This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 188 Four Soul Jade

The size of the Origin Manta was still very large, and it was at least able to compete with Kurigara. The moment it appeared, it attracted the attention of the villagers.

Thinking that a monster was attacking, the villagers quickly picked up their spears and came to the edge of the barrier.

However, just when all the villagers were nervous and ready, two familiar figures fell from the "monster".

When the old village chief saw that it was Jianzi and Luna, he was stunned, and even the villagers holding weapons were stunned.

"Witch, witch lady?!"

The village chief shouted in disbelief.

"Long time no see, village chief, how has the village developed during this period?"

Luna smiled at the village chief.

"It's really you, witch lady, then that..."

The village chief was excited after seeing Luna, and looked at the Origin Manta that was gradually landing.

More than a dozen figures fell from the beautiful Origin Manta.

Although they were of different sizes, they were all beautiful women.

The village chief was more and more shocked when he looked at Alicia and the others.

Those gorgeous clothes and stunning looks are definitely not something that ordinary people can have!

They should be a group of powerful priestesses like the priestess!

After all, only girls who serve God can look so pure and flawless, which is in sharp contrast to them who crawl in the mortal world.

And the original manta ray that carried everyone was probably not a monster, but a divine beast!

Thinking of this, thinking of their foolish behavior of pointing spears at the divine beasts and priestesses just now, the village chief's legs softened all of a sudden, and he knelt down with a "pop".

Kneeling down tremblingly: "Please forgive me, priestess and divine beasts!"

"Please forgive me, priestess and divine beasts!"

The village chief knelt down, so how could they not kneel down.

So all the villagers knelt down.

This made everyone stunned.

It's the first time they meet, so there's no need to be so polite.

Jianzi and Luna were helpless. They recalled the scene of their first meeting and hurriedly helped the village chief up.

After explaining, the village chief confirmed that he would not be punished for the "offense", and his heartbeat returned to normal.

"Thank you for your hard work this time."

Alicia gently stroked the back of the Origin Manta Ray.


The Origin Manta Ray that was stroked made a dreamy and ethereal sound, then jumped high, with a perfect arc like a rainbow, and flew into the mysterious sea of ​​past lives.

The space was stable, as if it had never appeared.

Such a scene made the villagers believe that the Origin Manta Ray, which was so beautiful that it was indescribable, was a divine beast!

It was just that they were a little flattered that such a small village could allow so many "witches" to "visit".

Under the trembling reception of the village chief, the group entered the village.

When had the villagers seen so many beautiful women? They all stood stupidly at the door.

However, they did not dare to get close. Even the naughty children stood in the distance, afraid that their approach would "defile" the spokesperson of God.

"Village chief, is there a shrine maiden in the village?"

Luna, who was walking beside the village chief, looked at the familiar village and asked.

The village chief sighed after hearing this: "How can a shrine maiden come to a remote village like ours?"

"It is still relying on the blessing you left last time to avoid being disturbed by monsters."

Luna didn't say much after hearing this.

Although she was a little disappointed that no one inherited her elf bow, she also understood that it was not something that could be accomplished overnight.

Shrine maidens also have strengths and weaknesses, such as Kikyo, who is at the top of the group.

As for her? She never said that she was a shrine maiden, everything was made up by the villagers.

Along the way, the village chief began to tell everyone about what happened after Luna and Jianzi left, and thanked them for the barrier they set up at the time.

Luna and Jianzi both looked embarrassed.

Soon, under the leadership of the village chief, the group came to the ancestral hall where Luna's 'Elf Bow' was enshrined to rest.

It was not that the village chief did not want to bring his benefactor home to entertain him, but that his home could not accommodate so many people.

The scale of the village chief's house was only slightly larger than that of an ordinary family.

It was impossible for people to stand outside.

This ancestral hall used to enshrine the 'Elf Bow' was the largest building in the village.

It was also built by the whole village to express gratitude for the kindness of Luna and Jianzi.

The land area alone was six or seven times that of an ordinary family.

"Please wait for a moment, witches, the food will be served soon." The old village chief said.

He was refused last time, so he had to seize the opportunity this time.

"No need to be so troublesome, we just happened to pass by and take a look today, and we will be back soon." Luna said indifferently.

Hearing this, the old village chief became more anxious and began to urge the villagers.

"Can we walk around?"

Diya looked at the old village chief and asked.

"Of course, you can go anywhere you want." The village chief said quickly.

Diya nodded slightly, then walked forward and stopped at the edge of the hill.

Looking down from here, you can see the rice fields of the entire village at a glance.

Such a lively scene made Diya stunned.

Since she could remember, she had lived in either the extremely cold Uranus or Mars, where water loss was serious.

Where have you seen such a lush scene?

"Sister Diya."

Just when Diya was stunned, a clear voice came from behind.

She turned sideways and saw a little girl with green twin ponytails working hard to climb up the hillside and come behind her.

It was Nangong Wenya.

"It's Wenya."

Looking at the little sister in front of her who was five years younger than her, Diya had a rare smile on her face and gently stroked Wenya's head.

"What is sister doing here?"

Wenya looked at Diya.

"It's nothing, I just feel that life here is so peaceful." Diya shook her head and said.

"Yes, I am happiest when I am with everyone." Wenya agreed.

She thought of the scene where the people in Nangong City and the divine beasts coexisted harmoniously, and a soft and sweet smile burst out on her face.

Ever since the passage between Nangong City and Yudao Head of State Palace was connected, Wenya and Wentian would run to Yuyan every day.

And Yuyan also took them with her and took them to patrol the territory.

In fact, it's more about going on a trip, as if to make up for all the maternal love that has been missing over the years.

Hearing Wen Ya's words, Di Ya's eyes darkened, but she didn't say much.

She thought of everyone at the Star Society.

Before Cara showed up, she was happiest when she was with everyone...

Just when Diya was lost in memories, she didn't realize that a pair of jade hands had quietly come behind her, and then hugged her hard.

! ! !

Like a frightened little rabbit, Diya subconsciously grabbed Wenya next to her and activated the ability of the rainbow stone. She took Wenya and exchanged positions with the stone not far away.

Diya, who was temporarily safe, suddenly raised her head and looked at where she was standing.

But when she saw the pink figure, she stopped and said in surprise: "Alicia?"

"Oops, I got jumped."

Alicia, who failed to hug the beauty, said a little disappointed, and then looked at Diya and Wenya with a smile.

"Looking at your decline, I just wanted to make a little joke. How about it? You're not scared, are you?"

Wen Ya shook her head.

She didn't even react, she just came over with a 'whoosh'.

After hearing this, Diya was expressionless: "Please don't make such boring jokes."

With that said, she loosened her grip on Wenya.

Just not the enemy.

At the same time, I was secretly alert.

It seems that Kara's death made her relax a little, so she didn't notice Alicia's approach.


Alicia moved her little head, not sure if she heard it or not.

"Sister Alicia."

Wen Ya shouted kindly.

"Xiao Wenya, come and let me give you a hug."

Hearing the call from the little lolita, Alicia instantly felt cute and waved to Wenya.

Wenya also trotted into Alicia's arms.

She could feel a mother-like aura from Alicia, and since she was a six-year-old herself, Wenya didn't hate being held.

"Sister Ai Li really messes with girls wherever she goes."

Pado leaned lazily against a big tree, watching the scene not far away, took a bite of the red apple in his hand, and sighed.

The fluffy tail is raised high.

"Really? I don't feel anything at all."

Mia, who was sitting on the wooden steps, said after hearing this.

In response, Pado just looked at her indifferently: "That only means that you are not cute enough."

Mia's face stiffened.

This was the first time I heard someone say she was not cute, and I immediately looked at Pado with a fierce look.

She is the wisdom of the empire!

Just the word "wisdom" can make those who hear her think she is cute!

Padu paused while biting the apple: "Don't look at me like that, why don't you take a look at the girls that Sister Ai Li likes?"

Who are they...

Mia thought for a moment, then raised her fingers.

Mianma, Graceu, Wenya, Xilin...

Looking at it this way, it seems that they are indeed cuter and prettier than her.

Seeing Mia who was self-defeating and autistic, Pado said nothing more, climbed up the tree, found a relatively comfortable position, and began to leisurely bask in the sun and eat apples.

You should enjoy your life while you are alive.

On this point, Pado and Ling Yu reached a tacit agreement.

At this time, the village chief came over with food, some rice cakes, rice balls and dried meat.

It is the most precious thing in the whole village.

After all, it was already very luxurious in this Warring States Period when people didn't even have enough to eat.

Under the nervous and expectant gaze of the village chief, everyone did not dislike it and took a few bites.

Just when everything is peaceful, if there is no accident, an accident will happen.


A loud noise suddenly erupted in the west of the village, and dust filled the air.

Katarina, who was biting a rice ball, was stunned and raised her head in confusion. Then she saw something long and big flying into the air in the distance, and then fell heavily.

With a 'bang', several houses were flattened.

The alarm sound of the gong echoed in the village, and the whole village became busy with the words "The monster is coming".

"Monsters? Are there any monsters in this world?"

Katarina, who was busy cooking, stopped biting the rice balls and looked at the others in shock.

"Yeah, didn't you know? Uncle Douya Wang is a dog demon." Miko said.

Katarina looked confused.

She was invited to take a bath in the hot spring, so how could she have ever known these things?

And even in the group, King Douya has never taken the initiative to mention that he is a dog demon.

"Well, what should we do now? Should we contact the shop owner quickly?" Catalina said in a panic.

She is just an ordinary vicious female supporting character.

The kind that can't even be defeated by slimes, how could he be the opponent of monsters?

"Monster, is it a monster?" Wen Ya asked doubtfully.

She still knew the difference between magical beasts and divine beasts.

The kind that has a good temper and is a loved one is a mythical beast. The one that likes to cause destruction everywhere and bullies people is a magical beast.

I wonder if her purifying power can purify the other person and turn him into a good monster.

Just as Wenya's little head was spinning, Theresa fell from the chair to the ground and said, "I am quite interested in that kind of monster. I don't know if it is different from the Honkaimon."

Perhaps because her legs were too short, Theresa's body was shaken when she landed.

"Then let's go and take a look together." Miko said.

Katarina heard this and quickly ate the rice ball in her hand.

Even if she dies, she will be a dead ghost!

Everyone who felt the movement gathered together and reached the edge of the village through Alicia's Origin Ray.

"Why is it her again?"

When Luna saw the raging figure, she immediately became confused.

Centipede Witch, this guy should have been killed by her and Miko before.

"This one is different from the one we encountered."

After staring at the centipede witch for a while, Miiko spoke.

"no the same?"

"Well, the breath is different. The centipede witch we dealt with last time was very angry, but this one is lifeless."

"It seems like it's hanging by something." Miko said.

"Don't let your children participate in this kind of thing." Alicia said while hugging Wenya.

Hearing this, everyone agreed.

"I'll lure her away."

Diya looked at the centipede witch below and said.

Those villagers have already come into contact with the Centipede Witch, but the situation is one-sided.

The villagers are no match for the Centipede Witch.

Without waiting for anyone to answer, Diya used the space contract and disappeared.

Instead, a villager was swapped onto the Origin Ray.

He sat down on the Origin Ray and looked at everyone with a confused expression.

"She is so skillful in using it."

Watching Diya conducting long-distance exchanges, Paduo felt a little envious.

She also has a power similar to Diya's rainbow stone, which was given to her by Ling Yu, but Diya is still so young, but she is more skilled in using it than her, which makes Pado feel like she is being compared.

"Let you train well and don't be lazy. Now you know the importance of training."

Alicia stretched out her slender fingers and gently tapped Maomao's temple.


Paduo narrowed his eyes in distress.

Although she didn't want to admit it, she was really lazy during training.

But now that Kevin is the boss, why should she train?

If there are enemies that Boss Kevin can't deal with, she still gets G.

It would be better to practice your escape skills if you have this time.

Running fast is not necessarily good, but running slow is definitely not good!

at this time

Diya has already started to play with the centipede witch through the ability of the rainbow stone, making the other party unable to find the southeast, northwest and northwest.

Such a magical scene aroused the villagers' surprise, and they all sighed that they were indeed the companions of the miko-sama.

"Get out of my way!"

Perhaps because she was annoyed by the disturbance, the Centipede Witch angrily swung her tail towards Diya.

But the next second

Countless golden chains came from the sky and instantly locked the centipede witch's limbs.

Everyone raised their heads and saw a petite silver figure, stepping on a golden cross and using the golden restraint chain as a track to slide down from the sky.


Judas smashed it down and instantly smashed the body of the centipede witch into a pulp.


The severe pain caused the Centipede Witch to scream, and the harsh sound made everyone's eardrums hurt.

"It feels much softer than Honkaimon."

Teresa, who landed on the ground, looked at the centipede temptress with part of her body destroyed, showing no interest.

She had experienced the feel. It might be a little harder than ordinary people, but it was far inferior to the outer armor of ordinary Honkai Beasts.



Theresa's eyes narrowed.

I saw pieces of flesh squirming in the area where the centipede witch had turned into flesh, and the regeneration was completed in the blink of an eye.

This made Theresa's pretty eyebrows slightly raised: "It seems that monsters are not worse than Honkaimon in every aspect." (End of Chapter)

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