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Chapter 164 Kasugano Yuu was abducted?

Looking at the man in front of him, Kasugano Yuu was silent for a while and decided to find someone to complain to.

"My sister doesn't like me."

"My sister doesn't like you. Did you do something that made her hate you?" the man asked softly.

He gave people the feeling of a close uncle, making Yu quickly let down his guard.

After shaking his head, he said: "No, my sister has been weak since she was a child. She has been living in the hospital before this. We have never met each other a few times."

"I just moved home from the hospital a few days ago. Although we have been able to talk a few words recently, they are all like 'get me away and don't get close to her'."


A flash of contempt flashed in his eyes.

Your sister told you to go away, did you really do nothing?

Regardless of whether others believe it or not, at least he doesn't believe it.

I didn't expect this kid to have such a good-looking appearance and a big heart.

Well, he wouldn't feel burdened if such a person abducted him.

So, the man took the initiative to comfort him and patted Ayou on the shoulder.

"Hey, the woman has a deep heart. It may be that she is a little withdrawn because she has been in the hospital for a long time. I just want to talk to her more in the future."


Kasugano Yu nodded.

"Thank you uncle."

Just when Yuu raised his head to thank the uncle in front of him, he saw a black sack falling from the sky and accurately placed on his head.

There was sweat medicine in the sack, and before Yuu could react, he fell unconscious.

When the accomplice saw that the man had succeeded, he quickly stepped forward and took Kasugano Yuu away.

"This little boy looks very delicate. He will definitely fetch a good price!"

Inside the van

Someone pulled off the bag covering Kasugano Yu and saw the latter's true appearance.

That appearance, which was even more exquisite than that of a girl, made him swallow his saliva.

"Look at your potential, we are the ones who want to make a lot of money, so be honest!"

A man who seemed to be the boss kicked the man holding Kasugano Yu.

The man did not dare to refute and put the black bag on Kasugano Yu's head again.

sunset twilight

Kasugano Qiong came back with Fiya.

They had a lot of fun today.

Not only did they experience happiness that they had never experienced in the hospital, but they also built a castle exclusively for them in the sand of the park with Fiya.

"Your brother is not at home?"

Back at Kasugano's residence, Feiya looked at the empty living room and asked curiously.

"I guess I went out to play with someone. Let's go upstairs." Kasugano Qiong didn't care.

After all, she often sees Kasugano Yu going out to visit.

Feiya didn't doubt his presence, nodded and followed Qiong upstairs.

The impression of Kasugano Yuu in her heart was not good, and it was just a casual question just now.

In the evening, the Kasugano couple came back after a busy day.

They looked into the dim room and realized that only the dome's window was lit.

I thought the brother and sister got along well.

But it wasn't until Kasugano's mother went upstairs to call the two siblings for dinner that she realized something was wrong.

"Qiong, Yu, it's time to have dinner."

Kasugano's mother opened the door with a smile on her face.


Qiong opened the door.

"Where's Yuu?"

Looking at the room where Qiong was alone, Kasugano's mother was stunned.

"Isn't Yu downstairs?" Hearing this, Qiong also showed doubts.

At this time, Kasugano's mother finally realized something was wrong.

"Qiong, please stay in the room."

After saying that,

Kasugano's mother came downstairs, looking very anxious.

Seeing the former's anxious look, Kasugano Qiong was stunned.

Soon, Kasugano and his wife knocked on Qiong's door again, and their brows were filled with fatigue.

"Yu is missing?"

Kasugano Qiong was stunned when he heard what the two said.

"Yeah, I can't find him anywhere."

"My classmates and the school have asked, where can such a young child go?"

Kasugano and his wife said anxiously.

Qiong was silent.

She was wondering if she had said too harsh words in the afternoon and had broken Kasugano Yu's guard. Now she was having a tantrum alone.

Seeing that Qiong did not speak, the Kasugano couple did not think much, but picked up their mobile phones and started calling the police.

That night, Kasugano and his wife didn't even have time to eat. They searched for Kasugano Yuu with the police the whole time.

Qiong, who was standing at the window, was also a little worried.

After all, she was the one who drove Yu away, and if something happened, she would also be responsible.

Then, Qiong contacted Feiya.

Feiya, who was having dinner, received the message from Qiong and was stunned after reading it.

"What's wrong?"

Seeing that Feiya's expression was wrong, Ling Yu asked curiously.

"Brother, Qiong's brother You is missing." Feiya raised her head and said to Ling Yu.


Ling Yu was confused.

"Yes, Qiong just sent me a message saying that You didn't come home tonight. Her parents have called the police. There is no news yet."

"It couldn't be that he was kidnapped. Child trafficking is quite rampant now."

Luna said casually while eating chicken wings.

"It's not impossible."

Ling Yu confirmed Luna's suspicion.

After all, children are easy targets, and Yoyo is not bad at all.

Judging from the country's preference for breeding, Yuu is definitely a high-quality resource.

After that, Ling Yu looked at Feiya: "What does Qiong think, do you want to save this brother or not?"

"Qiong said that although she and You are not on good terms, he is still her brother. In order not to make her parents sad, she still has to look for him." Feiya said.

Ling Yu nodded after hearing this: "Then Feiya, help find him after dinner."


Just like that, after dinner, Feiya came to Qiong.

When she came, Feiya also brought a lunch box thoughtfully.

"Qiong, have you eaten?"

"No, my parents are busy looking for my brother."

Kasugano Feiya shook her head.

She has only eaten an apple to fill her stomach so far.

"I brought you dinner, eat it quickly."

Hearing that the other party had not eaten yet, Feiya felt a pain in her heart, and quickly took out the prepared lunch box and put it in front of Qiong.

"Feiya... you are my lifelong friend!"

Seeing the hot food in front of her, Qiong looked at Feiya with emotion, and then hugged her.

Greedily sniffed the smell of Feiya.

However, this smell made her smell a different smell. After sniffing with her little nose, Qiong asked curiously, "Did you eat fried chicken tonight?"

Fia was stunned.

Is your nose so sharp?

In order to find the missing You, the Kasugano couple was so anxious.

When they were young, they almost put all their care on the seriously ill Kasugano Qiong, and they felt guilty for neglecting their care for You.

Now that You is missing, they are the most anxious.

Before leaving, the Kasugano couple did not forget to lock the door, just to fear that Qiong would suddenly disappear like this.

However, with Fia there, she easily picked up Qiong in a princess hug and jumped down from the second floor.

"Where are we going now?"

After landing, Qiong asked while nestled in Fia's arms.

"The breath shows that You is not in this area, and according to sister Luna, You is likely to be abducted."


Qiong was stunned.

He was abducted after a while?

But think about it, only this situation can fit the current situation.

"Let's go. We can catch up as long as we are fast." Feiya said.


Qiong nodded quickly and hugged Feiya's neck tightly.

Feiya stepped on the ground with her toes and jumped forward.

Under the moonlight, Qiong experienced the feeling of being a ninja jumping on the eaves.

At the same time

In the dim room

Yu slowly woke up from coma, and he felt hungry at the first moment.

Then he looked at the small dark room without lights, and subconsciously wanted to get up to turn on the light, but found that his limbs were tied up.

Yu in a daze remembered that he was put in a black sack before he fell into a coma.

In an instant, his little face turned pale, and the panicked Yu began to shout.

After all, he was just a little kid, and his psychological defense was very fragile.

He cried and shouted for his mother.

Perhaps he was annoyed by Yu's crying and shouting, and the door was opened with a "clang".

Light came in from the door, and a man familiar to You walked out of the house with a cigarette in his mouth.


You looked at the man in front of him and said blankly.

"Why are you making so much noise? You disturbed my sleep, do you know?"

However, the man didn't care about the "old friendship" at all. He came in front of You and kicked him without saying a word.


You screamed and was kicked to the ground.

"Tie Mie! You like to shout, right? Keep shouting!"

After that, the man kicked You a few times, without any mercy.

In his eyes, You was just a fish that they could slaughter at will.

In this case, even killing someone is normal.

"Okay, okay, stop kicking. It's worthless if you break it."

At this time, an accomplice stepped forward and quickly stopped the man.

"Baka, if I don't show him what I can do, you still think this is your home?"

The man pulled his collar and spat at Kasugano Yuu, who was huddled on the ground and shivering.

"Let's go, I bought some wine and it's still cold at night." said the accomplice.

After hearing this, the man restrained himself and went out with his accomplice.

The door was closed again, leaving only Kasugano Yuu's low sobbing in the house.

At the same time

After trekking through mountains and rivers, Fia and Qiong also found Yuu's location.

Looking at the abandoned factory below, Fia felt that there were six or seven adult men inside.

If it was an ordinary little girl facing this scene, she would definitely be desperate and unable to fight back, but she was different.

Fia was silent for a while, and asked Kasugano Yuu: "Qiong, do you believe me?"


Qiong did not hesitate at all.

Hearing her friend's words, Fia showed a sweet smile on her face: "Then please don't be scared no matter what you see next."

"Okay." Qiong nodded.

After putting Qiong down from her arms, Feiya took a deep breath and stretched out her little hand towards the void.

"Mechanism No. 4, pendulum oscillator state - the execution sickle that marks the farewell!"

As soon as the voice fell, a huge sickle appeared in Feiya's delicate little hand.

The sickle blade reflected the white color under the moonlight.

When Qiong looked at the sickle, her little face was stunned, but she reacted quickly.

What she likes is Fiya herself, so no matter what kind of secret she has, she will accept it!

"Qiong, go to a safe place and leave the rest to me!" Feiya said to Qiong.

Qiong nodded obediently and hid behind a wall.

After seeing Qiong hiding, Feiya jumped up and came below.


Several people who were drinking and eating were startled when they heard the movement.

Then they saw a girl with long silver hair slowly walking towards them holding a giant scythe.

The size of the scythe was very large, larger than the girl herself, making it look extremely awkward.

"Little sister, come to such a remote place to cosplay."

"What a cute little sister. My brothers are bored drinking, so why don't you come and keep us company?"

After seeing Feiya, the kidnappers were not afraid, but instead stepped forward in a humble manner.

In their understanding, Feiya is just a poor sheep who strayed here by mistake.

As for the huge scythe.

No, no, no, it’s the 21st century, and some people still think that’s true?


Just when someone was about to approach Fiya, the sickle in Fiya's hand moved.

The curved part of the sickle hit the man's side of the head directly.

The next second, with a 'click', the man's head was dented directly, and he fell to the ground with a 'pop'.

The other people who had drank were also stunned.

He looked at the man lying on the ground, and then at the dead sick girl who calmly crossed the man's body and walked towards them.

For a moment, they were completely sober from their wine.

"Weird, monster!"

They shouted in horror and took out their daggers.

Shouting and rushing towards Feiya.

However, Feiya didn't panic at all and showed her elegance to the fullest.

She jumped up and turned into a reaper under the moonlit night with a graceful arc. She came to the traffickers and waved her sickle to start harvesting them one by one.

Because Qiong was here, Feiya did not show her bloody and violent side, and just used the connecting part of the scythe to knock them out.

In just a few seconds, all the traffickers were caught in one fell swoop.

The dome-shaped eyes that were hidden all the time shone brightly.

"So handsome!"


The door to Suo Yu was opened, and Yu, who was still shivering inside, said directly.

"Don't hit me! Don't hit me!"

Looking at Yu who was curled up on the ground with her belly in her arms, Feiya was silent for a while, then used a sickle to cut through Yu's rope.

"Get up, I've dealt with all those human traffickers."

Fia extended her hand to Yuu.

Youyou looked at Feiya blankly. Under the bright moonlight, her long silver hair looked particularly charming.

“So beautiful~”

Once again, Yuu was mesmerized.

"Thank you!"

Yuu said gratefully to Fiya.

Just when he was about to hold the other person's hand, he was pushed away by Qiong who came over.

Then he took Fiya's arm and looked at Kasugano Yu who collapsed on the ground with a look of disgust: "Don't touch my Fiya!"

It looked like a little wild cat protecting its calf. When Feiya saw it, she chuckled and dismissed the sickle.

Such a magical scene shocked Yuu, and at the same time he became even more convinced that Fia was a goddess! (End of chapter)

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