This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 56: The Eve of Ghost Hunting

"It's a pity that Uncle Douya Wang didn't come," Jianzi said.

"After all, he is also the head of a country, so he cannot be free all the time." Ling Yu said.

"Uncle Douya Wang also gave me a gift."

As Mianma spoke, she took out a box with a blood-red gem inside.

"Blood Jade Coral?"

Several people were stunned when they saw this thing.

"Uncle Douya Wang said this is Ziyu he found." Mianma said.

"Ziyu, that should be possible. The Baigui Bat clan has been passed down for so many years, so it's impossible for there to be only one blood jade coral." Ling Yu said.

"Furthermore, Uncle Douya Wang also said that it contains part of his sealed demon power, and will automatically open the barrier after detecting someone with malicious intent."

"It's just that the jade is too big and it's inconvenient to carry it with you." Mian Ma said distressedly.

Of course it can be put into the card space, but it is safest to carry this kind of automatic owner-protecting item with you.

"This is simple."

Hearing Mianma's troubles, Ling Yu said something and then picked up the blood jade coral.

A blue structural light lit up around the blood jade coral. Under the gaze of everyone, it began to shrink slowly, and finally became the size of a five millimeter marble.

"I lost some of the excess mass inside and kept the purest part. Now it's no problem to use it as a pendant."

Ling Yu placed the shrunken blood jade coral into Mian Ma's hand.


Mianma was amazed.

Such a big bead became so small in the blink of an eye.

And now this blood jade coral is more exquisite than before.

"Mr. Shopkeeper!"

"Miss Mianma."

At this time, Tanjiro and Nezuko, who were invited, came over.

Because they were newcomers who had just joined the group today, the two of them looked a little reserved.

Ling Yu nodded as a greeting.

"Brother Tanjiro, sister Nezuko, don't be so nervous. We are all good people. Let's eat cake together."

Mian Ma saw the tension between the two of them, came to them and held their hands.

"Mianma is really a little angel." Luna said with emotion.

Ling Yu deeply agreed.

"Brother, I also want to become a Kamen Rider!"

Suddenly, Bobo came to him and looked at Ling Yu longingly.

Mianma had transformed in front of them before, but he was so greedy.

Looking at Bobo, Ling Yu's middle-class soul overflowed again.

Under Meijiu's blank gaze, Ling Yu looked solemn.

"It's extremely difficult to become a Kamen Rider. Do you have this realization?"

"I have!"

Bobo replied immediately.

"In that case, if you graduate first in your grade, I will give you the Kamen Rider belt." Ling Yu said.


Bobo, who was originally full of momentum, was suddenly dumbfounded.

First in grade?

He is counting down!

"Young man, do you know what humility is?" Ling Yu suddenly thought of something and asked instead.


Bobo scratched his head, not quite understanding why Ling Yu said this.

"If you don't even understand humility, then you are destined to never become a righteous Kamen Rider." Ling Yu shook his head.

Bobo was stunned and immediately gritted his teeth.

Isn't it just humility? He can't learn it!

"Look, you mentioned the word 'study', so how can you become a Kamen Rider if you don't study well?"

After Bobo explained his thoughts, Ling Yu asked again.

This will completely stop Bobo.

For a moment, his little brain was in chaos, and his brain nerves died in large areas.

Seeing Bobo scratching his head and ears, Miku couldn't help but laugh.

It's true that Ling Yu actually plays tricks on children.

Here, Tanjiro and his sister also took out the gifts they planned to give to Mianma.

It's a sachet made of wisteria flowers.

Mianma likes the unique fragrance of wisteria flowers very much. It can also remove odor very well when placed in the house.

"Mianma, welcome home!"

As time passed, the welcome party officially began, led by Mianma's parents.

Everyone began to take their seats.

Because I was prepared in advance, there was no embarrassing situation where I couldn't sit down.

At the dinner table, Honma kept thanking Ling Yu.

He didn't care whether Ling Yu and others came from other worlds. He only knew that his daughter was back.

This is the most important!


after dinner

Mian Ma and his friends started opening gifts inside the house, while Ling Yu went out for a night walk alone.

The cool breeze blows from the fields, giving people a refreshing feeling.

This feeling of walking in the countryside gave him a rare sense of tranquility like when he was a child.

"Mr. Shopkeeper!"

Just when Ling Yu was enjoying a moment of silence, a voice came from behind.

Turning around, he saw Tanjiro running towards him in a hurry.

"What's wrong?"

"It's like this. I suddenly remembered that you told me that you came to see you when you teamed up with Yanzhu. Does that mean that the ghost hunting operation was dangerous?" Tanjiro asked.

"Well, Flame Pillar will die in the battle with Shangxian San."

Ling Yu didn't want to hide it either.

When Uyashiki Yōya gathers all the origin points, the so-called ghosts will cease to exist.

But before that, you can refresh the origin point for everyone in the group.

"Wind the string three!"

Tanjiro was shocked when he heard Ling Yu's words.

How come he keeps encountering ghosts related to the Twelve Ghost Moons recently?

Forget about the fake December Moon in Miss Tamayo's place. He has also experienced the eliminated Lower 6 and Lower 5 Moon Moons.

I always feel that the rare Twelve Demon Moons appear frequently in his place.

Hearing that the Flame Pillar would die, Tanjiro has been thinking about going back to tell the lord and asking him to recall the Flame Pillar.

No more Pillars can be sacrificed now.

Ling Yu looked at the field covered by moonlight.

Speaking of the Twelve Demon Moons, he thought of the Infinite City inside.

That kind of thing similar to the inherent barrier is quite interesting.

Like his Golden Sword Domain, it belongs to the category of subspace.

"It seems that my legion will have new members again."

Ling Yu has already started to calculate who to choose as his new soldier at that time.

The strength of the Kokushibo in the Twelve Demon Moons is still good.

It is only one level lower than that of Tsugakuko Yuichi.

After strolling for a while, Ling Yu went back.

As soon as he came back, Esther threw herself into Ling Yu's arms, and it can be seen that she is very clingy.

Ling Yu also caressed her head lovingly.

In the following time, everyone stayed together to chat for a while, played a few games, and then said goodbye to each other.

And agreed to meet again when the points were sufficient.

Then they would have an open-air barbecue.

Three days had passed since the end of Menma's family dinner.

On this day, Tanjiro finally came to find Ling Yu.

Tanjiro: "Shopkeeper, the lord has already praised the origin points of the Demon Slayer Corps!"

Ling Yu: "Send it in a red envelope."

Tanjiro: "Okay!"

[Group member Tanjiro sent you a red envelope! ]

With the sound of the system, Ling Yu opened the red envelope.

It was a card belonging to the store.

But on it, there were 46,000 origin points!

"So many!"

Even though he was mentally prepared, Ling Yu was still shocked by the number.

It felt like seeing the world.

Sure enough, the gains from volume are great.

[Congratulations to the host for gaining a large number of points, and the host is rewarded with an exclusive jar! ]

The system's voice also sounded.

"I really got rich overnight."

Looking at the 4,600 points that had just arrived, Ling Yu sighed.

Searching is really faster than opening a can of origin points one by one.

After accepting the origin points, Ling Yu tagged all members in the group.

Ling Yu: " @All members, the opportunity to earn origin points is here, is anyone signing up?"

Ghost? That's real origin points, and it's the group owner's job to give some benefits to his own group members.

Yotani Miko: "Me! I want to sign up!"

Inu Taisho: "I'll sign up too!"

Luna: "I want to go too!"

Hearing that there was 'money' to be made, everyone rushed to participate.

If you fall behind, you'll be beaten, this sentence is not just talk.

After all, not everyone wants to stay where they are.

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