This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 46 The Island of Friendship

Until the departure of the Santeanu, Ye Zi didn't board the cruise ship. He probably took the wrong route and went to the Rockets pirated Santeanu next door... It was outrageous that he didn't get on the cruise ship after giving away his ticket.

But with Ye Zi's strength, there's nothing to worry about.

The meteorological observatory predicted that storms would gather on the original route to Honglian Island. The Sante Annu did not set off as planned, but set off directly to the island group on the southeast side of Kankan - the Seven Islands.

Enjoying high-quality room service and free food and accommodation, Zhou You arrived at the first island of the Seven Islands group.

One Island - the island where fate gathers.

"Thank you for using us. This is a gift. You are welcome to patronize the Sant'Annu next time."

The Sante Annu will cruise around the world, and there is no longer an opportunity to board the ship for round-trip cruises that disembark at the Island of Friendship.

Although he was not very interested in this kind of extravagant enjoyment, he still felt a pang of regret without the free supply of high-quality energy cubes.

"Alas, the long-term meal ticket is just gone."

After cheering up, I traveled to the Elf Center on Juyuan Island, registered my information and made a reservation for a room.

There is no gymnasium in the Seven Islands group far away from the mainland of Kanto. The main reason why I came here is to have adventure and practice before the Quartz Conference.

"Ichinoshima is located at the northernmost point of the island group. Its special attractions include the Pokémon Network Center, Treasure Beach, Fire Mountain Trail and Lantern Volcano."

With nothing to do, Zhou You flipped through the Seven Islands Guide Book he bought when he got off the ship.

Speaking of Ichinoshima, the most famous thing is indeed the huge lamp volcano in the north of the island.

This volcano has erupted many times, bringing unique landforms and ecology to Ichinoshima. Now it has gradually cooled down and become an extinct volcano, but it does not rule out the possibility of waking up again in the future.

The huge volcanic energy gave birth to a large number of fire-type elves. Fire-type elves from Kanto, Chengdu and even the Hoenn region have been observed here, and even the legendary flame bird has been witnessed.

Unlike the Freezing Bird, which likes to eat electric lightning birds and prefers solitude, the Flame Bird is an elf that migrates around with the seasons. Common sighting records include Quartz Plateau, Silver Mountain and Lantern Volcano.

The reason why Zhou You set his first target here was to try his luck to see if he could encounter the Flame Bird.

"Huh? There are still ruins inside the Deng volcano?"

After a while, while flipping through the guidebook, he saw something familiar.

Juyuan Island has experienced several earthquakes in the past few years. After the earthquake, when people were detecting the conditions of the Deng volcano, they found that several ruins with obvious artificial traces were exposed.

Inside the ruins, many stone tablets and murals recording ancient texts were also unearthed.

Nowadays, pictures of these murals are published in this guidebook as an attraction to attract tourists.

"This ancient text..."

Looking at the picture on it, Zhou You subconsciously translated it.

"Everything has its meaning; everything that exists has its meaning; everything that exists has its meaning..."

After flipping through a few more pages, the text about traveling around and discovering the ruins of Six Islands was also published, and he continued to translate:

"Two stones, shining with light. One shining red, the other blue.

“The perfect combination of pearls brings together the past and the past; the perfect combination of pearls brings light to bloom.

"At that time, a brand new world will come into view. The future world will be created by you.

"It has begun..."

After the translation, Zhou You couldn't help but fell into silence.

The ancient writings in this world are symbols carved on stone slabs using raised points and grooves, which are the same as Braille on Earth (the comparison chart is of course different).

It was hard for him to imagine why the ancient people in the Pokémon world used Braille to record text.

Do they live in a lightless environment?

Are they to prevent the light source from attracting violent elves?

"Qiaoqiao, do you recognize the words above?" Seeing Zhou You deep in thought, Eden came out of the elf ball on his own, "What does this large string of words mean?"

"I have learned hundreds of millions of words from Dr. Omu, but I don't know what these ancient words want to express, and I can't even be sure whether my translation is correct. But I guess there must be more stone tablets recording ancient words that have not been excavated. come out."

The stone slabs of Ichinoshima Light Volcano and Rokunoshima Point Cave are not complete, and there are obviously more follow-ups. It is very difficult to guess them without complete documentation.

Just as Zhou You was about to look through the Seven Islands Guidebook to see if there were more brailles, someone suddenly tapped his shoulder from behind.


Zhou You, who was approached and contacted silently, subconsciously put his hand on the green onions in his backpack. He looked back and saw that it was a gray-haired middle-aged man wearing green mountaineering clothing.

For some reason, he vaguely felt that this man looked familiar.

"I'm sorry, young man, did you just translate the contents of the ruins tablet?" The middle-aged man pointed at the guide book with a serious look, "Oh, I am Jindai, an amateur explorer passing by, can you tell me about this? The ancient text on it?”

The Age of Gods...the Age of Gods...

Fight against the pioneer leader of the pioneer zone?

In the emerald version, he used the three sacred birds to end his 69-game winning streak in the open zone!

Seeing Zhou You's strange expression, Jindai just said that his appearance was too abrupt, so he explained seriously: "That's it, I was investigating a certain three legendary Pokémon living in the ruins for some personal reasons, but... Trapped by the puzzles in these ruins.

"It's very difficult to translate ancient texts like this, but I think you seemed to be able to pick them up just now, as if I was asking you for information."

"Is it difficult to translate ancient texts?" Zhou You asked puzzledly, "Isn't it possible to understand everything at a glance?"

God's Generation:? ? ?

Is this what you are saying?

In fact, it is no wonder that Zhou You and Shen Dao have very different views on ancient writing.

Coming from Earth, he certainly understood that these words were close to Braille and needed to be translated by combining raised spots and grooves and dividing them into several squares.

But the writing in this world is a kind of pictographic symbolic writing. Although they can roughly guess that convex/concave is the key to writing, it is difficult to change their thinking immediately, which makes the translation work very slow and difficult.

This is the so-called cognitive bias.

Of course, if Dr. Ohki hadn’t studied many ancient documents, Zhou You wouldn’t have been able to translate them easily...

Dr. Oak, the eternal god!

"Mr. Jindai, I am Zhou You, you can also call me Qiao Qiao. This is my partner Ibrahimovic. We are training to participate in the Quartz Conference."

"Buyi~Bi!" Eden, who transformed into Eevee, skillfully made the cry of other species.

"At the same time, I am also assisting Dr. Ohmu in his research work. The reason why I can translate these texts is because I studied at the Ohmu Research Institute for a period of time."

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