This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 31 Leave some peaches for the monkeys in the mountains

After lunch, Iron Liver Emperor Ye Zi, who had collected an entire mountain forest elves' data, became curious and became an apprentice for half a day, learning the skills of a breeder from Tevez.

After Zhou You released Arthur and Leftover to play on their own, he wandered around the breeding base and visited this natural fortress.

"The park where house elves and wild elves coexist harmoniously and guard together is similar to Dr. Oak's backyard. It is a place where people can experience the natural scenery."

The only difference is that Dr. Ohmu's backyard is larger, covering half of Zhenxin Town and extending to Route 1. A park of this size cannot be taken care of by dozens of cultivators.

"When I retire and settle down in a certain area, I will definitely open a place similar to this." Zhou You (← a 10-year-old rookie trainer who just debuted) said longingly.

And then raising things like the God of Glory, alpacas, skeleton dragons, etc. inside doesn't seem very realistic.

Then lower the standard by one level and raise some level one gods?

How about cultivating a group of first-level gods?

Playing with Frozen Bird in summer, playing with Yandi in winter...

I miss you a little bit, so I’ll lower my standards a little bit.

It’s okay to raise some of Canghai’s shameful Manaphy and regenerate a lot of Canghai’s pariah Fiona, right?

While his trainer was eating peaches during the day, Eden, who transformed into Eevee on the side, complained: "That will cost a lot of money, we must at least win the championship!"

"Champion? Doesn't it matter if you have hands?" the N-Crown Champion from Earth (although he was in the game) said modestly.

"Come on, you..."

And compared to the easy goal of winning the championship, Zhou You actually wanted to pursue a dream more and wait to see Xiaozhi, the flying master, win the championship one day in the future.

It is neither a pheasant tournament with no standards like the Orange Islands, nor is it a mysterious script like the journey that reduces all the champions to the level of reckless novices pecking each other.

Rather, he is a genuine flying champion with sufficient gold content!

After all, Zhou You had been waiting for Xiaozhi to become a master for more than twenty years... but it was a pity that he traveled through time before he could wait.

It's a pity, I always feel like something is missing.

But it's useless to think too much. Instead of Xiaozhi being the focus of the world, it's better to focus more on yourself.

Although Zhou You humbly believed that winning the championship would be easy for him, he actually knew that it would not be that easy.

Experience in the game cannot be equated with reality. He himself is more of a clearance party than a battle party. Apart from going to the battle tower to listen to the music produced by tobyfox when he is bored, he has no more battle-related experience. .

Personally, he still likes PTCG more.

Although he has the inexplicable special ability of the Phoenix Flame, from the current point of view, it can only make him a nanny. In this world where strange forces and chaos occur frequently, it seems that he can't even make a splash.

Ask yourself, traveling for a year and becoming the winner of the Quartz Conference is not a big problem, but defeating 4 kings to become the champion is really a bit wishful thinking.

And the Dan Emperor next door has already become the strongest champion with no defeats at the same age of 10 years old (although it is all water)!

"Haha, it seems that I am nothing more than that." Thinking of this, Zhou You laughed somewhat self-deprecatingly, "As an ordinary mortal, I'd better do more plots and get some benefits."

It's a pity that Xiaozhi's world is naturally an animated world view, and the experience in the game may not be very useful, otherwise it would be good to buy some mythical beasts for free...

During the walk, the sound of breaking through the air reached Zhou You's ears again. This afternoon, the Scallion Duck was still practicing swinging green onions in a disciplined way.

While admiring the efforts of Green Onion Duck in his heart, Zhou You looked over carefully.

The smell of green onions overflowed and he was dripping with sweat. The Scallion Duck, the king of firewood but not greasy, was facing away from him and kept waving green onions in the air.

There were broken or even curled green onions everywhere nearby. Those were the betrothal gifts that the trainer of the Green Onion Duck collected for Tutu Dog to gain favor with him.

It is said that the green onions that accompany the green onion duck are actually not green onions, but the stems of some tough plants.

Green onion ducks use the stems as nesting material, weapons and emergency food.

But like the green onion duck, this stem species is also a very rare and endangered species in the wild. Only trainers who raise green onion ducks are eligible to purchase one or two from official channels.

Zhou You: "..."

Looking at the green onions all over the ground, a special emotion that had long been forgotten suddenly arose in someone's heart - the second grade.

Men love to play with stick and ball!

So Qiao Qiao looked around to make sure no one was peeping, then quietly picked up a relatively intact and good-quality green onion and held it in her hand.

The flames of the phoenix flashed away, and the green onions became more vibrant, and even the missing parts were restored to their original appearance in the blink of an eye.

Afterwards, Zhou You held the scallions tightly, gathered his breath, and tiptoed towards the Li Zhan King Scallion Duck among the dancing scallions.

Eden: "???"

5 meters.

4 meters.

3 meters……

"Watch my sneak attack!"

Determining in his mind that this was the limit of distance, Zhou You didn't hesitate at all, took three steps at a time and then two steps at a time, shouted and launched an attack!

Green onions and tooth protrusions!


The blow was not successful.

The green onion duck, who had experienced many battles, turned sideways to avoid the tooth protrusion, jumped slightly, jumped back and fired an air blade to attack the criminal who attacked him.

But since Zhouyou dares to attack Pokémon, he is certainly not a weak human being (?).

After a moment of insight into the flight trajectory of the air blade, he held the green onion in his back and made a void slash from bottom to top. An air blade that was faintly exuding bright silver and transparent feathers actually hit it tit for tat!

As for Zhou You himself, he lunged forward, leaning down to avoid the air blade and swiping the onion blade at the same time, using the half-assed Hiza-ryu swordsmanship he learned in his junior year's physical education elective course.

Then after a few rounds, he was suppressed by the Li Zhan Wang Dian Cong Ya Luan Cong. This is natural.

Zhou You decisively surrendered, one man and one duck before he stopped.

But soon, an angry bark came from not far away.

A short figure with blazing flames all over his body covered a distance of nearly 200 meters in just ten seconds and was about to hit Wang Dancong!

"The leftovers are the brakes! I'm having fun with the green onion duck!"


Hearing this, Shanghuan suddenly braked, causing a brief sandstorm on the grass. Then he ran back to Zhou You from thirty meters away and looked at him curiously.

"It's just a simulated battle." Zhou You shook the scallions in his hand that were revitalized by him, "Many children will play with sticks and the like."

Although it is not planned to be a one-sided battle, and the person running four is not a child.

However, the Green Onion Duck was indeed able to sense that Zhou Youquan was not malicious, so he did not try his best to use the Onion Technique.

"(Surprised) Guaa!!!"

But soon, the green onion duck noticed the unusualness of the green onions wielded by the humans in front of them, and jumped on it screaming with excitement!

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