This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 6 The samurai boy of Viridian Forest

Summer thunderstorms come and go quickly. In the afternoon, this sudden shower has already passed and the sky has cleared.

Probably out of a primitive sense of danger, Zhou You vaguely realized that his life might be in danger if he stayed in the elf center any longer, so he decisively left Joban City and set out for the forest in the distant mountains with a comfortable mood.

Almost immediately, a boy with rainbow feathers rushed into the town with a seriously injured Pikachu...

Let us observe 3 lines of silence for the Pokémon Center in Viridian City.



That's almost enough.

Joban Forest is located between Joban City and Nibi City (Dark Gray City). A variety of trees are densely packed to form a natural maze. In addition, the leafy trees are difficult to transmit light, and the entire forest seems a bit dark, causing many problems. Everyone has gotten lost in it.

What you can encounter here are basically insect, plant, and flying elves, and of course, Pikachu.

Originally, he expected that the forest would be very muddy after the rain. However, when Zhou Yu actually entered the interior of Joban Forest, he found that almost all the rain had been absorbed by the soil, and only the moisture in the air still retained evidence of the heavy rain. .

As if the rain was just a prop used to enhance the atmosphere?

In any case, Zhou You released Eden and continued to walk in the woods like a game.

In this world, he is just a 10-year-old child, and he still has a lot of time to enjoy his second childhood!

In fact, if given the chance, Zhou You still has three things he wants to accomplish.

First, he wants to help Dr. Oak realize his dream and complete the Elf Illustrated Book.

Second, he wants to help Eden realize his dream and become the ultimate elf to get rid of his tragic past.

Third, he must fulfill his promise to Fa Xiao and find and take care of the lost black cat Eden.

As for Ash's depends.

After all these are completed, Zhou You may also try to find Palkia and see if this god of space can send him back to earth?

It would be even better if a passage between the earth and this world could be created for people from the two worlds to communicate with each other!

But honestly speaking, there is not a single person left on earth that I can travel around and care about...

Wouldn't it be better to accompany Eden to become the person who reaches the top? Is it fun to travel around the world to appreciate the natural beauty and unique scenery?

While thinking about these troublesome things, he inadvertently walked into the depths of the forest.

Viridian Forest is not big, and in the anime, Xiaozhi walked out within a few days. However, since the tour started in the afternoon, it was already approaching evening when he was almost deep into the forest.

Considering that the forest at night is more dangerous, the visibility is not high, and there are many nocturnal predatory elves and insects, so Zhouyou took Eden to find a good place to sleep in the open air early.

"Qiao Qiao, there is someone in the shadow behind the tree in front!"

I don’t know how long it took, but the hallucination created by Eden came to Zhou You’s mind, and the next second, a figure charged at him with a knife!

It turned out to be a young man wearing samurai armor and carrying an insect net?

"It just started raining." After saying that, Zhou You easily sideways to avoid the charge, "Slip carefully."

Then, as if to confirm his hint, the insect-catching boy fell out due to brake failure and failure to maintain balance.

Eden: "-_-"

Half a minute later, the insect-catching boy covered in mud came back and said to himself in a slightly sour nasal voice: "You don't need to care about me!

"Ahem! I am a samurai who practices in this forest. I heard that four trainers from Zhenxin Town will pass by Viridian Forest recently. Are you one of them?"

"Yes, I am indeed the new trainer of Masala Tun." Zhou You nodded.

But the opposite side is really still an insect-catching boy, right? Wearing a samurai cosplay suit at this time of year, I wonder if the child opposite me will feel hot.

The tenacious insect-catching boy reiterated: "My name is Samurai! In short, if the trainer's eyes meet, we will fight. Let's fight with me!"

"Heh, okay, but don't cry after you lose."

As expected, the first battle after leaving Zhenxin Town should be against the insect-catching boy.

Zhou You, who agreed to fight, nodded secretly, then distanced himself from the opponent, and pointed the elf ball at Eden beside him.

"Come back, Eden." "Set the mountain on fire and sit in jail!"

With a dark expression on his face, he took back Eden's elf ball and looked at the insect-catching boy opposite again.

"Samurai, do you want to participate in the Youth Trainer Competition held by the Quartz Alliance?"

"Yes, but I lost to the gym in Nibi City, so I have to practice in this forest."

"Well, in that case, let's use the official rules of this competition."

The battle between elves is a primitive behavior of hunting and competing for territory, and the battle between elves that is popular in human society in this world is a competitive sport restricted by rules.

In most cases, there are three general rules for official elf battles.

First, it is forbidden to cause irreversible damage to the elves. Youth and teenagers are not allowed to attack the trainer during the battle.

Second, there are no restrictions on alternation and hand-changing, but 30 seconds must pass after the exchange before the exchange can be repeated.

Third, no matter how many unique skills an elf has mastered, he can only use up to 4 in the same battle, and they need to be registered before the game.

※The rules will be updated with the version. In the future, after the limit of 4 skills is lifted, various trainers may be able to work hard. In response, practice and match 6 Painted Dogs, 6 Variety Monsters, 6 Hairy Trolls, etc. Even if the elves are crushed by the champion level, under the competitive rules, it will not be much harder to defeat the garbage lineup of the league champion than defeating the bug-catching boy on the roadside.

The author’s favorite is the unlimited number of skills mode.jpg

The first point is the rules established for humanitarian reasons, and the second point is the restrictions established to avoid negative competition.

As for the third point, it is to limit the choice of single-elf tactics and to promote the diversity of elves, moves, and teams.

There was no need to go around and explain. The insect-catching boy who was aiming at the competition and was familiar with the rules had already agreed: "No problem, then let's fight 2 vs. 2 just like the gym battle."

"OK, I have no objection."

The battle officially began, and the insect-catching young warrior and Zhou You threw the elf balls in their hands at the same time.

"Go, Kairos!" "Go, green caterpillar!"

Seeing that his opponent had sent a relatively rare Pokémon, Zhou You first opened the illustrated book to record its data: "Kairos, a stag-shaped insect Pokémon, has the power to clamp an opponent twice its own weight with its horns and easily lift it. The body becomes sluggish in cold places.”

"Hey, which one of us is the insect-catching boy?" The samurai pointed at the green caterpillar sent by the other party and complained, "The green caterpillar is an elf that evolves quickly. Did you just catch it and let it come out to fight?"

However, after complaining, the samurai discovered something unusual about the green caterpillars sent by Yuyou.

This green caterpillar... actually has a fluffy tan tail! ?

"(Frightened) Genetic mutation!? What's going on with the tail of this green caterpillar!?"

Zoroa, the evil fox Pokémon, has learned the ability to transform into other things, but still reveals its tail.

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