This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 44 My little fairy 007 has a dream

Chapter 44 My Little Fairy Milk-007 has a dream

After hearing the introduction to himself in the illustrated book, Fairy Milk-007 (the seventh Fairy Milk numbered by Traveling Leaf) has a dream, that is, to become the most delicious Frost Milk Fairy in the world!

The more delicious the Frost Milk Fairy is, the more it can bring happiness to others, and the essence of the Fairy Milk Fairy's dream is to give happiness to the leftover rice that brought it into this world and the people around it.

But as for what is the "most delicious" and how to achieve this, this is a concept that the newly born fairy milk cannot understand.

"Of course the sweet and sour ones are the most delicious!" Eden vowed after hearing the doubts about the fairy milk, "Add a little bit of sage fruit into your cream, it will definitely be more delicious!"

"Wow!" Arthur said that the dragon fire fruit was definitely more delicious.

I don’t have any suggestions for leftovers. As long as they are large enough, they will eat anything. After all, whatever they eat will basically turn into energy in their own bodies, ready to be transformed into flames to strengthen themselves when needed.

However, recently it discovered that the traveling Phoenix Flame seems to be a more efficient energy.

"Wow!" If you think about it carefully, foods with high energy and calorie content are generally delicious.

"granulated sugar……"

Accepting the views of the three elves, the little fairy was thoughtful.

Is it enough to add all the goodies and increase the calories in the cream?

"The suggestions from the three of you are too subjective. Deliciousness is actually a relative concept."

Zhou You shook his head, and then expressed a reasonable opinion: "A is honey, B is arsenic. Different people have different requirements for taste, so it must depend on the situation."

"From a genetic point of view, the brains of living things will drive them to eat necessary nutrients in order to survive and pass on their families. Therefore, when living creatures eat what their brains/genes require -

"Foods such as sugar (calories), salt (sodium ions), oil (fat), meat (protein and trace elements, etc.) will secrete hormones that make them feel happy/happy."

"In addition, different individuals of the same biological race will also have different taste preferences depending on region, habits, growth factors, local culture, mood and even body temperature..."

Faced with Zhou You's long speech, the newborn baby Fairy Nai, who was not even half a day old, fell into a state of confusion.

But it did not give up, but tried its best to accept the other party's concept, burning its own calories to think about how to pursue this "relative deliciousness."

After a long time, Xiaoxian Nai had an epiphany under the influence of the sea and land breeze in the evening!


Eden had a very strange expression when he heard this, and did not fully translate until the other party finished his expression: "So Qiaoqiao, do I just need to find a way to make others secrete the hormones that make them feel happy?"

"Well, in theory, it's true. Genes and brains control biological hormones, and hormones can affect biological emotions."

Zhou You showed a teachable smile and nodded in approval: "So if you want to get the "most delicious food" and make "everyone" feel happy, you can only control the electrical signals in their bodies to produce corresponding hormones."

"Sugar..." Xiaoxian Nai nodded as if she understood.

"Qiaoqiao!" Eden fired a powerful shot at Zhou You on the spot, sacrificing his life.

"It hurts, it hurts! Just wait until I finish."

Zhou You, who was knocked back half a step, rubbed his belly and added: "However, this method that sounds simple is actually the one that seeks the farthest. Different creatures have different genes, and they do not apply to each other.

"The happiness gained by controlling hormones is ultimately just false happiness, and it is also likely to bring other negative effects to them."

"If you want to give happiness, sometimes all you need is a little proper care and a warm hug. After that, a relatively delicious pastry will be the most delicious taste for that person. "

"Gran sugar..." Xiaoxian Nai nodded again with some understanding.

Then she floated from Zhanfan's head to the other person's face, hugged the other person's nose with two drops of liquid cream and asked: "Sugar?"

Hug, are you happy?

"(Happy!) Woof!" Zhanfan gasped as he smelled the sweet scent coming from the tip of his nose. There was no time when he was unhappy.

Seeing this, Xiaoxian Nai finally looked like she had a profound enlightenment. She touched the mechanism of the elf ball and went back to retreat to improve her taste.

I don’t know how she will feel after hearing what she said today, and how her taste will change...

After buying groceries at the market, Zhou You returned to the Elf Center and found that Ye Zi had also returned victorious. She seemed to have defeated Ma Zhishi's three elves with almost no damage, relying only on her Bulbasaur seeds.

The results were mediocre, and the 3-badged Hall Master was still too simple for them.

However, I have been traveling with Ye Zi recently, so I have been a bit slack since I can't blatantly activate unlimited HP/stamina when traveling around.

The Kati dog adopted from the police dog base has not improved much, and the Charmander of the Yusan family has been stuck in the novice stage and cannot make any progress.

Angry Ma Zhishi expected him to send out the main elves to fight, but actually he also wanted to make Arthur feel some pressure.

It is indeed a bit reluctant to try to catch up with others who started many years earlier than me by working even harder.

The growth of elves involves more than just exercise.

Race, individuality, talent, training, combat, nutrition, even if these are met, it still takes time to accumulate.

The most troublesome thing for Zhou You is the nutritional needs of the elves and the time-consuming process...

No solution.

Putting aside his troubles for the time being, he returned to the elf center and cooked a big meal with Ye Zi to reward his elf and Xiaozhi, thus ending a busy day.

Early the next morning, Dr. Oak, who learned the news about Xiaozhi, sent a thunder stone remotely, and asked Miss Joy to hand it over to the extremely frustrated opponent.

However, Xiaozhi's Pikachu gave up this rare opportunity to evolve and kept his appearance as the first mascot of evergreen IP.

It decided to prove its strength in the form of Pikachu.

Evolution means that it escapes this battle and admits that its power is weaker than Raichu.

Even if it really wins after evolving into Raichu, it will always be burdened with the memory of defeat before evolving into another Pikachu evolution.

My whole life, Pikachu, will never be weaker than anyone else!

Seeing that his partner Pikachu had regained his fighting spirit, Xiaozhi also regained his energy. He came up with an idea on the spot and rushed to the Dead Leaf Gym with the recovered Pikachu in his arms.

However, when he arrived at his destination, he found that the Dead Leaf Gym was not open today.

Ma Zhishi was a little autistic after being beaten by the other three people in Zhenxin Town. This morning he went to the Pokémon Fans Association to smoke Pikachu.

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