This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 27: Sword of Promised Victory, Memory Copy

"What if I ask you, the owner, to make it?"

Dou Ya Wang thought for a moment and said.

Ling Yu glanced at him.

Instead of going through the jar, will you go directly to him?

But it doesn't matter to Ling Yu, as long as he can earn points.

"That's fine."

"One thousand for one forging, no credit."

"One thousand..."

Cong Yunya is five hundred, and the tooth is one hundred, so he has to pull out four more teeth?

Dou Ya Wang's face was a little strange.

For a dog, a good set of teeth is the appearance.

If he really pulls out four teeth in a row, it will be a big blow to him.

After thinking about it, he took out a small fan from his arms, then enlarged it, and extended it to two meters before stopping.

"Owner, what about this?"

He put the fan on the counter.

Ling Yu looked at it and felt that it was a little familiar. After staring at it for a while, he realized it.

Isn't this the Red Evil Ghost Fan?

The weapon that Dou Ya Wang rewarded to his subordinate Red Evil Ghost was finally snatched away by Ji Luo, one of the four Dou Shen of Penglai Island.

"Okay, add this and you will get a thousand points."

Ling Yu picked up the fan.

"No problem, I am looking forward to the sword you made."

After that, Dou Ya Wang put Cong Yun Ya, the sword of the world's tyrant, on the table.

"Then, I will come to get the sword later."

"It won't take that long, now will do."


Dou Ya Wang was stunned.

It's not that he hasn't seen a craftsman forging a sword, but it would take several months to make it.

But before he could speak, he saw Ling Yu put his hands together, and then pulled them towards the void on both sides.

Between the separation of the two palms, a blue structural force appeared in the palms.

A long sword that he had never seen before appeared in Ling Yu's hand.

Looking at the long sword in his hand, Ling Yu nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that he has the talent of a master copyist.

He swung the sword and said to the confused Dou Ya King: "This sword is called the Sword of Promised Victory."

"Gathering the demonic power can release the secret called 'Curry Stick'."

As he said, Ling Yu handed the sword to Dou Ya King.

"The Sword of Promised Victory..."

Dou Ya King murmured and took it.

This is not the real Sword of Promised Victory, but a replica forged by Ling Yu by extracting the material of Cong Yun Ya.

However, the curry stick can still be used, but Ling Yu helped him modify it to use any energy.

As long as enough energy is gathered, the 'Curry Stick' that looks exactly like the curry stick can be released.

As for the power, it depends on how much energy the owner can condense.

Looking at this platinum long sword that can clearly reflect his face, Dou Ya King felt that he had learned a lot.

This workmanship, as well as the details of the hilt, are simply incomparable to his own weapons.

The blue and gold color scheme makes the sword body have a solemn and solemn feeling.

Slightly mobilize the demonic energy, and the blade will light up with a pale white light.

This shocked Dou Ya Wang even more.

The last sword that matched his demonic power so well was the Iron Fang forged with his own teeth!

"Then I will accept these two items."

Looking at Dou Ya Wang who was obsessed with the "Beauty" of the Sword of Promised Victory, Ling Yu recovered the Cong Yun Ya and the Red Evil Ghost Fan.

But before recovering them, Ling Yu copied one of each and threw it into the system space for collection.

"How is it, is it to your liking?"

Dou Ya Wang nodded in a trance.

He had never seen such a good sword, whether it was the forging process or the degree of matching with demonic power.

"As long as you are satisfied, then let's join a group."

Ling Yu pointed his finger at the void, and the next second, a window popped up in front of Dou Ya Wang.

"Just click [Yes]."


Dou Ya Wang did as he was told.

The next second, his consciousness was pulled to a mysterious space.

There was a sky full of stars as the background, which made Dou Ya Wang dazzled for a while.

Facing the vast starry sky, people always seem extremely small.

[Ding! Inu Taisho joins the group chat! ]

The group chat notification sounded in the ears of all group members.

Luna jumped out first.

Luna: "Welcome newcomers!"

Yui Miku: "Welcome newcomers to the group."

Yotsuya Miko: "Welcome, welcome."

Even Esther, who had been lurking, sent a welcome message.

Douga, who joined the group for the first time, was very curious. This feeling similar to a mental conversation was quite novel to him.

Luna: "Newcomers can click on the group avatar to learn about relevant matters."

Douga: "Thank you."

With the experience of the card, Douga was familiar with it. He gently touched the group avatar.

The next second, information about the group chat flooded into his brain.


After a moment of immersion, Douga sent the first sentence in the group.

Dog General: "So everyone here is from another world?"

Luna: "That's right, and everyone is a customer of the store."

Dog General: "It's incredible."

Luna: "Newcomer, please introduce yourself."

Dog General: "My name is Douya Wang, Dog General of the West Country."

"Dog means dog?"

Luna turned to Ling Yu when she saw Douya Wang speaking in the group.

Douya Wang on the side: "..."

"It's still different. Dog is bigger than dog."

"Dog is mostly used in a derogatory sense, while dog is rarely used in a derogatory sense, mostly in a commendatory sense."

"Besides, does it really not matter if you say that to others in front of others?" Ling Yu complained.

He exposed someone's shortcomings in front of his face and was accidentally caught in a sack. He was dragged into an alley and beaten up.

Luna, who was listening carefully to the lecture, quickly covered her mouth when she heard the last sentence and looked at King Douya cautiously.

"it's okay no problem."

King Douya smiled a little reluctantly.

If in his world, someone called him a dog, he would be stabbed with a knife.

"Luna is from another world, so her understanding of some words is different. I hope you can understand it." Ling Yu explained for Luna.

King Douya: "The shopkeeper is too polite, I don't really care."

Hearing this, Ling Yu stopped dwelling on this matter and started the next topic.

"Next, I will upload some of the information I see related to you to the group. You can download it and take a look."


Closing his eyes, Ling Yu began to upload the picture.

[The group leader Ling Yu uploaded a memory copy of "InuYasha\

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