This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 94 Unlock, Strange Feeding Jar

"Brother Ling Yu, you also know that I can't bear to see any treasure covered in dust."

“Instead of letting it sit there and gather dust, let me maximize its value.”

Pado said sadly, as if he was really making a contribution to something.

Ling Yu: "..."

Although, why do you look elsewhere when you say this?

Maximize value and make all the money for you, right?

"Okay, I don't care where these things come from."

Ling Yu calculated and recycled these items.

Gave Paduo two thousand origin points.

"Ten companies!"

After getting the origin point, Padu directly handed the card over, and a look of pain flashed across her face.

The items taken out were just a drop in the bucket of her total assets.

What you need to open a store is sufficient materials and strong funds.

Set aside one thousand for yourself first as a starting deposit, and then use the other one thousand to see what kind of items you can get in the store.

"I'll charge you a thousand."

After crossing out the origin point, Ling Yu brought ten jars to Pado.

[It is detected that the host has sold a thousand jars, now open the strange gift jar! ]

After the system's voice fell, the row of ordinary jars on the shelf behind Ling Yu instantly turned dark green.

Ling Yu was stunned.

Strange jar?

"What is that? The jars in the second row seem to have changed color," said the sharp-eyed Padu.

"This is a new product in the store, a strange gift jar."

Ling Yu picked up a jar and put it in front of Pado.

"New product?"

Paduo's eyes lit up: "Did it just come out today?"

"Yes." Ling Yu replied.

"Does this mean I have first-hand information?"

Padu's eyes sparkled with business opportunities.

"Would you like one? You can't buy it and you'll suffer, you can't buy it and you can't be fooled."

"You only need 100 Origin Points to bring home a new jar." Ling Yu enthusiastically promoted.

"Are the new jars also one hundred and one? Then I will replace the five ordinary jars with special jars."



Looking at the ten jars on the counter, Maomao squeezed his hand and picked up one of the jars.

With a 'click', the dark green Qifeng jar shattered.


In Paduo's doubtful eyes, a flash of cyan light appeared.

Immediately afterwards, a pair of scissors appeared in Paduo's hand.

[Mizuguchi Scissors]: Do you want to become a god? Then use the hand of God!

"What kind of third-rate advertising slogan is this?"

Seeing the introduction, Pado said subconsciously.

"Nozzle shears?"

Ellie was confused.

Is it the kind used for cutting wires?

"No, they are assembled models, such as this one."

Ling Yu took out a blue paper box from under the counter.

On it is a blue humanoid mecha, plus a blue dragon.

"Magic Cave and?"

Looking at the words above, Alicia read them out.

"Want to see it?"

"Can I watch it?" Ellie asked.

"Of course, this is nothing unusual."

Ling Yu opened the box in front of everyone.


When she saw the densely packed panels inside, Ellie was shocked.

How long will this take?

"Aside from being a bit tough, other aspects of this thing are pretty good."

"So this is what the nozzle pliers are used for?"

Ai Li picked up a plate and looked at the many parts on it and asked.


"It feels like something Kosma would like."

"Few boys can say no."

"It was also because of it that I started building models." Ling Yu said.

"So Ling Yu, you also like to fight like this."

"Yes, I also love playing Genshin Impact." Ling Yu grinned at Ai Li.

Alicia: "???"

What does this have to do with Genshin Impact? And what is the original god...

"Here, as a gift for opening the Qifeng Jar for the first time, this box of assembled models is given to you."

Ling Yu thrust the box into Pado's hand.

Padu stared at the vertical painting of the box for a while before looking away.

Let's go back and see if Kosma likes it. Maybe we can get some of Gratio's paintings through him.

With this thought in mind, Pado put away the box full of boards.

Paduo looked at the second strange jar.

She understands that opening a can is like opening a blind box, a matter of probability.

There's no way this strange jar is all garbage.

At least it is a new product with the same price as ordinary jars, so there will definitely be something good.


The second jar shattered.

The cyan light bloomed again.

[Red Snake Munro (Normal)]: A copy of one of the six guardian egg gods, not the desert guardian god.

Looking at the blue sphere in his hand, a question mark appeared on Paduo's forehead again.

The patron saint is the patron saint, why is it a replica?

"Egg God, this is such a familiar thing."

Looking at the sphere in Paduo's hand, Ling Yu murmured.

"Is this item rare?"

Expectation filled Paduo's heart.

"The original version is very rare, but the ordinary version of the replica is very cheap."


"Actually, I can still make do with it. I can have a back-and-forth fight with an A-level Valkyrie."

Ling Yu estimated.

This is a big deal for him.

Valkyries are different from these egg gods. They have powerful force output.

When the machine guns, tanks, etc. go towards that one, even if you are a god, you will have to kneel down.

“My advice is, if the food is tasteless, it’s a pity to throw it away.”

"But if you can gather six guardian-level egg gods and a divine dragon Kaio, you should be able to travel through time and space and go back to the past."

"return to the past?"

This sentence attracted the attention of everyone present.

"Actually, a guardian-level egg god has the ability to travel through time and space, but it only affects their original world. If you want to go back to the collapsed world, you need to gather all the egg gods." Ling Yu said.

"Let me tell you, there must be something good in the jar!"

Paduo said excitedly.

Being able to travel through time and space is simply a secret treasure!

"This one is a replica, so don't think too much about it." Ling Yu reminded softly.

"Brother Ling Yu, can you please stop hitting me when I'm happy?" Pado said depressedly.

"Sorry, sorry, please be careful next time."

"Go back in time?"

Ellie murmured.

If that's the case, can I see my past self?

"Go back and show it to Sister Weiwei and Sister Snake."

Paduo said as he put Red Snake Munro's Ordinary Egg God into his small bag.

"You know how to use it?"

Padu nodded: "After opening the can, you told me how to use it."

"Okay, go ahead."

Ling Yu made a gesture of invitation.

The opening of the cans continued, and when Padu crushed the remaining three cans, she got something incredible.

[Small cakes for travelers], [Feng Wu Zhi Qin], [On the one hundred applications of Qiu Qiu people].

Looking at the cake, the Piano of Freedom and a book on the table, Pado's cute little face was filled with confusion.

Five jars, that's it?

"Is the probability that this rare treasure chest will yield something good is so low?"

Paduo said dumbfounded.

Why is one inferior to the other?

Only the Egg God Red Snake Munro is of some use, the rest... aren't they just complete garbage? !

Her luck has always been very good, why did it fail today.

"Maybe they were all used up when we opened the door."

Ling Yu said casually.

"Open the door? What door do you open?"

Aili and Pado were curious.


Ling Yu said something, and then continued: "You can't tell about luck. It can be good or bad. In fact, I'm quite envious of you. There are light balls of various colors flying all over the sky."

"Unlike me, when you open a can, you only get a golden ball of light."

Padofelis: "..."

Can you be so arrogant in your own territory?

Aren't you afraid of being beaten for talking?

"Okay, don't look so grim. I admit that what I said is a bit shocking, but you still have five more."

"Here, drink a glass of water and cheer up." Ling Yu picked up a glass of warm water and handed it to Pado.


Padu drank it without any precaution, and the next second, her expression changed.


As soon as she drank the water in her mouth, she spit it into the cup.

"What kind of water is this? It's so sour!"

"Lemon juice, choose the juice squeezed from fresh lemons. It is purely natural and does not contain water or sugar."

Ling Yu said matter-of-factly.

Pado looked at Ling Yu blankly.

This silver made her feel the danger of society again after 50,000 years!

"Lemon juice? Is that really drinkable?"

Cecilia was also stunned after hearing this.

Aren't you afraid of your tongue being scrapped?

"Miss Padu, please drink some water."

Mijiu brought a glass of water over, and after taking it, Pado took a few big sips before she recovered.

"Brother Ling Yu, are you going to kill me?"

Pado, who had recovered slowly, said resentfully.

"Isn't this because you are not in good spirits? How about you, are you feeling particularly energetic now?" Ling Yu said with a smile.

Padofelis: "..."

Spiritual, not to mention how energetic.

Now she is fine even if she doesn't sleep at night.

"Ling Yu, do you still have the lemon juice?"

Alicia suddenly asked.

"Sister Ai Li, this is not interesting."

Pado suddenly became alert.

"Don't worry Phyllis, I won't use it on you."

"Didn't Mebius say that she didn't have a good appetite last night? I took her back and gave her an appetizer." Alicia smiled.

Padu: "..."

Sister Aili, how do you say the scariest words with the gentlest expression?

Looking at the drink bottle that Ling Yu took out and handed to Alicia, Pado felt his throat rolling, and the taste that had just faded reappeared in his mouth.

After a second of silence for Mebius, Paddo turned his attention to the ordinary jar.

She finally understood that this so-called strange gift was a trap!

From now on, I might as well change its name to Qiqi Jar.

It was specially used to trick people. She would never open this jar stupidly again.


The ordinary jar was crushed, and blue light bloomed.

The moment the blue ball of light came out, Paduo quickly covered it with his hand.

next second

This blue light ball attached to Paduo's hand and turned into a red cage hand.

[Artifact·Cage Hand]: An extremely common artifact that can increase one's own power after use.

"Devil's High School?"

Ling Yu murmured when he saw the cage hand in Paduo's hand.


Ai Li looked at the cage on Paduo's left hand curiously.

The red armor covering the hands, and the dim dark green gem embedded in the middle of the armor.

Unlike Sekiryuutei's cage hand that covers his arms, this cage hand only covers the back of his hand.

"I knew my luck would not be bad!"

Padu looked at the cager on his left hand happily.

She will never open any of those damn odd jars in the future!


Ling Yu also applauded in time.

"Although it's just a blue item, it's pretty good."


The joy was washed away, and Pado's original good mood disappeared in an instant.

"The cage hand can strengthen your strength. After using it, you should be able to receive a punch."

"Why Hua?"

"Under normal circumstances, except for Gracie, few people will not kill you in an instant." Ling Yu issued a soul question.

"Only the honest Kosmo and Hua are willing to give you a gentle punch."

Padu: "..."

"Okay, Ahua, just Ahua." Pado sighed.

Who makes her the weakest hero?

Gratio's paintings can even trap her to death.

"You don't have to feel too bad."

"Life in this world is just an empty dream. It comes in a hurry and leaves in a hurry. In this case, why not live more freely?"

Ling Yu touched Pado's head.

The furry ears are pleasant to the touch.

And under Ling Yu's touch, the tail could not help but tilt up.

"Brother Ling Yu, do you think so too?"

The cat's eyes were shining, as if he had found a like-minded partner.

"Who doesn't like some leisurely time?"

Ling Yu responded with a smile.

"Hey, Brother Ling, you are right. My biggest dream in life is to bask in the sun and take a nap."

"As long as I have these two things, I'll be satisfied."

"So now your dream has come true?" Ling Yu asked.

"Well, it would be better if I could achieve success in my career." Maomao thought for a while and said.

Ling Yu laughed and said, "Open the jar quickly. After you finish opening it, I'll treat you to lunch."

"Do you have food to eat? Great!"

"I haven't tasted food from other worlds yet."

Alicia, who was standing aside, looked thoughtfully at Padofelis, who was cheering, and Ling Yu, who was smiling.

I always feel that Ling Yu has an inexplicable doting on Pado.

Could it be that...he likes Phyllis?

Pado put away the artifact, the Cage Hand, and reached out to the second ordinary jar.


Amidst the crackling sound, green light lit up.

Padu's face stiffened.

She ignored the green ball of light and reached for the third one without belief.

next second

Purple light bloomed, making Paduo's expression instantly become excited.

"It's out! Sister Ai Li, Sister Lia, Brother Ling, I'm out!"

She reached out her hand impatiently.

The purple ball of light shattered, and a round octagonal runestone appeared in Paduo's hand.

[Rat Talisman]: The power of life can give life to inanimate objects.

“Giving life to inanimate things?”

Ellie murmured the introduction of the Rat Talisman, with waves in her eyes.

Does it mean that dead things can be given life?

A figure similar to Bronya's appeared in her mind for the first time.


As Dr. Mei's assistant, although he can communicate and walk like a human being, he is not real enough!

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