"I don't want to be separated from my elf, let's rush out together!"

"The smoke is almost congealed. Ahem, they will definitely not be able to hit anyone!"

"If you can't fight, you can't run. Mud greases the road!"

I don’t know whether it was to guard against secret attackers, or because he thought it was nothing to escape just a few people. In the end, the captain-like man did not order the big-mouthed bat to clear the smoke or attack. He used his numerical advantage to push away the three team members and escape from the science museum. crowd.

However, when everyone walked out of the museum, they finally realized the real reason why the other party didn't take them seriously.

There were actually twenty Team Rocket members outside the museum, each holding two elves and guarding the outside!

"What to do! There's still Team Rocket outside!" The straw hat boy who was pulled out by Zhou You took advantage of the crowd's action and said in shock.

"I would be surprised if no one was watching outside." Zhou You was unmoved by this situation, "But if there are so many Rockets outside, I wouldn't be able to do anything..."

This is not a problem that can be solved with Zoroa's illusion or Charmander's efforts.

The space in the Dark Gray Science Museum is small, the exhibits are valuable, and the number of enemies is small. Naturally, Zhou You and Eden have room to use tricks to deal with the enemies. Even so, they understand that they are no match for Team Rocket. From the beginning, they have just tried their best to find ways. get away.

However, outside the museum, such an empty place, a large number of enemies, ordinary citizens who are not good at fighting, and a burden that is not even elves, almost declares the only ending for this group of people in every aspect.

So Zhou You simply took advantage of the chaos to take back Eden and Arthur, cheered up, and slowly walked towards Team Rocket who were surrounding them with unkind expressions.

"There's nothing I can do. It seems like I, a super green-washer, have to go out today..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge figure fell in front of him, stirring up bursts of dust.

It was a steel elf with a blue body, an elegant metallic sheen, and a crab-like appearance!

Above the elf, there was a green-haired young man wearing a smart black suit.

"Don't be afraid, leave the rest to me." The young man turned around and comforted Zhou You with a smile, and then looked at Team Rocket, who were dispatching their elves one after another as if they were facing a formidable enemy.

"Trigger explosive power stations, cause landslides, attack science museums, and try to snatch precious fossils. Team Rocket, your evil deeds stop here!"

"Metrogross, strong mind!"

The tyrannical mental power raged crazily. With just one move, the family pets sent by Team Rocket lost their ability and will to fight.

Even their owners flew several meters away as if struck by a hammer, and fell to the ground seriously injured.

Then, the young man on the Metagross nodded to everyone and rushed into the smoke-filled museum together with them.

Zfuki Daigo, the league champion from the Hoenn region, is a top master who is proficient in Steel-type Pokémon.

Zhou You, who has more than 20 years of pocket experience, immediately recalled the descendant who said, "I ended up being number one, strong and powerful."

How can you, the champion of Hoenn, run to Kanto if you have nothing to do?

Seeing Daigo on the stage, Zhou You, who knew the opponent's strength very well, naturally stopped being curious about what would happen next in the museum.

After dusting off the dirt on his body, he simply stopped joining in the fun and left in the direction of the Elf Center.

He didn't take a few steps to wander around when he felt someone grabbing him from behind. When he turned around, he found that it was the kid who had to stand out even though there were no elves in the museum.

"Hello, thank you for what happened just now." The straw hat boy should be referring to what happened when he was pulled back into the crowd.

"It's nothing." Zhou You shook his head, "On the contrary, you scolding Team Rocket gave me confidence (referring to having to act in advance)."

The straw hat boy smiled when he heard this, and continued: "I think humans and elves should have the same mind. If possible, both the trainer and Team Rocket should be able to resolve conflicts through communication."

At this point, the straw hat boy looked a little lonely, probably thinking of Team Rocket and the atrocities of the elves in their hands.

"Anyway, thank you for standing up to protect me just now. Your little fire dragon is also willing to fight for you against elves who are stronger than you. You are such a good person."

After sending out a good guy card, the straw hat boy walked in the completely opposite direction and waved goodbye: "Goodbye, I am Xiao Huang from Viridian Forest. You must come and play with me when you have time!" "

After also waving goodbye to the child, Zhou You returned to the elf center as planned, and communicated with Dr. Oak about what had just happened.

During the competition period, the Elf Center provides accommodation for free to the holder of the illustrated book, which saves him the trouble of searching for accommodation.

Arriving at his temporary residence in the Elf Center, Zhouyou lay on the bed, constantly thinking about the accident he encountered during today's visit to the museum.

Team Rocket, an organization that has been rooted in Kanto for many years, spans several regions, and is even a legitimate listed company on the surface.

In the game, it was clear that he was just a bastard who gave away money, experience, props and elves. After actually meeting him, Zhou You realized how troublesome this organized violent organization really was.

Unlike in the game, Team Rocket in reality will not use elves to fight you one-on-one. Instead, they will throw out 2, 6, or even dozens of elves to fight at the same time.

This means that it is very dangerous for trainers traveling alone to encounter them in the wild. The best result is that they will be stripped naked and thrown into the dangerous wilderness. The worst result may directly put their lives in danger. !

"Oh, it's really dangerous to travel alone. How about picking up a like-minded travel companion like Xiaozhi?"

Although Eden has been trained by him for 5 years, he will not be able to defeat enemies below the King of Heaven. However, it is quite troublesome for soldiers to attack in groups. If he is not careful, he may overturn.

Having experienced the complexity and change of modern society, Zhou You now attaches great importance to the pure relationship between himself and the elves. He is not willing to give up the opportunity to live with these pure-minded magical creatures under any circumstances.

Charizard, Yuukibi, Wind Speed ​​Dog, Nine Tails, Blazing Horse, The Only King, Explosive Beast, The Only God, V-Zimon, Reshiram, Number One in the Universe, Steel Armor Crow, Scallion Pancake, Cang Xiang, Kurama Ran Special, Lei Guanwang's horse...

If you haven't met these elves you like yet, how can you risk giving up halfway or even dying again because of boring reasons like Team Rocket?

This time, I was lucky and Daigo suddenly appeared to save me. But next time, and the next time, will there always be someone who can come to help just by coincidence?

Once Eden's strength and true identity are exposed, won't it attract more powerful enemies?

"It's still too weak." Zhou You sighed helplessly.

It's not that he laments that his elf is weak, but that he feels unwilling to accept his own powerlessness.

If you are strong enough, no one can bully your elf...

Thinking of this, Zhou You stretched out his right hand and stared attentively.

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