This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 180 I have a cold and a fever

After following Ling Yu to the store, Mijiu and Jianzi left.

Ling Yu didn't know what he was thinking while stroking Esther's head and looking at the door of the store.

Now both of them are Ling Yu's girlfriends, so the fee is naturally paid by him.

Of course, Ling Yu didn't feel bad about the money, but was curious about what they would talk about behind his back.


The sound of the door opening sounded, and Ling Yu's expression moved, and he cast his eyes towards the door.

Just when Ling Yu thought that the two had forgotten to bring something, a familiar figure came from outside.

"Huh? Tanjiro?"

Looking at the somewhat short figure, Ling Yu was stunned.

This is a rare guest. It has been a few months since the last meeting.

"Mr. Shopkeeper!"

Tanjiro was also excited after seeing Ling Yu.

Because Ling Yu is his benefactor.

The family was killed by Muzan, leaving only him and Nezuko, and it was Ling Yu who helped them get revenge!

And he hasn't been to the store for quite a while, and he clearly promised the shopkeeper to come often to review.

Actually, it’s not Tanjiro’s fault that he didn’t come. The main reason is that all the ghosts in his world were cleared out at once, so Tanjiro had no source of origin points.

But today, he found that the Nichirin Sword could actually be exchanged for origin points, so he went to the Sword Forging Village.

He tried to exchange those broken and discarded Nichirin Swords, and he managed to collect a thousand origin points.

After obtaining the origin points, he came to the store without stopping.

After all, before this, he promised Ling Yu that he would come often.

Before, he was embarrassed to come because he had no money.

But now it’s different. Although it’s little, it can still consume a little.

“There are so few people in the store today.”

Tanjiro said, looking at the slightly empty store.

“Everyone went out to play, and I am the only empty-nest old man left.” Ling Yu sighed.

Miku and Jianzi went out, and Fia, Qiong and Xilin also went to the world of “Yuu no Sora”.

Only Ling Yu, Sera, Luna and Esther were left.

This made the originally bustling shop suddenly become deserted.

Tanjiro didn't understand much about these things. He scratched the back of his head and then took out the store card: "Shopkeeper, I want to open a can."

"How many do you want to open?"

Ling Yu asked after looking at the amount on the card.


Tanjiro said without hesitation.

Unlike Ling Yu's grateful Bao, he is a real grateful person.

So he would never leave his origin points for himself.

Ling Yu nodded.

Soon, ten cans were brought to Tanjiro.

Looking at the ten cans on the table, Tanjiro pulled out the sword at his waist.

This sword is naturally not a sun wheel sword, but a blade forged from ordinary steel.

Now there are no ghosts, and the material needed to forge the sun wheel sword has become a different color metal.

With a sound of "click", accompanied by the knife light like flowing water, the ten cans broke together.

In an instant, a conspicuous purple light ball flew out.

Tanjiro reached out his hand and gently held the purple light ball.


As the light ball shattered, it suddenly lengthened and finally turned into a katana with a red scabbard.

[One-hit kill·Murasame]: One-hit kill, death from a scratch, no cure!

Tanjiro was stunned to see that he had opened a katana.

He didn't expect that he would open a purple katana after losing his Nichirin sword.

Is this God's will?

While Tanjiro was thinking, he gently grasped the handle and pulled it out.

As the blade came out of the scabbard, the cold light was instantly gleaming, and Tanjiro could feel the strong murderous aura and bloody smell from the knife!

"This is it!"

Tanjiro's face changed slightly.

Having fought with demons many times, he could clearly feel how much blood this knife was stained with.

"This is a demon sword. If you are cut by this sword, you will be infected with curse poison from the wound and die quickly. There is no way to detoxify, and scratches are not good." Ling Yu said.

This startled Tanjiro, who wanted to touch the blade, and he quickly withdrew his hand.

"Don't worry, the items sold in the store will not harm its holder."

Seeing Tanjiro's look, Ling Yu smiled.

Tanjiro smiled embarrassedly when he heard it.

He had forgotten about it.

But this does not mean that this sword is not dangerous.

If someone other than him is accidentally scratched, it will be a disaster.

For a moment, Tanjiro looked at the sword in his hand with a determined look.

Except for critical moments, he will keep this sword in the card space.

"Keep it, it can be a family heirloom."

Ling Yu said, seeing Tanjiro's thoughts.

Tanjiro was silent and carefully put the Murasame into the card space.

He looked at the other light balls, among which there was only one blue one, and the rest were all white.

Tanjiro chose it without hesitation.

[Poison Dragon]: This skill can release a poisonous purple dragon head to attack the enemy, and the poison will also cause damage to the enemy.

"Poison Dragon?"

Ling Yu felt a little familiar when he saw this skill, and then said to Tanjiro: "Tanjiro, use it for me."


Tanjiro nodded.

After absorbing the skill of [Poison Dragon], Tanjiro slowly drew out the sword at his waist.

The next second

Purple energy is attached to the blade.


Along with three roars, three purple poisonous dragons rushed out from the blade and bit forward.

However, because they had no target, they disappeared after rushing to nothing.

"It is indeed it!"

After seeing this skill, Ling Yu's dusty memory was awakened.


That wall hanging!

That is an existence that even if Ling Yu has a system, he may not be able to play it.

When it comes to playing games, who can beat her?

A good game was suddenly turned into an alien war.

Recalling the figure who said the cutest words and did the cruelest things, Ling Yu couldn't help but be speechless.

Full points of defense can really work wonders.

"This skill is the same as Murasame. If you don't encounter life and death hatred, it's better not to use it."

Tanjiro nodded.

In a world where evil spirits disappear and only ordinary people remain, the skills Tanjiro possesses now are indeed a great weapon.

"Okay, we've finished opening the cans. Do you want to sit down?"

After the official business was done, it was time for rest. Ling Yu extended an invitation to Tanjiro.

I haven't seen him for a while, so he has to do his best to be a landlord.

Tanjiro quickly agreed.

After coming to the sofa and sitting down, Sera served Tanjiro a cup of hot tea.

"How are you getting along with Lihua Luoxiang Nahu recently?"


As soon as Ling Yu opened his mouth, Tanjiro, who had just drank the tea, spit it out, followed by a violent cough.

"Store, how do you know this, owner?"

Tanjiro looked at Ling Yu and asked.

His face was as red as a monkey's butt.

Ling Yu took a sip of tea and smiled without saying a word.

This made Tanjiro even more embarrassed.

"What kind of job are you doing now that there are no more ghosts?"

"My lord has arranged for us to work under the Ubuyashiki family estate."

"I will never forget any meritorious officials."

Tanjiro said.

"As expected of Minato Namikaze."

Ling Yu nodded.


"It's okay. You look very satisfied with your current life?" Ling Yu said with a smile.

Tanjiro nodded heavily.

He doesn't have so many ideas, he just wants to live a stable life.

In the following time, Ling Yu began to chat with Tanjiro word by word.

Listen to him talk about his past after retirement.

This gave a few people who were bored a chance to kill time.

Tanjiro was narrating, and Ling Yu was also a good listener.

As time passed, it was estimated that around half past eleven, Miko and the others came back.

Looking at the two people enjoying themselves, I knew they were chatting harmoniously.

After Ling Yu saw Mijiu, he consciously went up to her.

Then, under Tanjiro's shocked gaze, Ling Yu took Miku and Mitsuko into his arms one by one.

Jianzi was a little shy and wanted to break away, but his slim waist was tightly hugged by Ling Yu, and he couldn't break free at all.

But Ling Yu didn't hold back at all. He first kissed Miku on the cheek, and then kissed Miko, which stunned Tanjiro.

The shop owner is so lucky!

"Have you bought everything?" Ling Yu asked with a smile.

"Everything is bought."

Mijiu nodded, then responded to Ling Yu and kissed him on the cheek.

Now that their relationship has been confirmed, Meijiu no longer hides it, but openly shows her love for Ling Yu.

Tanjiro, who was still a child, looked straight at this.


At this time, Mitsuko noticed Tanjiro sitting on the sofa, and her face couldn't help but blush.

Didn't he see the scene just now? !

Thinking of this, he wanted to run away when he saw his son, but his body was held tightly by Ling Yu and he couldn't move.

"Let, let me go."

Jianzi trembled softly.

"It's too late to run away at this time." Ling Yu said with a smile.

Seeing that Zi was speechless, he could only bury his head in Ling Yu's arms as much as possible and not look at Tanjiro.

Seeing this scene, Tanjiro scratched his head in embarrassment.

"Shopkeeper, I'll take my leave now."

he stood up and said.

"Okay, bring your sister to play with you next time." Ling Yu said.


After saying that, Tanjiro left.

"Now that the outsiders have left, there should be no need to be shy." Ling Yu looked at Mianzi and said with a smile.

However, seeing his son refused to obey, he pushed Ling Yu away with all his strength and trotted upstairs.

"Ling Yu, you can't bully Jianzi."

With that said, Mijiu stretched out her hand and squeezed the soft flesh of Ling Yu's waist.

Ling Yu's face changed slightly.

Because it was Miku, he didn't put up any precautions.

To be honest, it hurts a little.

This time Miku and Miko went out mainly to help Miko buy some daily necessities.

Although Ling Yu can construct these things, he feels shy when he thinks that what he is wearing is made by Ling Yu out of thin air.

In that case, she really doesn't have any secrets left.

After lunch, it's nap time.

This time was different from the past, Ling Yu had Meijiu by his side.

Although Ling Yu also asked Jianzi to come with him, he was too thin-skinned.

He gave him a hard scratch and left.


An unexpected customer came to the store.

It was a little girl with blue hair tied in twin ponytails.

If I had to call her name, it would be: Nangong Wenya!

The moment he saw this little girl, Ling Yu thought he was dreaming.

But when he tried to figure out her name, he realized that it was Nangong Wenya, the one who made anyone who touched her stupid. (End of this chapter)

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