incredible maze, everyone has grown a lot, and even Xiaozhi himself is a little less reckless.

Now, Dialga, the dragon among dragons, the legend among legends, and truly qualified to be called a "god", is in front of them.

In order to save this planet where time and space are about to collapse, they must challenge the legendary God of Time in the form of ordinary elves such as Pikachu, Fairy Eevee, Happy Egg, Wind Dog, and Meowth!

"You've come this far, what are you talking about? Meow." Meow said the most cowardly thing in a matter-of-fact tone, "The worst that can happen is that we will both be beaten away."

"It's okay, kid. I've collected a lot of poisons along the way. When the battle starts and I'm done with the poisons, I'll shrink down, hide, and cast a healing wave on you!" Musashi still didn't know Dialga's true attributes at this time.

Feeling helpless at Musashi's approach, Kojiro couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Well, I won't fight in close combat. Maybe I can try to weaken it with will-o'-the-wisps and roars?"

Fairy Eevee, on the other hand, had no words and just stared at Pikachu silently. With the tacit understanding cultivated by both parties along the way, they no longer needed any words to know each other's thoughts.

Seeing that the other elves had made up their minds, Pikachu, who was wearing a hat, nodded solemnly.

No problem, the five of them can defeat even the legendary Dialga!

The final mobilization ended here, and Pikachu and Fairy Eevee of the Pokémon Companion Expedition walked towards the final room with the three temporary members.


What awaited them was not any battle or trap, but ten strange elves that had not been affected by the distortion of time and space and turned violent.

Seeing that Pikachu wearing a hat finally arrived, one of the little gray men who looked like a gingerbread man complained impatiently:

"Too slow, Xiaozhi! We've been waiting for you for a whole day since we met!" Xiaozhi was very surprised to see a strange Pokémon who revealed his real name as soon as they met. This familiar tone... "Ajin?" He tentatively gave the other party's name. "It's me, but now please call me Sojinling!" "Childish." Xiaoyin, who had evolved into a big nymph, complained. "I'm just childish!" Xiaozhi was stunned. When he encountered the Hidden Dragon stall before, he was curious when he heard them say that other Pokémon passed by. It turned out that they were all acquaintances! Even if he ran to another world, Ajin and the others could chase him. This is the inseparable bond between us! "Woof?" Leftovers looked at the opposite-sex wind speed dog not far away in confusion. Why did the other party look a little strange? How did it remember that Kojiro was a man? "Normal, Kojiro is not the first time he has dressed up as a woman, meow." "Is this another little brat's wind speed dog? No! Don't come over!" Hearing Kojiro say "Come over", Leftovers happily came over. "I guess it only heard the last two words." Eden sighed helplessly.

Hearing this, his partner Fairy Eevee subconsciously glanced at the elves that were similar to Eevee not far away, which aroused Qingming's strong vigilance...

"Okay, okay, everyone stop making trouble."

In the end, it was Xiaogang, a reliable adult male, who stood up: "Since our three groups of people who entered the Time Limit Tower and the elves have all reunited, let's discuss tactics and strive to successfully defeat Dialga and go back alive together."

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