This trainer’s Pokémon is too out-of-the-box

Chapter 11 Excellent hunters often appear in the form of prey

The Poke Balls in the smoke were thrown at the man who looked like the captain and the Big Mouth Bat that had been released to clear the fog, but to be honest, the two balls thrown from the smoke screen were a bit far from the expected target.

Despite this, after making a judgment in an instant, the opponent added an additional order: "Air Slash, smash those two Poké Balls!"

Before the elf comes out of the ball, if you directly attack the ball to destroy it, the elf inside will naturally not be able to escape.

However, when the Big Mouth Bat smashed the two Poké Balls, it was discovered that not all of the two Poké Balls contained elves.

The Poké Ball thrown at the captain contained a gas bomb, while the ball thrown at the Big Mouth Bat was empty.

The captain couldn't help but frowned as he looked at the gas bomb that fell to his feet after being severely injured due to dodge.

Why do the markings on this gas bomb look so similar to the one raised by the team member Aji who was sent to search him just now?

During this period, the smoke screen in the fossil exhibition became thicker and thicker.

Seeing this, several other team members also sent out their supersonic bats to flap their wings and blow away the smoke.

“Sometimes the best hunters come in the form of prey.”

At this moment, an unknown voice sounded from behind the captain.

He turned around quickly in shock, but there was no one in front of him.

Immediately afterwards, in the blind spot in the captain's field of vision, the seriously injured gas bomb seemed to have heard his master's order and began to accumulate energy to activate his last backup hidden energy - self-destruction.

"Captain! Get out of the way!"

Faced with the fact that he had the strength to face everything independently, Zhou You did not originally intend to go head-to-head with the Rockets. If possible, it would be more satisfying for the alliance to come forward and destroy them.

However, while visiting the Dark Gray Science Museum, he was unfortunately hit by Team Rocket who came to snatch the "mysterious amber" and take away the Poké Balls from tourists.

Taking advantage of Eden's ability to create illusions, he disguised him as other children, and used illusions to create opportunities for sneak attacks when the body search team came forward.

In addition, Arthur was secretly released (although some people noticed Charmander, at least no one noticed that he released it) to create a smoke screen to obscure the sight, allowing Eden to change his appearance through the transformation ability, move away the stunned Rockets, and take away The elf ball in the opponent's arms provides time.

The spirits held by the body search team are gas bombs and Arbor snakes.

It has to be said that Eden's trick of imitating the appearance and voice of others through illusion is very useful.

The second thing that blocked the view was not the "smoke screen", but Team Rocket's Arbor, whose voice was imitated by Eden and gave the order to release the "black mist".

Zhou Yu threw empty balls and gas bombs from the black fog, and then Eden repeated his old trick, using his sight to create a loophole and ordering Team Rocket's gas bombs to self-destruct.

Taking advantage of Chaos and other Team Rocket members' attention being attracted, Zhou You took Arthur's elf ball and rode in the black mist to the front of the crowd...

After all, the self-explosion of the gas bomb did not hurt the Rockets captain. The captain was reminded by other team members in his busy schedule and reacted to the critical moment. The captain issued the key command at the critical moment.

The stinky mud that was still tormenting the curator rushed towards the captain-looking man regardless of his own safety. He was hit by a gas bomb at close range and exploded into dozens of pieces flying everywhere. Only a small part was still protecting him. in front of the master.

It looked as if it had degenerated into stinking mud.

"Damn it! Who the hell didn't have the guts to stand up and attack you there! Don't you dare to come out and fight openly!?"

Just a few seconds passed, and the black mist exhaled by the Arbo monster was blown away by five supersonic bats, but the shadow of the rebels was still not exposed.

The man who looked like the captain was furious, and subconsciously wanted to order the big-mouth bat to attack the crowd directly to force them to come forward, but suddenly found that the straw hat boy who had just come to the crowd to scold him had disappeared in the chaos.

"Where was that kid just now?"

Naturally, he was dragged into the crowd by traveling around troubled waters.

Hearing the captain-looking man ask this question, the people around him took a few steps back unconsciously, exposing him and the straw hat boy to Team Rocket's sight.

Few people who visit the Science Museum have trainers, and even if these tourists have elves in their hands, most of them keep them as pets.

These elves raised as pets may have never experienced combat since birth, and their owners have basically no relevant experience and skills.

If they were to resist the violent elements of Team Rocket, it would be absolutely impossible. In the face of violence that might hurt their lives, most people had no choice but to protect themselves wisely.

But Zhou You is a nosy person, otherwise he wouldn't have to agree to the doctor's completion of the illustrated book, and he would just rely on Soraya, who can translate, to eat and wait for death in the research institute to receive his salary.

"I was the one who brought him back."

While complaining in his mind that the straw hat boy had rashly stepped forward and had to take action in advance, he simply got in front of the other person and said: "You are such an adult, there is no need to be difficult with children.

"Take the amber you want from the gym leader as soon as possible, and run away with your people before Miss Junsha and the trainer from the gym come over. Isn't it good for you and me? Okay, everyone?"

It is true that with the commotion caused by Team Rocket, both Junsha and the gym trainers are likely to come to the rescue. Even if they can escape by then, they will probably pay a heavy price.

Logically speaking, even violent people like Team Rocket should have the most basic common sense and would not put themselves in danger...

"It's not your turn as a child to interfere in adult matters!" The captain-like man couldn't help but sneer, "We triggered the incident in the suburbs and Mt. Tsukimi in advance. Now the people you mentioned are doing their best to put out the fire and save the victims buried by the landslide. No one has time to come to save you."

"Koji, Katsuya, go teach these two brats a lesson. And you, go upstairs and call a few more people down."

Probably still frightened by being attacked twice in one minute, the captain-like man did not take action personally this time: "I'll watch here and see where the trainer who dares not show his face is!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The other two members of Team Rocket who searched themselves, called Koji and Katsuya, released their Rattata and Arbok, and slowly approached Zhou You and the Straw Hat Boy in the center of the crowd.

The angry but not vocal crowd around them quickly avoided them, leaving them with a very spacious space.

An Arbok was exposed after the crowd dispersed.

"Is that Asuke's Arbok? No, knock it out first!"

The captain-like man made a very wise judgment... but unfortunately he was too late.

The Arbok once again sprayed black mist around.

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