Ma Zhishi, the electric gym leader in Kuye City, has been very sad recently.

For no other reason than this year’s Quartz Competition started some time ago.

The Pokémon League and the League Tournament, after a major historical event that affected the entire world and was eventually hidden by everyone, became a dream-seeking place that carried the hopes of many Pokémon trainers.

It is also the Olympic symbol of the close connection between people and Pokémon.

Once upon a time, Ma Zhishi was as hesitant as these young girls who walked out of their homes.

However, now he just feels endless pain in his balls.

Due to the proliferation of Team Rocket in Kanto, as a retired Air Force major, he was recruited by the Quartz Alliance and became a glorious gym leader.

Simply put, a gym owner is equivalent to a civil servant in the Pokémon League.

They must shoulder the responsibility of protecting their city from being invaded by wild elves. They also have the obligation to accept challenges from other competing trainers, assess them, and issue badges as appropriate.

At the same time, Kuye City is still a very important port, and the owners here must also cooperate with Junsha to maintain order in import and export.

Now that talents are withering, only Ma Zhishi, a veteran who has traveled all over the world and eats both black and white, can sit in this city and intimidate Xiaoxiao everywhere.

Unlike Xiaogang and Xiaoxia, who were pushed to the shelves and therefore were tolerated by the alliance, Ma Zhishi is a serious club owner.jpg

The heavy workload has put this lightning-fast tough guy under a lot of pressure, and he can only relax by going to the Pokémon Fan Club to smoke Pikachu on occasional vacations... and for this, he still has to listen to the tycoon who loves flaming horses for a few hours. Long nagging.

My Pikachu is no more fragrant than your Flame Horse! ?

Although the trainers look extremely excited when they challenge the gym, in most cases, this kind of obligation is really a torture for the gym owners.

Next, let’s re-enact the scene when Ma Zhishi accepted challenges from trainers throughout the day today:

"Anglefish, use Peck!"

"Spire, use Stormwind on the little Magnemite!"

"Rayquaza, use silk spinning!"

"Radda, use your killer front teeth on Magnemite!"

"Hold on! Squirtle, use the rocket headbutt!"

"Stand up! Bibi Bird, use lightning to flash!"

"Get out of the way! Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!"

"Meow meow, use the treasure gathering skill."

(PS: This trainer who uses Treasure Gathering Kung Fu is the only one who successfully challenged the gym today. He got the badge and took away a small hundred thousand yuan from Ma Zhishi.)

It’s hard to imagine how Ma Zhishi felt about accepting the trainer’s challenge...

It would be outrageous to bring a restrained elf over to kick the gym!

Ten volts will cause you to foam at the mouth, you're just trying to fool me!


Bring a ground-type one, so I can release water more easily!

I'm so busy at work that I really don't have time to waste with bastards like you!

Don’t challenge the gym with this kind of roadside pet or baby team that you haven’t practiced yet!

However, Ma Zhishi is the leader of the Dead Leaf Gym. During the Quartz League, he must accept the gym challenge from the trainer.

After all, only senior and respected gym owners like Xia Bo or Sakaki are qualified to set a certain number of badges as a condition.

Kuye City is located in Kuye Port, and its unique geographical conditions make it accessible in all directions. However, the dense flow of people not only brings sin and disease, but also brings more trainers than other cities.

Ever since he became the director of the museum, during the six-month period when the Quartz Conference was held every year, Ma Zhishi was almost numb.

He plans to protest to the alliance after this year's conference, asking the alliance to allocate funds to their gym owners and approve the bill to hire gym trainers to accept challenges instead of assessments!

Then gym owners can recruit gym trainers to work for them for a fee.

If you have a disciple, it's normal for you to eat two things.


After sending away a young man from Zhenxin Town in pain, Ma Zhishi noticed that there were two more 10-year-old newcomers from Zhenxin Town on the terminal making reservations to challenge.

By the way, it seems that the young man who defeated his No. 3 substitute team last week is also from Zhenxin Town?

Do you really like to gather in groups at the Challenge Gym in New Town?

Speaking of which, Zhenxin Town is a remote mountainous area that no one has ever heard of. Four trainers were born this year...

Since he was deeply impressed by Qing Lu's stunning conductor last week, Ma Zhishi was also curious about the other two people from Zhenxin Town and looked through each other's information.

Trivia: The first generation illustrated book has the function of determining the approximate energy level of the opponent's body by scanning it. With this function, the approximate level of the elf can be inferred.

However, there was later feedback that judging the level of an elf based on energy level alone was not accurate enough or realistic enough, so this feature was removed from subsequent illustrations.

——Trainer: Travel around

Kati Dog: About level 30

Charmander: About level 19

Fairy Milk: Level 1

Ibrahimovic: Level 1

Egg: not hatched


"What a hatchling party." Ma Zhishi complained with a black line on his face, "jo...yo, this name is too difficult to pronounce, but the training level is acceptable, so I can give you a badge if appropriate."

He then looked at the next challenger's registration information.

——Trainer: Ye Zi

Bulbasaur: About level 32

Slowpoke: About level 5

Fairy Milk: Level 2

Bobo: About level 10

Egg: not hatched


"What a unique skill brother."

After reading Ye Zi's registration information, Ma Zhishi was a little confused: "With this baby and eggs, you two must have just come from the No. 5 breeding house, right!?"

Zhou You \u0026amp; Ye Zi: One thing to say, that’s true.

But having said that, the two new trainers holding Yusanjia did a good job training. Although the team configuration was suspected of being unreasonable, they have initially met the basic requirements of the alliance.

Seeing that it was just getting dark outside, Ma Zhishi simply confirmed the appointment and arranged the challenge for the two of them before night, so as not to have to see someone coming to play in the gym early tomorrow morning to affect their mood.

After a while, a ten-year-old boy with a delicate face came to the Dead Leaf Gym according to the prompts.

To be honest, even though various clues told Zhou You that this was probably the TV version of the world line, he was still a little worried that this world line had some special content sewn into it.

That fan comic whose combat power is as broken as Dragon Ball...

Although his memory from more than ten years ago was somewhat blurry, he vaguely remembered that in the fan comics, 5 of the 8 gym leaders in Kanto were members of Team Rocket!

They seem to be Ma Zhishi, Nazhi, Aju, Xia Bo, and Sakaki?

Therefore, Zhou You planned to be as polite, easy-going, and sensible as possible when challenging the gym this time. He would just wait for more branch quests to raise his level before coming back to investigate.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

"Hey! You're an ignorant boy. You've just been traveling for less than a month, and you've come to challenge me after getting badges from two of the weakest gyms in history?"

Seeing the challenger arriving, Ma Zhishi guided him to complete the registration and take him to the battle venue.

"The Charmander I just got from the doctor, the wild dog on the roadside, and the two newborn babies, you should let them evolve before we come back!"

After that, Ma Zhishi waved to Zhou You: "Come on, boy, let me show you the world's best electric Pokémon!"


Faced with Ma Zhishi's provocation before the battle, Zhou You was nonchalant and responded elegantly and easy-going:

"It doesn't matter. My own level is far higher than yours. I can completely make up for the gap between the elves. A few newborn elves are enough to defeat all the hall owners."

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