This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 307 Precious Treasure Box

"Take it, my power."

The Dragon Emperor closed his eyes slightly and gave up resistance completely.

And those ancient dragons who followed the Dragon Emperor also fell to the ground one by one under the suppression of the Shadow Army.

Hearing what the Dragon Emperor said, Cheng Xiaoyu was silent, and then stretched out his hand towards the Dragon Emperor.

"I'll put you to good use."

However, just when he was about to take action.


A piercing sound sounded, the Dragon Emperor's chest was stained with blood, and a silver spear pierced out of his flesh.

Cheng Xiaoyu frowned.

The next second, the terrifying aura belonging to the king descended.

He raised his head in displeasure and saw a figure dressed as an angel appearing behind the Dragon Emperor. In his hand was the spear that had penetrated the Dragon Emperor's chest!

A ruler is a being who is hostile to kings.

Just like light and darkness, the Dominators are representatives of light and order.

The dark sky began to clear, revealing the dusk scene.

Under the illumination of the orange sunshine, countless rulers dressed as angels appeared in the sky, and their eyes were all focused on the Dragon Emperor.

"I see, you joined forces with them."

Seeing the rulers, the Dragon Emperor showed a look of surprise.

Immediately, a mouthful of reverse blood spurted out, and his consciousness disappeared.

Cheng Xiaoyu's face darkened.

next second

A terrifying breath roared out. He stared at the ruler who killed the Dragon Emperor, and a cold voice sounded: "Who allows you to touch my prey!"

"Please forgive my rudeness, the greatest fragment of brilliance."

Facing Cheng Xiaoyu's anger, the ruler knelt down without dignity.

At the same moment, all the rulers in the sky fell down and knelt on one knee in front of Cheng Xiaoyu.

"In the long battle with the king, we have become too aware of their methods. To ensure nothing goes wrong, I must penetrate his body with the spear of glory."

"I am willing to bear your wrath and hope to receive your forgiveness."

The ruler said very sincerely.

Cheng Xiaoyu's purple eyes remained unchanged, and he said in an indifferent tone: "After defeating all the kings, are you also going to kill me?"

The ruler suddenly raised his head and said hurriedly: "Of course not! You are the greatest fragment of light, former legion commander, how could we be enemies with you!"

"As long as you are willing, you are still our legion commander!"

The ruler's tone was very excited.

It seemed that he was frightened by Cheng Xiaoyu's words.

Hearing this, Cheng Xiaoyu calmed down a little, looked at the lifeless Dragon Emperor, and decided to extract his shadow first.

In any case, improving strength is the most important thing.

Then, his indifferent voice sounded:

"stand up."

Under the witness of all the rulers, all the dead ancient dragons on the battlefield, including the King of Destruction, the Dragon Emperor, reappeared as shadow soldiers.

They all stood behind Cheng Xiaoyu and faced off against the large group of rulers.

However, facing the shadow army, the rulers were indifferent and still knelt on one knee.

Cheng Xiaoyu was silent for a moment and took a long breath.

In any case, it is because of them that human beings can survive until now, otherwise they would have been destroyed by the armies of kings. He is the Shadow King, but he is also Cheng Xiaoyu.

Of course, the kindness you have endured must be repaid.

So he looked at the ruler again: "Give me the Cup of Reincarnation, and this matter will be considered cleared."

"Yes, the greatest fragment of brilliance."

The ruler did not hesitate and took out the Cup of Reincarnation and handed it to Cheng Xiaoyu.

The Cup of Reincarnation can change the flow of time and set the world back ten years.

The rulers also rely on the ability of the Cup of Reincarnation to give humans on the verge of extinction a chance to breathe again.

Even artifacts have durability. Before the Shadow King Aspen went into the sea, the world had gone back countless times, and now there is only one last chance to use the Cup of Reincarnation.

It will be completely scrapped after use.

But even if it is only the last time, it is the only secret treasure in the world that can reverse time, and its value may be higher than that of the Dragon Emperor.

Putting away the Cup of Reincarnation, Cheng Xiaoyu looked at the ruler in front of him: "Pack up the corpses of these ancient dragons before you leave. I will be useful."

After saying that, Cheng Xiaoyu disappeared from the spot.

Seeing this, the rulers also began to clean up the battlefield.

They were all excited because this was the only winning outcome among countless confrontations with kings.

Of course, it was more because the former legion commander and the greatest fragment of glory, Cheng Xiaoyu, seemed to have a tendency to forgive them.

Were it not that there was no hope, they would not kill their Creator, the Absolute.


After Cheng Xiaoyu disappeared, the live broadcast screen was cut off.

Ling Yu withdrew his consciousness from the heated discussion, raised his head, and met the same gaze.

"I knew you were coming."

Looking at Cheng Xiaoyu, Ling Yu smiled.

"I really can't hide anything from you, the shopkeeper." Cheng Xiaoyu sighed with emotion, and immediately put the cup of reincarnation on the counter: "Let's estimate the price."

Ling Yu understood the value at a glance.

"Twenty-eight thousand."

"What a good price!" Cheng Xiaoyu was a little satisfied.

He also had those ancient dragon corpses that the rulers were asked to pack, and if he exchanged them again, he would be making a lot of money.

Or handing it over to Paduo's store for turnover is also a considerable amount of income.

After the successful exchange, Cheng Xiaoyu looked at the balance in his card and was very satisfied. Now no one in the whole group must be richer than him!

"Let me tell you, the Qi Fu jars are now 20% off, which means that ten jars only cost 800 origin points. How about it, would you consider buying one?"

Cheng Xiaoyu: "..."

If it was in the past, Cheng Xiaoyu would not care about this kind of marketing method, but today... he has money!

"Just consider it as taking care of the business, ten."

Cheng Xiaoyu handed over his store card very generously.

"Eight hundred."

Ling Yu smiled and crossed out the corresponding amount, and then put ten green Qi Fu jars on the table.

The soul steel dagger in Cheng Xiaoyu's hand emerged, and he swung it at the jars.

Instantly, ten jars shattered together.

"Shopkeeper, should I change my weapon too?" Cheng Xiaoyu suddenly said.

Ling Yu raised his eyebrows: "What do you think?"

Cheng Xiaoyu nodded: "I want to ask you to use the dragon fangs of the Dragon Emperor to make two short swords for me."

"No problem, just give me the materials when the time comes, and I'll charge you 800 origin points as a token of appreciation."

Cheng Xiaoyu's mouth twitched.

This is a bit expensive.

Although he is not short of origin points now, it does not mean that he is willing to give it up, but for his own strength, Cheng Xiaoyu still nodded.

The ten broken Qi Fu jars finally revealed the light balls inside, one purple, two blue, and the rest are white.

Based on the properties of the Qi Fu jar, this is already a good configuration.

Cheng Xiaoyu stretched out one hand and crushed the purple light ball.

The light ball broke, revealing a fruit that looked black and looked like a rugby ball.

[Evolution Reality]: Want to be handsome? Want to be strong? Then eat it!

"Is this a purple item?"

Cheng Xiaoyu was stunned when he saw this introduction.

Should I say it is worthy of being a Qi Fu jar?

Still stable.

"The food is good, but I'm not sure if it's worth it." Ling Yu smiled and spread his hands.

Cheng Xiaoyu's mouth twitched slightly.

You, the owner, are not sure, how can customers feel at ease?

However, in line with the principle that the store's products must be high-quality, he still took a bite.

After a bite, it was tender and juicy.

"It's quite delicious." Cheng Xiaoyu was surprised.

"If it tastes good, eat more."

Ling Yu handed over a glass of water considerately.

Cheng Xiaoyu didn't think much about it and ate all the Fruit of Evolution with water.

After eating it all, Cheng Xiaoyu felt the warmth in his stomach.

Then in Ling Yu's sight, Cheng Xiaoyu's facial features became more delicate and his skin was delicate.

In short, he became more handsome!

Fruit of Evolution, from: "The Fruit of Evolution ~ Unknowingly Opening a Victorious Life ~"

Yes, it's the show where the pink-butt gorilla becomes a beauty! Fortunately, Cheng Xiaoyu doesn't need to know where it comes from, as long as the food tastes good.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the corresponding amount and unlocking the precious jar! ]

The system's voice suddenly sounded in Ling Yu's mind, followed by a series of prompt sounds.

[Ding! Congratulations to the host for unlocking the precious jar, and reward one sign-in! ]

[Ding! Congratulations..., reward one lottery! ]

[Ding! Congratulations..., reward an exclusive jar! ]

Hearing the continuous prompt sounds, Ling Yu was stunned.

Cheng Xiaoyu on the opposite side was also stunned, because he saw with his own eyes that the row of ordinary jars on the shelf turned into gold-inlaid jars.

There is a clear distinction between ordinary jars and exquisite jars.

He immediately had an idea in his mind: the store unlocked a new jar!

"Just now, the store has a new precious jar, 10,000 each, would you consider it?" Ling Yu, who came back to his senses, smiled and promoted it to Cheng Xiaoyu.

"Ten thousand..."

Cheng Xiaoyu was silent.

Precious, precious, this jar is really expensive!

But since he can be the first person to eat crabs, he will naturally not miss it.

"Let's have one first."

Ten thousand is not a small amount after all, even Cheng Xiaoyu had to grit his teeth before placing an order.

Fortunately, he just made a big profit, otherwise he really wouldn't have the strength.

Ling Yu's face was delighted, and he hurriedly said: "Thank you for your patronage! You are destined to be rich and noble."

Cheng Xiaoyu: "..."

He saw Ling Yu take out a gold-inlaid jar from under the counter.

The kind that looks rich at first glance.

Just one look, and he couldn't look away.

Rarely, facing the precious jar, Cheng Xiaoyu did not use a sword, but steadily picked up the small hammer provided by the store.

Ling Yu wondered: "You don't need the help of tools with your current strength, right?"

Cheng Xiaoyu shook his head and said something that surprised Ling Yu.

"My hands are shaking."

Ling Yu: "..."

The appearance of the precious jar also attracted other people in the store.

Except for Luna who was not there, everyone gathered here.

Xilin and Jiang Yue were the same.


Along with the sound of breaking, the red light was like the red clouds on the horizon, instantly illuminating the store.

At the same time

Luna, who was purchasing supplies with Shin Sumika, suddenly felt a pang in her heart.

She felt like she was going to miss something important, so she began to urge Shin Sumika.


With enthusiasm, Cheng Xiaoyu slowly moved his hands towards the red ball of light.

His hands were visibly shaking.

One shot hit the target!

This was something he had never dared to think of!

This ten thousand dollars was worth it!

At the same time, the information of the item also appeared in front of everyone.

[Brahma Spear]: The supreme god of the etymology of the truth of the universe, the supreme god Brahma in the Indian mythology group, created a magic spear that is sure to win with one strike.

The light disappeared, and a golden spear appeared in front of Cheng Xiaoyu.

"Indian mythology?"

When Cheng Xiaoyu saw this introduction, he was stunned.

No, he is from H country, what are you doing to me.

And has the red item risen to the myth stage?

Thinking of the series of amazing settings in the myths of various countries, Cheng Xiaoyu's heart trembled.

If that were the case, wouldn't each one be the origin of the universe?

"I don't understand."

Xilin shook her head.

"In short, this is a gun that is sure to hit and win."

"Just like Gungnir in Celtic mythology, you will definitely win and defeat the enemy after using it."

"Does it mean you are invincible?"

Jianzi was surprised.

"Well, in theory, no matter who the opponent is, no matter how unbreakable the shield is, or even the rules of the world, it can penetrate it and bring victory to the holder."

In front of this gun, even Avalon, who has been fully released, will be easily penetrated. They are not at the same level at all.

It is not a low-dimensional artifact, but a supreme god-level one in the universe.

"Shopkeeper, I am a little afraid to take it now."

After listening to Ling Yu's explanation, Cheng Xiaoyu suddenly trembled.

"Why, you defeated the strongest king of the Dragon Emperor, and there is no one stronger than you in your world." Ling Yu smiled.

"I will use this weapon less in the future."

Cheng Xiaoyu said, he was really afraid that he would kill the opponent with a mistake in operation.

"Use it as a trump card, at least you are invincible for a short time."

'Short time...'

Cheng Xiaoyu was silent in his heart. Since the red item came out, he must not be the only one who can open it.

By the way

"Shopkeeper, are you also afraid of this gun?" Cheng Xiaoyu said expectantly.

Ling Yu chuckled: "If I want, I can break it now."

Cheng Xiaoyu smiled bitterly, thinking that he asked a stupid question.

"But your luck is also amazing. You opened a red item with 10,000." Ling Yu was a little envious.

If he had this luck before, why would he charge money.

Cheng Xiaoyu laughed.

He carefully put away the Brahma Spear, and then looked at Ling Yu expectantly.

"Shopkeeper, I want to try it."

Ling Yu's face darkened in an instant.


What can you do? Naturally, you can find him to practice.

He understood.

Every time these people find him with new abilities, they just treat him as a sparring partner.

Now they come again.

So Ling Yu decided to teach Cheng Xiaoyu to be a king!

He smiled slightly.

"Let's go, to the trial ground."

Looking at Ling Yu's back, Cheng Xiaoyu shuddered inexplicably.


Half an hour later


The door of the store was pushed open, and Luna walked in in a hurry, followed by the exhausted Shen Chengzhen.

She looked at everyone in the store and asked, "Did anything happen while I was away?"

Hearing this, Aifelu told her about Cheng Xiaoyu opening the red item.

This made Luna stunned.

Again, missed again! (End of this chapter)

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