This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 25: Preventing minors from becoming addicted, visible to the child

"Then let's take our leave first."

Because Miko is still a high school student and a girl, she can't stay out for too long at night.

Miko's best friend Yuri Kawaka is in the same situation.

Since there is no one to play with, it's natural to get together and go away, each looking for his own mother.

"Goodbye shopkeeper, Sister Luna, Sister Miku, and Esther. Come and play again next time." Miko waved goodbye to everyone.

"Don't forget to come to the store after you save your origin points." Ling Yu reminded.

"I'm saving, I'm saving."

When Jianzi heard this, her head hurt, thinking that she would have to worry about money at such a young age.

"Go back early."

Meijiu said something to Mianzi and followed Ling Yu into the space passage.

As the space passage closed, calm returned to the alley again, and Miko also put down his waving hand.

"Mianzi, these friends of yours... are not ordinary people."

Lily Chuanhua, who was witnessing the whole process, said blankly.

Ling Yu's behavior did not avoid her, because in his opinion, it was not necessary.

But Ling Yu's indifference shocked Lily Chuanhua, because how could ordinary people make a hole in space?

Hearing Yuri Kawaka's words, Yotsuya Miko's body froze.

She sighed with her back to Yuri Kawaka.

A faint voice suddenly sounded in the alley: "Since you have discovered it, I will not let you go."


Lily Chuanhua was stunned when she heard this, and found that Miko had turned around, lowered her head and walked towards her.

Her black hair fell down, covering Miko's face, making her expression invisible.

"Well, that person, I won't talk nonsense about what happened today."

As Miko got closer and closer, Lily Chuanhua felt inexplicably panicked.

"It's getting late, I have to go back."

"Where do you want to go?"

Just when Lily Chuanhua's eyes were frantically looking for the exit, she felt her shoulders being held down.

Lily Chuanhua stiffened when she heard the sound.

She turned her head stiffly and saw Miko's golden eyes hidden under the luxuriant hair.

Against the backdrop of the dark night, it was so terrifying.


For a moment, Lily Chuanhua closed her eyes tightly as if she had seen Tai Nai.

Just when she thought she was about to say goodbye to the world, a pair of hands quietly fell on her waist.

The next second, Miko's little hands began to dance crazily on her waist.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Lily Chuanhua, who was still scared a second ago, laughed out loud.

Laughter suddenly echoed throughout the street, making passers-by look sideways.

After seeing the two girls playing around, he immediately showed a familiar smile.

"Jianzi, I can't do it anymore, I can't do it anymore, hahahahaha, please spare me, hahahaha."

Lily Chuanhua, who was tickled, began to beg for mercy, but she was laughing so hard that she was no match for Miko.

"came back!"

Back in the store, Luna lay on the sofa in a very shapeless manner.

After eating and drinking enough, she just wanted to lie down.

"What about the elf's elegance? I can't see it in you at all."

Ling Yu complained as he looked at Luna lying on the sofa in a "big" shape.

"Anyway, I'm just that kind of country elf and don't know the etiquette of the royal family." Luna said casually.

"You are completely showing off."

Ling Yu came to the side and sat down, lifting her hand like a marionette.

"There are no outsiders here, so anything will do."

Luna said, opening her arms and paddling back and forth as if swimming.

Ling Yu: "Go back to sleep."

Luna glanced at Ling Yu: "I regard the store as my home, and I can sleep on the sofa at home whenever I want."

? ? ?

Three black question marks appeared on Ling Yu's head.

"Where did you learn this?"

"Of course it's online. You can find whatever you want by searching, and there are many interesting videos."

Luna shook her phone at Ling Yu.

The truth is this, so where did you get your mobile phone?

Ling Yu looked at Mijiu. Among the people present, Mijiu was the only one besides him who had money to buy Luna a mobile phone.

After seeing Ling Yu's gaze, Mijiu scratched her cheek with her index finger: "I just think Luna should use it."

"Not only did she use it, she also dared to go against me."

Ling Yu was speechless.

Mijiu stuck out her pink tongue in embarrassment.

After sending the two back, Ling Yu returned to his house.

He sat on the sofa with Esther in his arms and began to think about how to help Luna overcome her Internet addiction.

"Go online, watch videos, play games..."


Suddenly, Ling Yu's eyes lit up, he quickly opened his laptop and started working on it with both hands.

Esther sat aside obediently.

Although she couldn't understand it, she liked being around Ling Yu.

Ten minutes later, Ling Yu pressed the enter key.


Looking at the program that had already started running, the corners of Ling Yu's mouth raised slightly.

"Let's see how you can play this time."

After saying that, he picked up Ester and went to bed happily.

at the same time


"What's this?"

Luna, who was lying on the sofa and was halfway through watching videos, suddenly sat up and looked at the screen of her phone, her face full of doubts and confusion.

Mijiu looked curiously and was stunned.

"Anti-addiction mode...Minors cannot watch videos for more than 30 minutes a day..."

This text made Meijiu silent.

This is the first time she has heard of an anti-addiction mode for minors.

"Is there a way to unlock it?" Luna looked at Meijiu.

"Probably not."

Meijiu secretly apologized to Luna.

Thinking of the previous incident, this thing should be done by Ling Yu, and the purpose is very clear.

But she also thinks that Luna seems to be a little too addicted to the Internet, and this anti-addiction mode is just right.

"Meijiu, let me watch videos with you."

At this time, Luna noticed Meijiu's mobile phone and started to make a small plan.


As soon as Meijiu finished speaking, she saw the same text on her mobile phone.

Meijiu: "..."

Luna: "..."

Instantly, the two of them stared at each other.

Meijiu, who didn't believe in evil, opened the tablet and computer and found that they both had anti-addiction modes.

Finally, the two people who were silenced chose to watch TV, and then the TV showed that it was not open after ten o'clock.


After endless silence, Meijiu made a decision that puzzled Luna.

Go downstairs and find Ling Yu!

Shortly after ringing the doorbell, Ling Yu walked out of the house.

Looking at Meijiu and Luna, he showed a puzzled look: "Why are you not sleeping at night and coming to my place?"

Luna silently took out her mobile phone and pointed at the anti-addiction mode on it and said: "Shopkeeper, did you do this?"

After seeing it, Ling Yu rolled his eyes and threw it over: "Do you think I'm bald?"

The two shook their heads together.

"That's right, I'm just a shopkeeper, not a programmer."

"This kind of thing should be asked to the official and those parents who complained."

"Not you?"

Meijiu was also stunned. She thought Ling Yu made the anti-addiction mode to prevent Luna from being addicted to the Internet.

"Have you seen me typing code?" Ling Yu asked back.

This sentence made Meijiu silent.

It seems that she has never seen it before.

Even if Ling Yu took the computer, he only went to watch some movies.

"You can't be the only one who needs to prevent addiction. Why don't you ask other people?"

Ling Yu gave them an idea.


Luna suddenly realized and looked at Meijiu: "Meijiu, do you have any friends? Call and ask."


Meijiu was embarrassed.

Friends? How could she have any friends? Since she became a singer, all relationships have been cut off.

She said it was to avoid suspicion.

Now, apart from her parents and agent's calls, she only has Ling Yu and Luna's calls.

"Go to bed honestly. Why are you playing with your phone so late at night? You won't go to work tomorrow, right?"

As he said that, Ling Yu was about to close the door.


Just as the door was about to close, a jade hand grabbed the door frame.

The door was opened, and Luna said something that made Ling Yu's brain crash very seriously.

"Shopkeeper, you should be an adult now!"

Ling Yu: "???"


"So, why is it like this?"

Ling Yu lay on the bed with a look of despair on his face.

Beside him, there were Meijiu and Luna in pajamas.

According to Luna, since Ling Yu did not have an anti-addiction mode, they would stay here tonight.

In the end, for some unknown reason, the four of them squeezed into one bed.

Esther was very happy because she slept in Ling Yu's arms.

"System, I want to sleep, put them both to sleep for me!"

Listening to Luna's laughter while watching videos, Ling Yu couldn't bear it anymore.

He is famous for his self-discipline, how could he allow his life routine to be broken?

"Ding! Executing——"

Just like that, Luna and Meijiu, who were still watching videos, fainted at the same time.

"What is going on?" Looking at the two sleeping women, Ling Yu complained.

Dig your own pit and jump into it yourself?

After teleporting the two back through the imaginary space, Ling Yu also lay down with Esther to sleep.

The next day, early

Ling Yu, who woke up naturally, stretched his body.

When he lifted the quilt, he saw Esther sleeping soundly on his legs.

Gently closing the quilt, Ling Yu picked up his phone.

He glanced at the time.


His opening time is usually 10:30, and now he has the imaginary space as a blessing, so he can stay in bed for a while longer.

So Ling Yu closed his eyes again and entered the group chat.

As soon as he entered the group, he saw Luna talking to Jianzi about underage addiction prevention.

Yotani Jianzi: "I don't have so many restrictions here, but I use a flip phone."

Luna: "Ling Yu is really something, it's not even twelve o'clock, why do you sleep so early."

Ling Yu: "Don't you want to call the owner?"

Yotani Jianzi: "Good morning, owner."

Luna: "Owner, are you up?"

Ling Yu: "You got up early, didn't you?"

Luna: "emmm"

Did she get up early? It was completely forced!

Luna: "So there is really no way to solve this anti-addiction problem? @Ling Yu"

Ling Yu: "Wait until Meijiu grows up. You are an illegal immigrant, so your requirements are quite high."

Luna: "Hmm..."

Looking at the speechless Luna, Ling Yu raised the corner of his mouth.

It seems that this minors’ anti-addiction is quite useful.

Yotsuya Miko: “By the way, are there only a few of us in this group?”

Ling Yu: “It depends on the guests. When I entertain new guests today, the number of group members will increase. After all, this group is built for repeat customers.”

Yotsuya Miko: “Is that so? By the way, I found that killing evil spirits and vengeful spirits can gain origin points!”

Yotsuya Miko: “An ordinary evil spirit has ten origin points, and a slightly stronger one has fifty.”

Ling Yu: “That’s not bad, it’s like having a stable source of income.”

Ling Yu: “Come on, I’ll take you to other worlds later.”

Yotsuya Miko: “Really, really?”

Miko said excitedly.

Ling Yu: “Maybe you can settle down in an ordinary world without vengeful spirits.”

Yotsuya Miko: “This! I’ll work hard!”

Instantly, Miko had the motivation to strive.

People always need a goal.

Obviously, a world without evil spirits is what Miko yearns for and desires.

She was almost driven crazy by the world she was in.

"Let me introduce you to the new class teacher, Mr. Yoshi Tono."

"Everyone, get along well."

In the classroom, Jianzi raised her head after hearing the voice.

She saw the female ghost next to the new teacher at a glance.

"Don't look!"

"Don't look!"

The female ghost surrounding the new class teacher stretched out her long neck and warned the students who looked at the new teacher one by one.

But for those who couldn't see her, her threats didn't work at all.

If it were usual, Jianzi would definitely hide if she could after seeing the ghost.

But she was different today. Having a goal meant having motivation.

The black air emanating from this female ghost had at least two hundred origin points!

For her daily and ordinary life...

Jianzi took a deep breath.

She planned to do it after school!

In the following time, Jianzi chatted with people in the group while attending class.

Whenever the ghost came to her side, she would dive into the group chat.

In this way, there is no need to face the ghosts directly, which effectively solves the risk of exposure.

The ghost that has been surrounding the new class teacher did not pay attention to her after discovering that only Jianzi in the class did not stare at the person she was entangled with.

Time flies, and it is time to go home in the blink of an eye.


Seeing the new class teacher going back to the office, Jianzi called him.

"Are you... Yotsuya classmate?"

Tono Yoshi looked at Jianzi and asked in confusion.

"Excuse me, can I talk to you alone?" Yotsuya Jianzi asked.

Instantly, the ghost who was also confused got angry. She quickly came to Jianzi, lowered her head, and roared at Jianzi.

"No looking!!!"

"No talking!!!"

However, Jianzi, who had long been accustomed to it, would not be scared by this degree.

Continue to invite Tono Yoshi: "Is it okay? It will only take up a little of your time."

And the new class teacher Tono Yoshi nodded after a puzzled sound: "Okay."

The ghost paused and turned to Tono Yoshi.

"You're not allowed to go!"

But this had no effect on Yoshitaka Tono, who couldn't see her.

Just like that, the two of them came to the empty gymnasium.

"Yotani-san, if you have anything to say, just tell me. There's no one here anymore."

Looking at the empty gymnasium, Yotani Yoshitaka spoke first.

Yotani Miko, who was walking in front, paused. She turned around and found a talisman paper in her hand.

She looked at Yoshitaka Yoshitaka with a serious expression: "Teacher, do you believe there are evil spirits in the world?"

"Evil spirits?" Yoshitaka Yoshitaka was stunned.

"Yes, for example, the female evil spirit that is haunting you."


As soon as Miko finished speaking, the vengeful spirit floating next to Yoshitaka Yoshitaka suddenly turned her head and looked at Miko, with a terrifying expression on her big face.

"You can see it!"

"You can see it!"

She roared, opened her claws and her big mouth full of fangs and pounced on Miko!

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