This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 198 Has Xiaosan's attitude changed?

"You really don't want to drink it? The devil's essence is among the best among purple items."

"It's rare to have the ability to involve time and space."

Looking at Ai Li who looked embarrassed, Ling Yu said again.

"But...this is blood."

‘It seems the temptation is not big enough. ’

Ling Yu murmured in his heart.

If it were him, he would be absolutely bored when faced with something like this that has no side effects and can steadily gain abilities.

People all over the world have been begging for a long time, "I won't eat beef."

His right hand turned into a projector and projected a picture in mid-air. It was a scene of Esdeath drinking the devil's essence and gaining ice control.

When Ai Li was shocked, Ling Yu said calmly:

"The only thing ordinary people can do when facing natural disasters is pray, but the awakened ones are different. They can fight against natural disasters on their own. In other words, they themselves are natural disasters."

"The devil's essence, which has powers comparable to S-level, is right in front of you. Are you sure you want to let it go?"

"I, I, I...I drink!"

She yearned for the scene where Esdeath was like a god on the screen. After thinking about it again and again, Ellie bit her silver teeth and decided to drink this bottle of blood!


Zhenna looked worried.

However, Ellie's next words stunned her.

"Sister, you drink too!"


"We need the power to protect ourselves."

People are too fragile.

Many powerful weapons may have been created, but humans themselves are extremely fragile.

If you want to gain true safety, you can only make yourself stronger.

Didn't you see that Sid next door committed suicide because he was killed by a nuclear bomb?

Sometimes, security is really important.

If you can't resist the little boy's body, you might as well start it again.

Ai Li looked at the bottle in front of her, took a deep breath, held the bottle in her hands, and started to drink it in big gulps.

Zhenna looked on at a loss.

Soon, Ai Li put down the bottle and wiped the blood stains from the corner of her mouth, with a strange look in her eyes.

"How's it going? Does it taste good?"

Ling Yu asked with a smile.

"It feels the same as brown sugar water," Ai Li said.

Except that it is cold and the taste is slightly worse, everything else is exactly the same.

"Sister, drink quickly."

"After drinking it, we will gain the ability to control ice." Looking at the remaining half of the devil's essence, Ellie urged.

Jinna nodded, picked up the bottle and started blowing on it.

This was something Ling Yu didn't expect.

Unexpectedly, the one who looks the gentlest is the one who is the most cruel to him.

Soon, Jinna drank the remaining half of the bottle.

Because it was devil's essence with no side effects, the two of them did not feel any malice and directly gained the ability to control ice.

Ellie even made a rose for herself.

It's just that I just drank the devil's essence, and my control is still not good enough. It's better to say that it's a rose than a popsicle.

The Qiuyue sisters were very excited after gaining the ability to control ice.

If this wasn't a shop, they would all want to unleash their full strength to see how much ice-making range they have now.

Looking at the two women in front of him, Ling Yu's expression was somewhat complicated.

Because his mind was filled with that kind of image.

There is no way, who makes Qiuyue's family's affairs impressive.

But it’s really hard to remind me of this kind of thing.

In the end, he could only say: "Be careful of Qiuyue Xiaozo, he approaches you with impure intentions."

"The shop owner knows that scumbag?" Ai Li was surprised.

"Ellie, it's dad!" Jinna said slightly seriously.

Ai Li curled her lips: "I didn't see that the shop owner said he was not pure of heart. I'm just telling the truth."

Ling Yu chuckled and continued: "The reason why Qiuyue Xiaosan married your mother is entirely for you."

"I knew that guy's thoughts were not pure. I saw him holding my penis in the bathroom..."

Ellie said angrily.

"That's all I have to say. You can see the rest for yourselves. I think he won't be able to endure it for much longer."

"This time is just a reminder to you guys. Now that you have a Teigu, you don't have to be afraid of him as an ordinary person." Ling Yu said.

"I will keep an eye on that scumbag!" Ellie said.

She already had a strong opinion of Qiuyue Kozo, but after knowing that his target was actually the two sisters, she felt even more disgusted.

Akizuki Kozo's purpose is them, it can't be to let them feel father's love, right? It must be coming for their bodies!

The truth is speechless.

To be honest, she wanted to believe Akizuki Kozo, but his perverted behavior was reality...

In this way, the Qiuyue sisters left with their own thoughts.

"Ling Yu, do you know them?"

As soon as the two left, he asked.

Because the way Ling Yu looked at them was wrong.

As weird as you want.

Ling Yu sighed: "You can be considered an enlightenment teacher."

'came back! ’

Looking at the door of the house in front of them, the Qiuyue sisters looked at each other and understood each other tacitly.

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Akizuki Kozo sitting at the table.

There seemed to be something white in his hand, which he was sniffing greedily.

Akizuki Kozo was obviously panicked when he heard the sound of the door opening. He hid the white item in his trouser pocket and stood up in a hurry: "You're back. You must be hungry. I made dinner."


Hearing this, Ai Li snorted coldly and avoided him.

Akizuki Kozo was not surprised by this.

My second daughter has always been so dissatisfied with him.

Marina apologized to him, but she didn't eat and went upstairs directly.

This made Akizuki Kozo a little confused.

How could the always gentle Marina...

'Maybe the plan should be put on the agenda. ' Akizuki Kozo thought.

Just yesterday, he found the pink potion hidden in the closet. Today, he just found Ai Li's best friend Kuranaka Sana to try it, and the effect is good.

Originally, I wanted to wait a few more days to see the effect of the medicine, but it seems that I can start tomorrow night.

At the same time,

Marina came to Ai Li's room.

The computer has been turned on, and the USB drive named [Mother's Love is Like Water] is inserted into it.

In order to avoid accidents, Ai Li has turned down the sound to the minimum.

But looking at the picture above, the two looked at each other.


After a long time, Ai Li blushed and spat.

This is not mother's love like water, this is love like morning water!

Marina didn't know how to express it for a moment.

Her inner feelings were complicated.

Is it really okay to show this kind of thing to two young girls?

But little did she know that

Akizuki Kozo was even more confused at this moment.

Because of his perverted ideas, he installed a surveillance camera in Aili's room, so he could clearly see the images played on the two sisters' computers.

For some reason, after seeing the images on the computer, he also felt something.

This made Akizuki Kozo, who had been impotent for many years, excited.

Perhaps, he didn't necessarily lock his eyes on the two sisters.

Boss Cao's hobby seemed to be good too.

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