The cold icy rain slapped randomly on the faces of Yi Lizi and Dragon. Even the 10-year-old rookie trainer Zhou You, who had more than 20 years of fighting experience, couldn't help but be stunned by this sudden change.

Fang was temporarily unable to move due to the recoil of the ultimate impact, and Arthur also dozed off due to Slowpoke's yawn.

As for Science Man A's Slugmon, because of the tactics they had agreed on earlier, they immediately gathered eerie cold energy after releasing the rain-seeking yawn.

Considering the current rainy and snowy weather, there is no doubt that this is the precursor to a blizzard trick!

"Dragon's Wrath." Zhou You gave the rare instruction.


Upon hearing this, Arthur decisively activated the dragon blood in his body that was so thin that it was almost non-existent. The primitive anger instantly dispelled all its sleepiness. The primitive energy in the atmosphere was once again transformed into the power of the dragon, spraying out towards the Slow-shell Beast. out.

Even if you lose, you must first try to see if Dragon's Fury can resist Yawn!

The next moment, the blizzard of the Slowshell Beast, which bypassed the slow nerves by inputting commands in advance, took shape. The overwhelming ice and snow suddenly dispersed the dragon's anger, swallowing up Charmander and Fang at the same time.

3 seconds later.

Sluggish Beast easily double kills!

"Well done, Slowpoke!" Science Guy A was overjoyed, "We'll continue blowing the blizzard after they send out new elves!"

Zhouyou/Alice: "..."

It’s no fun relying on level suppression, right?

Trumpet Ya/Qilinqi: The two of us alive affect your output! ?

"Damn it, that's why I hate the cold the most!" Alice reluctantly took back Yaya, "Yaya, you have worked very hard, let me replace you next, red-faced dragon!"

The frosty terrain of the Trainer's Tower in Winter's Embrace will amplify the ice and water elves to the limit. The dragon, fire, and grass elves fighting here are really pure hell mode.

But this is also the reason why Zhou You and Alice still come despite knowing this - to train their spirits in the face of adversity and overwhelming odds!

"Arthur, take the time to rest."

After Zhou You took Arthur back, he immediately put it in his pocket and used his own flames to heal his injuries, replenish his physical strength, and charge the Fire Stone.

Using this technique in a regular battle is suspected of cheating, but this kind of competition is not formal, and even injury medicine can be used outside of the battle. Wouldn't the trainer's ability be used in vain?

What's more, the purpose of his coming here is to train Arthur. Letting him near death a few more times and then milking him back will also help to increase his strength.

Otherwise, it would be too comfortable to live in a simulated battle with Eden all the time and heal itself after the war.

Born in sorrow and died in happiness!

Having said that, Zhou You has no intention of sending leftovers to the dog head in this battle. He still has to win until the end to get the championship reward.

"Go and win the battle, Ibrahimovic."

"Buyi~Bi!" Ibrahimovic (played by Eden) shouted in a cute voice with high spirits.

"It turns out to be the rare heterochromatic Eevee (the phenomenon of heterochromia here is not just one color)!" Science Man A complained happily, "But you use this vase elf to compete in the competition just for a round of fun. Right?"

As if quoting the trainer's words, seeing that both the opponent's elves have appeared, Slowmon once again accumulated energy and prepared to unleash the blizzard.

Upon seeing this, Alice confidently commanded: "Red-faced dragon, roar loudly!"

"Is it another dragon? Slow-shell beast, use avalanche!" Science Guy A continued to predict.

"Tsk—!" The red-faced dragon roared loudly upon hearing this.

The ice and snow maze terrain that originally provided the enemy with an advantage has now become a sound amplifier that continuously reflects the sonic offensive!

The Slowshell Beast that condensed the energy of ice and snow swayed, and its concentration was not interrupted by the roar mixed with malice repeatedly coming from all directions, but it was difficult to continue to concentrate.

The Blizzard, which was supposed to be a double kill again, became less powerful because of this!

Unfortunately... Alice, Zhou You, Science Guy A, Monk A, etc. also suffered sonic attacks amplified by the ice and snow maze.

"Stop hanging up and watching the fun, Ibrahimovic, hurry up and make thunder!" Zhou You instructed, covering his ears.

"No Yi!"

Despite his words of disapproval, Eden, who transformed into a heterochromatic Eevee, still fired a half-meter-thick golden thunderbolt, which passed through the heavy rain and hit the Slug Beast with both hands on the ground, preparing to set off an avalanche.


In just a short moment, the twice-weak Slowback Beast was electrocuted into a coke shape and fell heavily to the ground unconscious.

"Can Ibrahimovic also learn thunder-type tricks before evolving into a thunder elf?" Alice asked in confusion.

"No, no, this is impossible!!!" Science Guy A looked like a madman on the spot, "Ibrahimovic didn't have any organ to store electricity before he evolved. Not to mention thunder, he couldn't emit even a small electromagnetic wave! "

It seemed that compared to the fact that his Slowpoke was defeated, the electric moves unleashed by Eevee in front of him had a greater impact on Science Man A.

In fact, it’s not that it’s incomprehensible.

"My only Eevee is a heterochromatic Eevee," Zhou You said confidently, "Learning to play thunder in advance is as natural as unconsciously putting your phone in your pocket before going out!"

"Bu~" Eden retorted.

Qiaoqiao, if I remember correctly, you don’t have a mobile phone at all now, do you?

Seeing that the trainer in front of him agreed with what the other trainer said, Science Man A nodded: "So, when the pigment cells mutated, did this Eevee's genes also change towards Leib? "

"However, mutation is one thing, fighting is another."

After regaining his sanity, Science Guy A took back the Slowshell Beast and sent out his second elf: "Come on! Fritos!"

A mysterious elf whose entire body was covered by a solid shell appeared outside the ice rain.

"Hehehe..." Eden looked back and cast a questioning look at Zhou You.

The latter shook his head wordlessly: "Don't be impulsive, this time use big characters to explode."

Seeing this, Eden had no choice but to resist the urge to let his opponent's Fritos explode, and spit out a large flame with the power to burn the sky and boil the sea.

Despite being weakened by the Ice Rain, the 4x weaker Fire Toss still died suddenly at the speed of light.

"Jojo, your Eevee is so powerful!" Alice's eyes widened.

"This is not allowed..."

Science Guy A was just about to say that even if he mutated into the Thunder Elf, Ibrahimovic would not be able to master the Big-Character Explosive Flame, when an inspiration suddenly arose in his mind.

"I understand! This is Ibrahimovic's "imitation" trick. You once used it to fight against elves who have learned other attributes' ultimate moves!

"But even if there are "imitation" tricks, the memory of ordinary elves like Ibrahimovic cannot memorize too many and too many other tricks that he cannot learn under normal circumstances, and once Ibrahimovic stores too many other attributes, Energy genes will produce unstable phenomena.

"So, the real mutation of your Eevee is not the energy storage organs in the body, but its brain!

"This Ibrahimovic is definitely a genius among Ibrahimovics!"

"Hey——!" Eden, who transformed into Ibrahimovic, couldn't help but applaud these remarks!

This human being is somewhat knowledgeable.

Although it is Zoroa and not Ibrahimovic.

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