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Chapter 73 Ling Yu: Are you short of weapons?

Tagoyenis was shocked.

The dragon flame was cut open, something it had never imagined.

Aren't those humans just bugs that just run around?

Even humans from the age of gods would not dare to face the dragon flames!

"What are you doing?"

Ling Yu's voice brought the sluggish Tagoyenis back to his senses, and he saw that the human he regarded as an ant had already arrived in front of it.

The Demon-Destroying Holy Sword lit up with silver-white light, and swung the sword at the thick dragon neck!


The silver sword light flashed down.


The huge wings fell.

It was a fiery red wing that was more than 60 meters long. The moment it landed, it shocked the palace.

Dark red blood flowed towards the ground like water, and Ancient Dragon King Tagoyenis looked at Ling Yu with fear.

If it hadn't abandoned one of its wings and dodged in time, it might have had its head in a different place at this time.

"That sword... is too dangerous!"

Looking at the Demon-Destroying Holy Sword in Ling Yu's hand, Tagoyenis' eyes flashed.

Its strong dragon scales were as fragile as paper in front of the sword, and the artifact in his memory was nothing compared to it.

"Why are you hiding? Aren't you the great Ancient Dragon King?"

Ling Yu looked at Tagoyenis, who was almost 400 meters away from him, and wondered.

The sound was not loud, but it reached Tagoyenis's ears clearly.

This made his anger gradually rise.

"Damn humans, when this Dragon King became famous, you weren't even born yet!"

A fiery red magic circle emerged at the broken joint, and accompanied by white light, the dragon wings that had been cut off grew back intact.


Two giant dragons that were more than 60 meters long, with a wingspan of about 130 meters, slowly flew up under the instigation of their wings.

"Really? I didn't expect that you would still be a waste after living for so long."

Tagoyenis: "..."

"you wanna die!"

After a moment of silence, Tagoyenis' dragon eyes glowed red, and a complicated and huge magic circle emerged above it.

Countless fire bombs condensed.

Each of these fire bombs is five meters wide and densely packed. There are thousands of them at least.

"go to hell!"

It shouted angrily, and these fire bullets were shot towards Ling Yu like a machine gun.


Looking up at the attacks that were like meteor showers, Ling Yu's mouth curved.

Putting the sword blade against the ground, Ling Yu looked at Tagoyenis unmoved.

The next second, black ripples appeared on the cracked ground, and countless dark figures appeared.

Dark shadow spears appeared in the hands of these dark figures, and at the same time they threw them at the fire bombs above!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Fire bombs and spears collided in mid-air, and terrifying explosions were heard.


Tagoyenis was shocked.

The dust dispersed, revealing Ling Yu who was intact.

Behind Ling Yu, there was a mighty shadow army. At this moment, they were looking at the ancient dragon king Tagoyannis expressionlessly.

"What kind of weird skill is this!?"

Tagoyenis was shocked.

In the tens of thousands of years that it has traversed the Land of Glory, it has never seen such a weird ability.

Moreover, this is completely unlike the skill given in the Tower of Trial.

"You look pretty good, become my soldier."

Ling Yu looked at Tagoyenis and said.

"Looking good? Soldier?"

"Asshole, you insulted the great Dragon King!"

Tagoyenis was so surprised that he became furious and didn't care whether he was afraid of something or not.

Open the dragon's mouth directly and spit out a mouthful of dragon breath.

It wants to burn all these weird things!

Facing the incoming dragon breath, these shadow soldiers also launched a charge.

The soldiers of these legions were extracted by Ling Yu from the other world where King Douya lived, and they themselves were monsters.

So they can be demonized.

Although his body is not as big as King Douya, he should not be underestimated.

In an instant, behemoths appeared and rushed towards Tagoyenis through the air.

"What on earth are these!?"

Tagoyenis finally looked panicked.

There are too many things beyond its knowledge.

The greatest fear for thinking creatures is the unknown.

Countless shadow soldiers came one after another, like a collapsed city wall, suppressing Tagoyenis in just an instant.

A wolf monster opened its big mouth full of fangs and bit into Tagoyenis' thigh.


The sound of steely touch sounded, mixed with sparks.

"Get away!"

With the huge force, Tagoyenis threw the wolf monster away, but the next second, it was knocked down by another monster.

Gathering energy, with a 'chi-la' sound, the cat demon's sharp claws tore off the scales on its body.


The pain made him cry out.

"No matter how skilled you are, you are still afraid of the kitchen knife. A ten-year swordsman is not as good as a new pistol soldier."

"Facing these immortal armies, even the former Dragon King would be powerless."

After some ravage, Izanami dragged Tagoyenis by his dragon horns and came to Ling Yu.

With a 'bang' sound, he threw it to the ground, and then knelt down on one knee in front of Ling Yu.

"Your Majesty!"

"Well, good job."

This is the power of the Shadow Army.

No matter how powerful you are, the pile can kill you.

There is one person on the enemy side and ten thousand on our side. The advantage is mine!

After praising him, Ling Yu swung his sword at Tagoyenes' neck.

With a 'click' sound, the huge dragon head fell to the ground.

Blood flowed out like a waterfall.

There was no waste, and the dragon blood was collected directly.

Maybe it could be sold for a good price in the future.

After collecting the dragon blood and intact dragon scales and cutting some dragon meat, Ling Yu looked at the corpse and said calmly.

"Stand up."

The power of shadow intertwined.

The ancient dragon king Tagoyenes was resurrected as a shadow soldier.

[Congratulations, respected trialist, you have passed the 100th floor of the Trial Tower! ]

[You can choose whether to go to the place favored by the gods: the Land of Glory. ]

At the same time

The continent outside the distant galaxy, the Land of Glory.

The manager responsible for the deployment and maintenance of the magic tower was stunned.

"Someone passed the level so soon?"

But just when he wanted to check, he found that the query was wrong.

He lost the tower beacon!

At the same time

Ling Yu looked at the pop-up window in front of him, and then glanced at the time on his phone.

It was already past four in the afternoon.

"I have to go back. I'll go to the Land of Glory next time. There will be guests tomorrow."

Speaking of this, Ling Yu ignored the pop-up window and turned back home.

After returning, Ling Yu took out a dark red long sword from the system space and put it on the table.

This is the reward for clearing the 100th level.

Artifact·Ancient Dragon Sword: A sword forged with the dragon scales and blood of the ancient dragon king Tagoyenis.

"This thing..."

Ling Yu glanced at Esther who was staring at the ancient dragon sword on the table, and smiled helplessly.

Start group chat

Ling Yu: " @General Dog, are you short of weapons?"

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