In the snowstorm, a one-meter-tall juvenile Laplace was shivering on the ice, nervously staring at the two humans in front of it who were not much taller than it.

When Zhou You and Alice discovered the Lapras cub, they quickly noticed that it was currently in a state of agitation, excitement, and aggression.

"Didi ~ Lapras is a ride-on Pokémon. It has an intelligent mind, a kind heart, a peaceful nature, and does not like fighting. Therefore, it was captured in large numbers and was on the verge of extinction. After protection, the number is now increasing. Please ask when you encounter it in the wild. Report it to the local Junsha police immediately. Arresting indiscriminately without permission is illegal.




After a section of Chuanyanagi recited by Dr. Ohki himself, the illustrated book stopped introducing Laplace.

"Is this the legendary Laplace? Jojo, do you think it looks a bit like a dragon?"

Seeing the beautiful and elegant Laplace, Alice was in a state of excitement: "Let's soothe his emotions quickly!"

"Trivia, Laplace is an elf with water + ice attributes." Zhou You reminded.

"Eh?" Alice fell into a daze.

What mistake did Laplace make? How could such a cute elf be reduced to possessing ice attributes? ?

The ice attribute is restrained by four common and powerful attributes: bucket, fire, rock, and steel. It is only resistant to the ice attribute, so the ice attribute is the original sin.jpg

Ignoring the shocked Alice, he slowly walked forward, planning to try feeding Laplace first.

But Laplace screamed and spat out a strong blizzard, quickly glided on the ice and quickly moved away from the two of them.

Traveling around thoughtfully.

Seeing that the task on the sixth floor was about to end in only 8 minutes, he chose to ask for help from guests outside the venue on the spot.

"Ibrahimovic, go ask what's going on with that Lapras?"

"Don't rely on..."

A minute later, Zhou You learned the truth about the high energy of this Laplace cub.

Some time ago, Laplace's tribe encountered a poaching team led by pirates called "Ghosts" at sea, and lost their tribe in the human attack.

As a result, Lapras suffered psychological trauma, suffered from depression, and was very afraid and repelled by humans.

As for the pirate "ghost"... Zhou You had heard of this name because he took a boat ride last month.

Ghost Dulubu, a ferocious pirate who traveled across several oceans, caused countless tragedies and plundered treasures. There was a time when it even became a nightmare in the minds of almost all sailors.

However, he has rarely recorded plunder in recent years. Why would a legendary pirate with a wealth of gold and silver suddenly become interested in an elf like Laplace?

It’s true that Lapras was once on the verge of extinction and the price on the black market was high, but it shouldn’t be so valuable yet...

For some reason, Zhou You felt an inexplicable familiar feeling when he heard the name Ghost, as if he had heard it somewhere else a long time ago.

But compared to the evil-doing pirates, the priority now is to appease Laplace.

"He was attacked by humans? What a poor child." After listening to Zhou You's narration, Alice's eyes towards Laplace changed from resistance to sympathy, "Leave the rest to me. In Dragon's Village, she is called "the girl who understands the dragon's heart"! "

"But Laplace isn't a dragon?"

"The dragon's heart is connected with the hearts of other elves. Anyway, it's up to me!" Alice defended.

"When approaching timid elves, you must first lower your body. The human body is very tall for them and brings a high sense of oppression.

“You must approach them slowly and do not look directly into their eyes, as this will cause stress and tension to them.

"Little Fairy Milk, please come to my hand first and help me distract Laplace with its fragrance.

"Ibrahimovic, use Sing on Lapras.

"Good boy, good boy, don't be afraid, not all humans are malicious."

Perhaps because she had lived with wild elves for several years, even though she was still just an immature girl at the moment, Alice still showed her extraordinary skills in communicating with elves when she approached the Laplace cub.

Having said that, this girl with the power of a dragon doesn't seem to be afraid of the little fairy milk with fairy attributes... Sure enough, it still depends on the face in the end?

After just 3 minutes, Laplace, who was originally very resistant to humans, became quite close to Alice.

Zhou You has reason to believe that this is a sure thing.

There are still 4 minutes left before the time limit for this level ends, and there is nothing going on. While Zhou You strokes Laplace, he talks to Alice about the enemies he may encounter next.

"Alice, do you know about elves and skills with superpower attributes?"

"I haven't seen it often. I remember that superpower elves are similar to dragon elves. They are both very rare attributes." Alice thought about the previous encounters and added, "But every time I encounter them, they will be super powerful." Enemies with abilities and skills are very difficult to deal with. The Qilinqi encountered on the first floor who knows the immobilization method is the one who can be used if Yaya's Dragon's Fury is unable to move. "

Although using Dragon's Wrath only replaced Qilinqi's head and then was double killed by Slowpoke Blizzard.

In the game, it is a nearly useless skill that can only cause a fixed 40 points of damage. However, it is extremely useful here and is specially used to break some mental and control skills.

"Then in order to prevent you from being blinded when you meet Xiaofeng and Xiaonan again, let me explain to you the characteristics of the super power system and how to deal with them."

In order to avenge the first encounter more than ten years ago, Zhou You, a 10-year-old rookie trainer with 20 years of fighting experience, started doing homework for Alice in advance.

The superpower system is mysterious and changeable. It is a supernatural power that can be freely manipulated by elves who specialize in mental power. Even among the elves who can summon wind, rain, thunder and lightning, they have attributes that are close to those of a magician.

Using superpower tricks requires strong mental power. Depending on the needs, one can launch one's own thought waves at the target.

Superpower attacks do not travel at the speed of light. They can only have an effect on the real world after the thought waves reach the object.

Therefore, whether it is by increasing the speed so that the thought wave cannot hit, or by disrupting the thought wave to directly cancel the opponent's attack, you can avoid being directly affected by the thought wave.

At this time, the superpower can only respond in three ways:

1. Consume a lot of mental energy to capture the opponent's figure with a large spread of thought waves.

2. Consume a large amount of mental power to directly transmit thought waves to the target.

3. Apply mental power to oneself or fixed objects to indirectly strengthen oneself or manipulate objects to attack/control the target.

It's true that it's powerful, but it's actually quite troublesome to use it to its fullest extent.

Therefore, in order to target people with superpowers, it is necessary to consume the opponent's mental energy, destroy the opponent's weak body as quickly as possible, and disrupt the rhythm to make it difficult for the opponent to concentrate.

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