This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 177 We agreed to this marriage

Facing Yotsuya's mother who was crying, Yotsuya's father was a little confused for a while.

Fortunately, with Miko's help, he was finally able to comfort Yotsuya's mother who was emotional.

It can be seen from this that they are true love.

However, because he couldn't be touched, Yotsuya's mother just looked at him with red eyes, and the longing in her eyes almost overflowed, which made Yotsuya's father very distressed.

"Shopkeeper, is this really okay?"

Jianzi, who had comforted his mother, looked at Ling Yu anxiously.

It's not that she hasn't thought about this kind of thing, but in her understanding, asking Ling Yu to resurrect people must cost a lot, so she kept accumulating Origin Points.

But she never expected that Ling Yu would take the initiative to mention this matter.

And the media actually took him to meet his parents once!

"Practice makes perfect, and it's not the first time."

"It's just an individual resurrected, not to mention that your father's soul is still there, so it's not difficult for me." Ling Yu said with a smile.

"How many origin points, I will definitely return them to you in the future!"

Seeing his excitement, he didn't forget to ask.

"Under such circumstances, talking about money is a bit emotionally damaging." Ling Yu gave her a helpless look.

Now is the time to be sensational!

In Mianzi's eyes, is he just a person who can't walk without his origin point?

After all, he is also working hard to make up for his regrets, okay?

Jianzi was stunned, as if she couldn't believe that the shop owner would help her for free.

As usual, Ling Yu rubbed Mianzi's head.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of the Yotsuya couple.

Seeing Mianzi who didn't refuse, they didn't know what they were thinking at this time.

At this time, Ling Yu turned his attention to Sigu's father.

"What about you? Do you want to be resurrected?"

"But I have already held a funeral. Will it scare everyone if I come back to life so suddenly?"

Jianzi's father scratched his head and said.

He did not doubt the truth of the words.

Because his daughter's performance is the most powerful evidence.

"Shouldn't you be worried about being pulled into slices?" Ling Yu said with a smile.

Resurrection from the dead is something that everyone dreams of.

Money and silk can move people's hearts, let alone something like resurrection from the dead.

"This too."

Seeing his father laughing.

"I can take the kids back to the country with me!"

Yotsuya's mother said suddenly.

Afterwards, Jianzi’s mother bowed to Ling Yu: “Please be sure to save my lover!”


Jianzi looked at his mother with emotion, and then bowed to Ling Yu like her.

Yotsuya Kyousuke is also the same.

"I see."

Several people gave up their positions, and Ling Yu asked Si Gu's father to stand in the open space in front of him, and immediately stretched out his hand towards the void.

next second

The blue structural power appeared out of thin air around Miko's father.

After just a moment, the light dissipated, and the resurrected Yotsuya's father appeared in front of everyone.

Compared to the illusion before, he is real now.

Under Ling Yu's gaze, the Yotsuya family hugged each other excitedly.

a long time

Yotsuya's mother let go of Yotsuya's father, looked at Miko and said, "I agree to this marriage!"

Yotsuya Miko: "???"

"Marriage? What marriage?"

Jianzi, who was still red-eyed, was stunned and said with a confused look on his face.

After she came back, she never mentioned these two words.

"Brother is too kind to our family. Sister, just get married."

Yotsuya Kyousuke who came out of his father's arms also said.

Jianzi's father looked at Ling Yu.

He said in an emotional tone: "It can be seen from Mianzi's attitude towards you that you are an outstanding young man, so I feel relieved to leave Mianzi to you."

The words of the three people immediately made Miko unable to hold back.

No, this is nothing.

She blushed and said loudly: "What are you talking about!"

"My relationship with the shop owner is very pure!"

"And Kyousuke, don't talk nonsense!"


No one paid any attention to her.

Ling Yu was also startled when he heard that the other party wanted to hand over his daughter to him.

Then he was flattered and said: "Really? But it's a bit too early to get married. My son is not yet an adult. I think we can start with the relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend."

"Okay, okay, you young people can play however you want."

Yotsuya's mother said while wiping her tears.


"Xiao Ling, don't leave today. Auntie will cook some vegetables for you." Sigu's mother came to Ling Yu and said enthusiastically.

That way, it was as if Ling Yu was her biological son.

"Yes, do you know how to drink?"

"If you don't drink alcohol, juice is fine."

"It's good if you don't drink. Then I can rest assured that my son will follow you in the future." Yotsuya's father said with a smile.

"Brother, you must be a god if you are so powerful."

"My brother is not a god, my brother is just a passing Kamen Rider."

Ling Yu said and took out a magenta drive with his backhand.

"Is this true?"

Looking at the drive, Yotsuya Kyosuke's body trembled and he asked tremblingly.

He had no doubts.

The other party can even resurrect his father, isn't it easy to become a Kamen Rider?

"I don't give fakes."

After saying that, Ling Yu took out another transformer.

It's Ultraman Tiga's transformation device that every kid knows.

"Oh my God! Brother! You are my brother!"

Kyosuke Yotsuya excitedly took it, surprised and happy.

In his heart, Ling Yu has completely occupied the first place in the worship list.

Ling Yu smiled and touched Yotsuya Kyosuke's head.

"The Kamen Rider driver is OK, but the Spark Prism cannot be used casually."


Kyosuke Yotsuya nodded quickly.

He still knew this.

Yotsuya Miko stood aside, looking at the four people who were having fun with a dull face.

By the way, her last name is Yotsuya, right?

How come you guys act like a family!

Under the enthusiastic persuasion of the Yotsuya family, Ling Yu decided to stay here for lunch today.

Yotsuya's mother also specially prepared a house for Ling Yu, wanting Ling Yu to stay overnight.

This made Miko very upset.

Although she didn't care about Ling Yu staying overnight, she cared about the meaning behind it.

She tried her best to explain, but the family of three didn't care at all.

And comforted her and said: Don't be shy, I think Ling Yu is a good boy.

Then, Yotsuya Miko found Ling Yu sitting on the sofa watching TV.

The screen was Tokyo Channel, playing Magical Girl.

"You're back? My girlfriend."

Ling Yu looked at Yotsuya Miko with a smile.

"You must have been joking before." Miko looked at Ling Yu and asked.

"Although I'm not serious, I still won't say some things casually."

Ling Yu said after taking a bite of watermelon.

Miko was stunned, and her pupils slightly dilated.

Hesitantly, "You, you mean..."

"Do you want to try to be with me, Miss Yotsuya?"

Ling Yu chuckled and picked up a piece of watermelon and handed it to Miko.

"It would be boring to fall in love with me." Miko said after taking the watermelon.

"Don't be so unconfident, you are still very attractive."

"For example?"

"Hmm..." Ling Yu thought for a while, looked at Jianzi, and raised his eyebrows: "Ordinary?"

Jianzi's face darkened: "I knew it!"

"Haha, just a little joke."

"Come sit down, my girlfriend-to-be."

Pattling the seat next to him, Ling Yu invited Jianzi to sit down.

Jianzi did not hesitate, anyway, she usually sat next to Ling Yu.

The Sigu couple, who were busy in the kitchen, smiled at each other when they saw the two sitting next to each other.

"Jianzi, this child, has been shy since she was a child and doesn't like to talk much." Sigu's father sighed.

"But Jianzi's vision is not bad." Jianzi's mother said.

"That's right."

Sigu's father nodded.

Jianzi has been resistant to some things since she was a child, so she would go home on time every night, and nothing happened when she was a child.

Sometimes, she can predict danger in advance.

As parents, they can also be regarded as the beneficiaries of Jianzi's yin-yang eyes.

"What are you thinking about?"

Looking at Jianzi staring at the watermelon in his hand in a daze, Ling Yu asked curiously.

"I'm thinking about how to explain to Meijiu sister." Jianzi said.

"What to explain to her?"

Ling Yu was puzzled.

"Because I don't want to be a middleman."

"Then I'll do it."

"How do you do it?" Jianzi was curious.

Ling Yu said seriously: "Sleep in the middle!"

"You are thinking so much, are you going to die?" Jianzi was shocked.

Ling Yu laughed.

"Brother brother!"

At this time, Jianzi's younger brother Yotsuya Kyousuke came running.

He looked anxious.

Pointing at the magenta driver in his hand, he said excitedly: "I don't have K!"

Hearing Yotsuya Kyousuke's words, Ling Yu was stunned, and then he remembered that he had only given the other party the driver but not the transformation card.

The structural power in Ling Yu's hand reappeared.

In an instant, more than a dozen cards appeared in his hand.

All of them were Heisei main riders.

After handing the card to Kyousuke, Kyousuke couldn't wait to start transforming.

"Black heart!"

With his light shout, the driver closed.

Accompanied by the sound of 'Kamen Rider Decade'.

With the help of Dong Ma's height-increasing technique, Yotsuya Kyousuke successfully transformed into an adult Decade.

"It's done! Hahaha, I successfully became Kamen Rider Decade!"

Looking at his hands, Yotsuya Kyousuke was as happy as a fourteen-year-old child.

Then he couldn't wait to run to the bathroom, looking at Decade in the mirror, feeling like he was dreaming.

"Boys' happiness is simple."

Ling Yu looked at the joyful Kyousuke, his tone full of melancholy.

If he had a real transformation device when he was a child, it would have been the best in the world.

"Why don't you give Genesis Driver?" Jianzi asked.

"That can only transform into a single mode, and Decade's driver can experience different Kamen Riders." Ling Yu said.

For children, playability is the most important thing.

As time passed, it was noon in the blink of an eye.

Yotsuya's mother invited Ling Yu and Jianzi to the table for dinner.

During the meal, Yotsuya and his wife were very enthusiastic and kept picking up food for Ling Yu.

Among them, Yotsuya's mother was undoubtedly the most enthusiastic.

Who let Ling Yu resurrect her lover, so he didn't have to shout: Resurrect, my love.

It can be said that Ling Yu is the benefactor of her family.

In contrast, Jianzi became an outsider.

Seeing Ling Yu, who was going to stay here overnight, Jianzi hurriedly sent a message to Ling Yu through the group chat.

Yotsuya Jianzi: "When are we going back to the store?"

Ling Yu: "Don't worry, I don't have to do business today."

Yotsugamiko: "Isn't this bad? We have been playing for several days, and we have just closed the business for one day?"

Ling Yu: "It doesn't matter. I've already placed three orders, which are enough for me to eat and drink for a month."

Yotsuya Miko: "..."

Seeing Ling Yu chatting and laughing with her parents, she had a bad feeling for a moment.

at the same time

Because of Ling Yu's departure, the store was also closed.

During the time when the other party went to see Zijia, Mijiu was a little uneasy at home.

When I met Ling Yu today, I looked panicked. Could it be that something had happened?

But now Mijiu seemed to be feeling something, and she was even more panicked.



Luna, who was beating Genshin Impact, raised her head: "What's wrong?"

"Do you have any recommendations? My chest feels a little tight and I want to go out and relax."

"Of course."

Luna said immediately when she heard that she was about to go out.

"Hehe, when I purchased the goods before, the card the store owner gave me gave me unlimited round-trip privileges."

Luna said, and then she took Sirin and Fia to the "Fantasy" world where Luna was located through the card.

As for why there is no Esther.

Of course it's because Aster is currently in Ling Yu's divine power space.

Compared to the clingy Esther, although Feiya is also clingy to Ling Yu, at this time, she will take the initiative to withdraw.

Feiya knew her position as a latecomer, so she never grabbed the opportunity to get along with Ling Yu.

When Mijiu opened her eyes again, she had arrived on a grassland.

At a glance, there are lush green grass.

The gentle breeze blew, and instead of being relieved, Mijiu's depression became even more depressed.

Then, Miku noticed that Luna was looking directly at her.

"What's wrong?"

Luna shook her head, then nodded: "Miku, you are sick."

"What disease?" Mijiu was curious.

"Heart disease!"


See you here

At the strong request of Yotsuya's parents, Miko took Ling Yu out.

In order not to be embarrassed, Miko called Lily Chuanhua.

"Huh? Why is the shop owner here? If I had known, he wouldn't have come."

When Lily Chuanhua arrived, she said in surprise after seeing Ling Yu.

"Don't you welcome me?" Ling Yu smiled.

"Of course not. If I'm here, I'll be like a light bulb."

As she said that, she stood between the two of them and smiled at Miko:

"Look, isn't it very bright?"

"Xiaohua!" Jianzi was a little embarrassed and angry.


"Then I'll ask you two to take me around this time," Ling Yu said.

"I'm good at food. I'll just find a wife for the rest." Lily Chuanhua said, patting her chest.

"Okay, I also want to bring some specialties back, so I'll bother you."


While several people were chatting, a voice of surprise came.

Looking along, a little girl with twin tails holding a donut walked over.

"It's little Yulia."

Lily Chuanhua happily greeted the little girl after seeing her.

"What a great evil!"

After seeing Lily Chuanhua, the little girl took a step back with fear and looked at the huge fruit in shock.


Lily Chuanhua looked at Futugudo Yulia, who looked frightened, with doubts written on her face.

Is there something on your mind about this child?

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