This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 54 Rushing to the Trainer’s Tower

The idea of ​​injecting fire energy into the consumable fire stone is not something that no one has ever imagined, but most of them have failed.

Those who were the only ones to succeed finally developed the technology to artificially synthesize evolutionary stones, which also brought the originally sky-high price and non-renewable evolutionary stones down to a level that ordinary people can accept.

However, the path Zhou You took was different from theirs. His flames were different from the fire energy of normal elves. They did no harm at all and were not an application of energy. In essence, they were special abilities close to the metaphysical side.

Once the fire of the Phoenix was replenished, the energy in the Fire Stone, which had been absorbed by Arthur and nearly exhausted, burned violently in the blink of an eye. The evolution stone, which had originally changed from pale blue to orange, actually transformed again, further changing into golden red. !

As Zhou You's own vitality continued to pour in, the entire evolutionary stone gradually became more dazzling, and even radiated huge fire energy outwards.

Shanfang immediately felt that his genes were unstable, and he almost evolved on the spot due to the radiant light!

Zhou You was so frightened that he quickly took out the illustrated book and pressed B to cancel the evolution, and then hung the Immutable Stone that he had bought from Tevez at a 20% discount on the leftover food.

Eden, who was patrolling and watching, was almost dumbfounded. Is this okay?

Looking at the shining golden-red fire stone of unknown grade, "Power Bank-Zhou You"'s expression became complicated.

He had never seen any similar fire stone on the market before.

The good news is it worked.

But the bad news is that success has been overdone.

There's no way this thing can be sold!

"(desire) woof..."

"Okay, okay, don't worry, leftover. Just bear with it for another six months to a year. Then I will get you a fire stone like this one."

After appeasing the leftover food that looked at the Fire Stone (?) with salivation, Zhou You hung it on Arthur's neck again.

Then he warned: "Tell me when the energy inside is almost gone, and I will help you recharge."

"Wow!" Arthur nodded solemnly.

After hanging up the Fire Stone, Arthur gave some feedback to Zhou You.

This fire stone was charged by him with flames, and the nature of the energy inside was almost completely changed by the Phoenix Flame, which can have a similar effect.

It can only be said that it is indeed a power bank.

After receiving feedback from users, Zhou You decisively picked up a few stones from the ground and planned to try whether he could control the energy output to mass-produce fire stones.

And the moment he poured his flame into the stone!

The stone exploded in shame because it could not withstand the energy.

If he hadn't reacted in time and closed his eyes, he might have had to rely on Braille to read words in the future.

This actually taught Zhou You a lesson. Any future experiments with something that is too dangerous like this must be done with protective measures in place...

After finishing his exploration of the Fire Stone, Zhou You once again started special training for elves on his own to prepare for winning the Quartz Conference at the end of this year.

During his training, when he went down the mountain to purchase supplies, he also passed the data on Entei and Marshado to Dr. Ohki. He was so excited that he almost booked a pair of plane tickets, and flew with Hanako from Lampurqi to Juyuan Island for vacation. The dog Pokémon has a physical examination!

However, after learning that Zhou You had not subdued the two, the old man calmed down a lot and said that he would return to Zhenxin Town to study it carefully after tasting the seaside beauties and makeup Pokémon beauty contest in Lampulchi City.

The main reason is that Dr. Omu heard that his grandson Qinglu would also come to compete at that time, so he came to block him for the stage assessment.

It is worth mentioning that in just one month, Qinglu has already obtained 5 badges, and has great plans to collect all the badges of the 16 gyms in Kanto.

He had already anticipated how Qinglu would be able to travel around, so after hanging up on Dr. Ohmu's communication, he plunged into the Denghuan Mountains and continued to train hard.

There is a saying that even though the beauty on the temples has changed its mind, it still remains the same. If you try the golden wine and listen to the old music again, it will still sound like you were drunk. Ten years have passed by in a hurry (cross out the entire paragraph)...

One month later.

Zhou You, who had repeatedly run out of ammunition and food, once again went down the mountain to the elf center on Juyuan Island to resupply, but after that he had no intention of returning to Denghuan Mountain to continue special training.

Appropriate hard practice can transform experience into strength, but practicing behind closed doors is not the right path.

Arthur and Leftover have almost finished training to the point where they can leave the mountain. It's time to find a trainer other than Eden for an actual battle.

Thanks to his special ability to restore the injured stamina of the elves, after a month of practice close to 996, the traveling team has made great progress:

Arthur: Level 19→Level 20

Leftovers: Level 30→Level 32

Eden: Level 1→Level 1

Fairy Milk: Boruto → Junk Food

Pokémon Egg: No sign of hatching yet

It’s outrageous that Leftover has improved more than Arthur!

Fortunately, even though his energy level did not increase much, Arthur still mastered new skills during this arduous exercise, and his proficiency in old skills also improved, so this month was not wasted.

The little fairy milk was just over a month old, and Zhou You had no intention of letting it fight. It just wanted to be a mascot, so it is still at level 1 until now.

While the other elves in the team were training, she was also constantly improving her own taste and innovating, and finally recently adjusted her taste from non-burnable garbage to junk food grade.

Even the calories are of proper junk food grade...

After a month of hard training, Zhanfan’s weight has not dropped by 1 kilogram, and he has gained 3 kilograms of weight from being fed with fairy milk!

He was already worried about whether Zhanfan would be able to learn divine speed when he evolved into a wind speed dog.

As for Eden... it's the same as before. After being trained by traveling around for 5 years, its growth rate has been so low that it has almost exhausted its potential by not evolving.

If he insists on not evolving so that he can gain new growth space and potential, it will basically be difficult for Eden to improve. He can only expand his skill pool horizontally by copying the tactics of other elves, or improve his own transmogrification proficiency. Eliminate the flaw that the tail is still left after the transformation as soon as possible.

So while the other two were approaching 996 for training, Eden was basically hunting for treasures in the Damp Volcano.

It's a pity that what it picked up were basically common items such as burnt fruits and peach fruits, which together were not worth much... If it had been so powerful, it wouldn't have been captured from the Isle of Armor to Kanto.

After this long exercise, the first thing he did when traveling around was to buy a ticket to the seventh island and sign up to participate in the doubles match that Jindai had mentioned to him before.

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