This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 22 If you don’t think it’s good, change it!

"The world is so beautiful, but you are so irritable. This is not good."

"Also, you are really disturbing the people."

"I don't need you to worry about what I do!"

The man snorted coldly and pointed Solomon's staff at Ling Yu.

In an instant, the Babylonian treasure house that sealed the noise was opened, and a dozen noises of different colors came out from it.

Under the guidance of the man, they rushed towards Ling Yu.

"It seems that anyone who gets the treasure of Babylon will become very arrogant." Ling Yu sighed with emotion.

Although it only has the same name, its power is indeed easy to get lost in.

The breeze blew up the tips of Ling Yu's hair, and two blue structural forces emerged above the shoulders on both sides of Ling Yu. They formed the frame of the model.

When the blue light faded, what appeared was a pair of blue and white floating cannons.

The Key of Truth is essentially a floating cannon. Of course, it can also be used as a track for motorcycles to pass.

"Die, bastard!"

Seeing that Noise was about to come into contact with Ling Yu, veins appeared on the man's crazy face. It could be seen that he was very angry, or too sad, for Ling Yu, a winner in life.

"Yes Yes Yes."

Ling Yu made a perfunctory sound, and a blue light lit up at the muzzle of the Key of Truth.

The next second, two blue lasers were fired from the muzzle, directly piercing the noise in front of them. The structural energy continued to extend, and any noise they encountered would instantly turn into ashes.

When the laser dissipated, only two long scorch marks were left on the ground.

"I didn't expect you to have two tricks, but don't think that you can be proud of killing a few shrimps. I can have as many monsters as I want!"

Looking at Ling Yu's Key of Truth, the man thought it was some extraordinary weapon.

Ling Yu: "..."

No, you can tell how proud I am.

"Compared with these, I'm more curious about how you got that thing." Ling Yu asked.

"You mean this staff of divine power that connects the quiet world?"

The man looked at the Rod of Solomon in his hand and asked.

"The Staff of Divine Power... there's nothing wrong with saying that, and the World of Silence is taken from noise. Is it possible to carbonize humans and send them to the world of quiet death?"

The man opposite was stunned when he heard Ling Yu's words to himself: "You know it very well."

Ling Yu spread his hands: "I can't help it, I came from that period too."

The man was silent for a while, then looked at Ling Yu: "Join me!"


"The new kingdom needs people to manage it, and you are a very good candidate!"

"So, join me! Witness the birth of the Kingdom of God with me!"

The man extended an invitation to Ling Yu.

There was light in his eyes and he was completely addicted to the world of fantasy.

"Sorry, I prefer my current life to establishing order in a wasteland with nothing." Ling Yu declined the man's invitation.

Let's live a relaxing and peaceful life, thinking about reshaping the world all day long.

"If you think the country is not good, go and build it; if you feel...instead of just abusing, complaining, and running away."

Ling Yu relayed it to the man according to what a certain team said in his previous life.

However, the result... didn't seem to be very good.

"Go NMD!"

"Resources have been exhausted, but I can change it! Even a lawsuit can drag on for five or six years. If you want to change things, it's better to tear them down and start over!"

The man roared furiously, his body trembling.

Obviously very angry.

"If you say that, I can't help it." Ling Yu spread his hands.

"It's because of you high-sounding people that the world has become so dark!"

"Open the kingdom of God and completely destroy this world!"

The man moved Solomon's rod with all his strength.

The next second, countless noise appeared in this world.

"Why don't you talk well these days and no one listens?" Ling Yu said with a slight distress, the shape of Ling Yu's pupils changed, which is the unique eye pattern of the Herrscher of Reason.

Blue energy overflowed from his body.

The next second, Honkai beasts climbed up from the ground behind Ling Yu one after another.

The chariot-class Honkaimon's body is as huge as a mountain, crisscrossing the high-rise buildings in the city, making it even more intimidating than noise.

"What, what is this!?"

The man who was shocked by the size of the Honkai Beast looked at Ling Yu.

"You have your kingdom of gods, and I naturally have my world of kingship."


Pointing his right hand at the man, cold words came out of Ling Yu's mouth.

The next second, more than a dozen tank-level Honkaimon and countless lower-level Honkaimon rushed out, rushing towards the dense noise in the city.

Noise, who was destroying everywhere, didn't even react before he was sent flying by the tank-level Honkaimon that was more than fifty meters away.


Roaring sounds came from their mouths, and a group of tank-level Honkai beasts started mercilessly trampling on the noise.

It is true that noise can carbonize living things, but it is only based on carbon-based life and has no effect on Honkaimon at all.

"Damn it!"

Seeing his army being ravaged like a joke, the man couldn't sit still.

He opened the Rod of Solomon with all his might.

In an instant, a hole was opened in the sky, and inside the hole was a colorful world.

"Come and give this world to me..."

The man was stunned before he finished speaking, because his sight was filled with a huge figure.

It was a ferocious wild boar, with a huge body that occupied the sky above the entire high-rise building!

"O one with sharp teeth! Crush and kill the opponent with one blow and ravage his body!"

The power of [Wild Boar] was activated. Under the man's frightened expression, the wild boar was thrown out by Ling Yu and flew towards the entrance of the treasure house in the sky.

At this time, there were countless noises entrenched at the entrance of the Babylon Treasury, and they all rushed to come to this world.

But the next second, the entrance was filled by the wild boar, and the wild boar pushed all the noises back through the brute force of the pig's sudden advance!


The wild boar roared and ravaged the noises in the Babylon Treasury like crazy, as if there was no one.

In just a moment, the originally accumulated cave entrance was completely silent.

"Impossible! This is absolutely impossible!"

The man was completely stunned.

But no matter how he summoned, he couldn't even summon a single noise.

While the man was stunned, Ling Yu used the power of imaginary numbers to grab the Staff of Solomon into his own hands.

"Give it back to me! It's mine! That's the scepter of my kingdom of God!"

"Only that, only that!"

The man was terrified when the Staff of Solomon was taken away. He rolled and crawled towards Ling Yu.

He knew very well that if the power disappeared, he would become the weakling who could be bullied by everyone.

He absolutely!

He absolutely didn't want to live that kind of life again!



There was a shattering sound, and the man who was halfway through the run stiffened.

He watched the Staff of Solomon split into two and fell to the ground.

"No, no!"

He picked up the broken scepter on the ground, but it was too late.

The Staff of Solomon was destroyed, and it no longer had the ability to open the Babylon Treasury.

The Staff of Solomon was destroyed, and the entrance to the treasure house in the sky was closed. Noise, without support, was gradually suppressed by the collapse beast.

People stared at the huge Honkai beast passing by in a daze. Although the opponent was huge, it was inexplicably reassuring.

Because it was the Honkai beast that protected them!

"It's over?"

Luna, holding two guns, looked at the Honkai beast army fighting noise and asked in confusion.

Meijiu, standing in the middle of the Pojun singer, also exhaled.

The huge organ behind him turned into gold particles and dissipated with the wind. It was very energy-consuming to keep the angel.

"It should be. It seems that Ling Yu has solved it." Meijiu said.


Looking at the man kneeling on the ground and crying, Ling Yu looked helpless.

"You said you didn't do anything after getting the power, but you had to destroy the world and almost hurt my customers and clerks. Otherwise, I would not have come to deal with you."

"You will regret it!"

"Such a world should not exist!"

The man looked at Ling Yu angrily.

It was the man in front of him who took away everything from him.

"The train is going forward."

Ling Yu looked at him, left a sentence, and left through the imaginary space.


The man was silent for a moment, and stood up unwillingly, but just as he took a step forward.


A sub-sky spear shot out from the void and pierced his chest. The man lost his life with a blank expression on his face.

The sub-sky spear also turned into pure imaginary energy and dispersed, carbonizing the man's body.

"So, you dirty my scenery."

Ling Yu murmured after returning to the shop.

It is impossible to leave enemies for yourself, even if they are small ants.

The weak also have the wisdom of the weak, and Ling Yu knows this well.

He spread out his right hand, and the blue structural force emerged, and a Solomon's staff emerged.

After all, it is a man-made product, and Ling Yu remembered it just by looking at it.

Ling Yu, holding the Solomon's staff, pointed at the void, and the small entrance to the treasure house opened, and a noise appeared.

Looking at the noise that appeared, Ling Yu's mouth corners slightly raised.

The legion under his command +1.

Now his armies include the Noise Army, the Honkai Beast Army, and the Shadow Army.

"It's a pity that there are too few high-end combat forces."

He urgently needs the souls of the strong to supplement his army.

After studying the Staff of Solomon for a while, Ling Yu threw it into the system space.

It's just a key, and there is not much mystery in nature.


About ten minutes later, the door of the store opened, and it was Mijiu and Luna who came back.

"Yo, you've worked hard."

Ling Yu smiled at the two.

"Shopkeeper, do you know? We almost couldn't come back."

Luna, who put the things down, patted her chest with lingering fear.

"Don't worry, my eyes have been on you, you won't die." Ling Yu said.

"Speaking of which, were those huge creatures that appeared in the city before made by you, the shopkeeper?" Luna asked curiously.

"You mean the Honkai Beast, that is indeed my army."

"So powerful, I wish I had the strength of you, the shopkeeper."

Luna looked envious.

Ling Yu smiled. Unless he got the core, he would never get it in this life.

However, thinking that the other party had opened three items related to Honkai, Ling Yu also restrained his smile a little.

Maybe, it is really possible.

"Anyway, it's good that everyone is safe." Meijiu said.

"It's a pity that the city is destroyed like that. I was thinking about going to the park." Luna sighed.

With this, the whole city will probably need to be renovated.

"There will always be a chance."

Meijiu comforted her.

"You look tired today, so I'll let you leave work early." Ling Yu glanced at Luna and said.


Hearing that she could leave work early, Luna looked happy, but then she looked bitter.

"Even if I leave work early, there's nowhere to play."

After all, the city was destroyed like that.

"If we want to play, let's go find Jianzi." Ling Yu thought for a while and said.

He also wanted to see those evil spirits. The ghost that was going to kill Jianzi in the plot was quite handsome.

Even if he became a shadow army, he would still be impressive.

"Jianzi? Is he the guest at noon?" Meijiu asked.

"Yes, I'm free, and I got something good today."

"Wait a minute to receive it."


Under the puzzled eyes of Mijiu and Luna, something similar to a pop-up window on a computer appeared in front of them.

[Group owner Ling Yu invites you to join the dimensional group chat. Would you like to join? ]

"What is this?"

"Just click [Yes]."

Facing the doubts of the two girls, Ling Yu said.

At the same time, in the world where Jianzi was, she also received an invitation from Ling Yu.

She clicked [Yes] after a puzzled sound, and the next second, her consciousness was pulled into a mysterious space.

Ling Yu: "Are you all in?"

Luna: "What is this place? It's so magical!"

Yu Xiao Mijiu: "Spiritual space?"

Yotani Jianzi: "As for group chat, is it the group chat I know?"

Group chat is not unfamiliar to Jianzi of modern people.

Because she has a class group.

[Ding Dong! Group owner Ling Yu sent a lucky red envelope! ]

[Ding! You grabbed Ling Yu's red envelope! ]

When the red envelope came out, Miku and Jianzi clicked it instinctively. Only Luna was still stupid and unaware until Miku reminded her.

Yotsuya Jianzi: "What is this, a gem?"

Jianzi sent a picture. It was a yellow stone, transparent throughout.

Yuxiao Miku: "Mine is a sapphire."

Luna: "Mine is green."

Ling Yu: "I tried the red envelope function. They are all ordinary gems. You can collect them."

He made these gems according to the template of the Herrscher Core, but they are all ordinary minerals, without any collapse energy and power.

Yotsuya Jianzi: "It's really a gem! This one must be worth a lot of money."

Ling Yu: "The purity is too high. I don't think it's worth much."

Yotsuya Jianzi: "Huh? Isn't it more valuable if the purity is higher?"

Ling Yu: "You can tell it's man-made at a glance, so it's not worth much."

Luna: "If this gem is placed in my world, those nobles will definitely go crazy for it."

Yotsuya Jianzi: @Luna, are you from another world like me? "

Luna: "Yes, but I'm working for the owner now, and I'm not going back."

Yotani Miko: "Hmm."

Yuuyomiku: "What's wrong? Just tell me if you have something to say."

Yotani Miko: "Actually, summer vacation is coming soon, and I'm looking for a part-time job."

Yotani Miko: "But there are evil spirits everywhere, and it's bad if you're accidentally approached. I'm fine, but I'll definitely cause trouble for the boss when I fight."

Luna: "How about you come to the store with me to work part-time?"

Yotani Miko: "Hey? Is it okay?"

Ling Yu: "I have no problem, and you can enter and exit the store freely with a membership card."

Luna: "The owner always comes quickly when he recruits girls."

Ling Yu: "...Be careful or I'll deduct your salary."

Offline, Ling Yu glanced at her.

Luna smiled "Hey".

Yotsuya Miko: "Excuse me, owner! It's really important for me to have a workplace that won't be disturbed by evil spirits!"

Ling Yu: "It's okay, it's a good opportunity to train you. Maybe I can train you into a combat department."

Whenever there are filth, evil spirits, evil spirits, etc. in the world of the customers who come to the store, you can let Miko solve them when the other party can't solve them.

Miko, who was taking a physical education class, felt a chill on her back, but she didn't think much about it because she had been living with evil spirits for a long time.

Every time an evil spirit walked past her or passed through her, she would feel a chill.

Yuuyomi Miku: " @Ling Yu, why didn't you pull Esther in?"

Ling Yu: "Actually, it's inside @Demon Slayer Holy Sword."

Demon Slayer Holy Sword: "..."

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