This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 29: Fighting with a bet, or exterminating the whole clan?

"Not too late, just right."

Hearing Ling Yu's words, King Douya responded with a smile.

"Mr. King Douya, this is the first time we meet. I am Miko Yotsuya." Miko Yotsuya greeted.

Komiko was a little surprised when she saw King Douga for the first time.

For people from the island country who are generally short in height, King Douya, who is over 1.8 meters tall, is like a little giant in Miko's eyes.

"First meeting, Miss Jianzi."

King Douya also greeted Miko warmly.

There is no disdain for humans that ordinary monsters have in their eyes.

On the side, Fairy Ling Yue, who was holding Sesshomaru, frowned slightly.

Except for the youngest silver-haired little girl, the aura of everyone else was unmistakably human.

So King Douya made all the fanfare just to welcome a few humans?

This made Fairy Lingyue very puzzled.

Did the dog take the wrong medicine today?

"Let me introduce you, this is my wife, Immortal Fairy Ling Yue." King Douya said.

"Hello, Sister Xianji."


Immortal Fairy Ling Yue’s expression was dull.

Humans are inferior creatures to monsters. She didn't just turn around and leave, which is because she is very well-educated.

And being able to answer the other party would give King Douya face.

"Is this Sesshomaru? So cute."

When Mijiu saw Sesshomaru sleeping soundly in Fairy Lingyue's arms, her heart almost broke.

It doesn’t matter that he grew up to be handsome, he was still so cute when he was a child!

"Excuse me." She looked at Immortal Fairy Ling Yue and asked softly, "Can I hug him?"

Subconsciously, Fairy Ling Yue wanted to refuse, but King Dou Ya took the lead.


Fairy Ling Yue: "???"

Doubt was written all over her pretty face.

It seems to be saying: Are you crazy, letting a human hold your son?

The guards and maids nearby also showed expressions of disbelief.

In their eyes, even if human beings are not considered food, they are still the lowest.

An ordinary monster can kill a dozen people with just a wave of his hand.

"Okay, trust me once."

Feeling the questioning gaze of Immortal Lingyue, King Douya squeezed Immortal Lingyue's palm lightly and said with a smile.


"It's your son anyway, I can't control what you want."

After staring at King Douya for a moment, Fairy Ling Yue stuffed Sesshomaru into King Douya's arms and turned around angrily.

She no longer understood what Douya Wang was thinking in his head.

"Ahem, you all know my wife's character. She has a good heart."

King Touga who held Sesshomaru in his arms coughed lightly and said to everyone.

"It's okay, we all know it."

Miku chuckled and carefully took Sesshomaru from King Touga's arms.

The moment she took it into her arms, the scent of milk hit her, and she couldn't help but take another sip.

Looking at Sesshomaru in her arms, she stretched out her long index finger and lightly tapped Sesshomaru's cheek.

The soft skin dug her fingers into it.

"So soft, so cute~"

Sesshomaru in his arms seemed to feel a strange aura and opened his big golden eyes.

After seeing Mijiu's fingers, he would curiously hug her fingers with both hands, which softened Mijiu's heart even more.

Babies and dogs are like chickens and basketballs, they go together perfectly!

This is extremely lethal for Miku, who loves dogs and cute things.

Ling Yu also walked over, looked at Sesshomaru who stretched out his hands to hug Miku's fingers, and took out his mobile phone to take a few photos.

He planned to make a photo album and give it to Sesshomaru's future wife, Suzu.

When you get married, you must get to know each other, and it is also important for Suzu to know something about Sesshomaru's childhood.

"I didn't prepare anything when I came, so just give this to Sesshomaru as a gift."

Looking at the infant Sesshomaru, Ling Yu shook his hand towards the void.

In an instant, purple lightning gathered in the palm of his hand, and finally shaped into a purple sword.

"This is!?"

King Douya, who was very close, felt his voice change slightly after feeling the violent energy contained in the knife.

Immortal Fairy Ling Yue, who turned her back, also cast her gaze.

After seeing the blade in Ling Yu's hand, his eyes narrowed slightly.

"The Key of Death is not a very good thing, but it can be used to exceed the limit once. After the limit is exceeded, the power should be quite strong."

Ling Yu said.

King Douya was stunned for a while and said in a deep voice: "This gift is too expensive!"

"It's okay. For me, I just pinched it casually and treated it as a toy for Sesshomaru."

"But it's a bit powerful. Let's give it to him when he grows up."

Ling Yu stuffed the Key of Heavenly Death into King Douya's hand.


Immortal Fairy Ling Yue murmured in her heart.

If even this knife was a toy, wouldn't her previous arrogance be a joke?

"This...I understand!"

King Douya said after hesitating for a while.

"If the shop owner has any instructions in the future, I will do my best to cooperate!"

"A promise from a great demon is rare."

After joking, Ling Yu said: "I'm very interested in the Underworld Cangyue Po. If you get it, remember to tell me early."

"No problem!" King Douya assured.

"The banquet is about to start, please, owner."

Putting away the Key to Death, King Douya made a gesture of invitation to Ling Yu.

Lingyue Fairy also turned sideways with Douya King. She had put away her contempt. Next, she should treat these special guests with VIP etiquette.

Ling Yu nodded and looked at the women surrounding Seshomaru: "Don't just stare at Seshomaru. Come in quickly."

"I'm coming."

Hearing this, the women also restrained themselves a little.

After all, they were outside, so they still had to pay attention to their image.

In this way, several people sat down. Because it was a celebration banquet, there were many seats in the hall.

However, Douya King gave the four seats closest to the main seat to Lingyu and others.

After a while, led by a guard, more than a dozen monsters walked into the hall.

It was the first time for Jianzi and others to see so many monsters. They were very curious.

Because Lingyue Fairy and Douya King were very close to human form, they were still very curious about the monsters with animal heads and human bodies.

The monsters who came in were also stunned when they saw that the people sitting at the four tables in the front were humans.

Then they saw Seshomaru in their arms, and they were even more frightened.

Inu no Taisho actually let a group of humans touch his son? !

Monsters are very sensitive to smells, so they are sure that the baby in Miku's arms is the son of Touga!

For a moment, they felt that either they were crazy or the world was crazy!

Among these monsters, Ling Yu also saw several familiar figures.

Among them were Hong Xiegui and Qi Tian, ​​two cannon fodders who died on Penglai Island and had their weapons robbed.

Of course, there were also Touga's retainers, Dao Daosai and Flea Meijia.

All the monsters who came in were puzzled by Ling Yu and others sitting in the front four seats, but out of respect for Touga, they didn't say much.

After all, those who could come to the palace to attend the banquet were either confidants or smart people. It was not a smart monster to make Touga lose face.

This banquet was very pleasant, and there was no pretentious and face-slapping scene in Ling Yu's impression, which made him a little boring.

From the reader's perspective, pretending to be cool and getting slapped in the face may be very old-fashioned, but for the protagonist in the story, it is simply too cool.

Who doesn't like to play the pig and eat the tiger, and see the shocked look of those stupid big guys?

Not to mention that he likes it, he often used this background when he YY before.

"I think you are all very curious about who these five people are and why they can sit in the front seat."

After three rounds of wine, King Dou Ya suddenly spoke, which made the monsters who were originally talking quietly.

"General, you must have your deep meaning for doing this." Ming Jia, a retainer, immediately flattered him.

"That's right! General, you must have your reasons for doing this."

The monsters also said in unison.

King Dou Ya was full of smiles, this is the subordinate he is proud of.

IQ is online, what kind of monsters were those countries he had been on diplomatic missions before.

They came up with intimidation and disdain, without any civilization.

"Let me introduce you, this is Ling Yu, my friend."

King Dou Ya came in front of Ling Yu and said to the monsters.


A human?

The monsters looked at each other in bewilderment.

"Hello, everyone. I am Ling Yu, the owner of the Dimensional Shop. We welcome all the leeks to our shop."

Ling Yu said to everyone with a smile.


The monsters were confused, but Miku and others laughed.

Looking at Miku and others who laughed, the monsters were even more confused.

So, what are leeks?

How come they have never heard of them.

"Well, everyone just understands them as customers." Toga King coughed lightly.

"This is Yuyou Miku, a singer."

"Yotani Miko, an Onmyoji who inherited the power of the White Tiger."

Onmyoji? !

Singers are okay, that profession is ordinary, but after hearing the three words Onmyoji, the monsters' faces changed.

Aren't they a group of lunatics who clamor to destroy all monsters all day long?

Inu Taisho actually let an Onmyoji come here!

Or, she came to the land of monsters alone, isn't she not afraid of death?

"Well, um, hello."

Feeling the gazes of many people, Jianzi greeted the monsters weakly.

Although she was armed with powerful spells, she was still a little girl in essence.

Living with ghosts for a long time, it can only be said that she has a good psychological quality, which cannot change her social phobia. At the same time, she will still be nervous when being stared at by so many monsters.

The monsters looked at each other and continued to look at the general.

Want to hear what he said next.

"Ms. Luna, from the elves in the far west."


Compared to Jianzi, Luna is much more normal, just treat these monsters as sub-humans.

"As for her..."

Douga looked at Esther.

Esther usually doesn't talk in the group, so Douya really doesn't know how to introduce her.

"My sister."

Ling Yu stroked Esther's head and said.

"In short, these five are my friends. When you see them, you should treat them the way you treat me."

As soon as these words came out, the crowd immediately became noisy.

Before, the monsters didn't dare to say anything, but now it was Douya King's turn to bring it up, which was like opening a conversation box.

After a while, one of the monsters with a rhinoceros head stood up.

"General Inu, I am the herdsman of the rhinoceros monster clan. I admire you, so I chose to join the West Country."

Douya King nodded.

Seeing that Douya King was not angry, Muli continued: "But we are monsters. How can monsters and humans be friends?"

"Humans are just food. What you did is puzzling to me."

"How dare you question the master's decision!"

Mingjia jumped up and said, very dissatisfied with Muli's words.


Douya King said calmly.

Muli swallowed his saliva when he felt Douya King's gaze.

Continued: "Even if you are the dog general, it is impossible for us to treat humans equally."

"Is this the result of your discussion?"

Douya King's golden eyes condensed slightly.

"Yes, yes!"

"In that case, how about both sides compete in the last game?" Before Douya King spoke, Lingyue Fairy's voice sounded first.

"Lingyue." Douya King frowned.

Faced with Douya King's reminder, Lingyue Fairy turned a blind eye.


"In the world of monsters, strength is respected. If you lose, there will be nothing to say."

"That's right."

Mu Li nodded.

Dou Ya Wang frowned slightly.

He had planned to use the title of 'Dog General' to directly intimidate, but his wife suddenly spoke up and stopped him from continuing.

"Very good suggestion."

At this time, Ling Yu's voice suddenly sounded, which instantly attracted everyone's attention.

Ling Yu chuckled and looked at Mu Li and said, "It's indeed a good suggestion."

"But in a battle, there must be some prizes."

"How about this, if we lose, you can ask any request you want."


"Otherwise what?"

"Well, let me think about it. Ling Yu supported his chin with one hand, thought for a while, and said with a smile: "How about exterminating the clan."

Dou Ya Wang's pupils shrank suddenly.


"Hmm? "

Ling Yu glanced at him lightly, and a golden light flashed through his eyes.

This made Dou Ya Wang, who was trying to persuade him, shut up.

"Hahaha, a mere human dares to speak so arrogantly!"

At this moment, Mu Li had not realized the seriousness of the problem. After being stunned for a while, he laughed out loud.

The other monsters were also in an uproar.

Originally, they looked down on humans, and now the other party said such "big words" that made them look down on them even more.


Dou Ya Wang cursed inwardly.

Ling Yue Fairy also frowned slightly.

Ling Yu restrained his smile and looked at Jian Zi opposite: "Jian Zi, you go and teach him how to be a monster."

"Hey? Me?"

Jian Zi's face changed when he was called.

"Go and exercise. Are you afraid of something happening with me here?"

"Well, then I'll try. "

Jianzi murmured for a while and said.

'Is it that Yin Yang Master?'

Seeing Yotsuya Jianzi, Lingyue Fairy murmured in her heart.

"Don't hold back, use all your strength." Ling Yu said calmly.

"Is it here?" Jianzi asked.

"Right here."

Ling Yu said, with a "snap" sound, accompanied by a crisp snap of fingers, the imaginary space covered everyone.

When I came to my senses again, I had arrived in the imaginary world.

"What is this! ?"

The sudden scene made many monsters unable to sit still. They stood up and looked at the desolate world around them in shock.

Dou Ya Wang was also slightly shocked.

In an instant, they were moved to this world without resistance. What kind of ghost method is this!

"No matter how you attack here, it will not affect the outside world. "Ling Yu said briefly.

At this time, Mu Li also recovered from his shock.

Looking at Ling Yu's calm eyes, for some reason, his heart trembled.

Coming to the center, Jian Zi, who was standing opposite Mu Li, took a deep breath, and a white talisman paper was pinched between her index finger and middle finger and taken out from her arms.

"It's the talisman of the Yin-Yang master."

"It's the Yin-Yang master!"


The monsters discussed.

There are four major professions in this era, magicians, witches, demon exorcists and Yin-Yang masters.

And the most hated one is the Yin-Yang master.

Not only did they attack them on a large scale, but they also enslaved them into shikigami.

"Beast claws show talismans, white lotus tiger cannons, hurry up and command!"

Chanting the spell, the white talisman paper iron arm.

A white light flashed, and the white tiger's spell weapon emerged.

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