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Chapter 161 The Land of Glory

at the same time

Park Fangchang, who was immersed in the fierce battle, did not realize the seriousness of the matter at all.

He was still fighting with Ji Guoyuan and a few people there.

The sound of metal clashing was endless, and the explosions and dust in the sky barely dispersed.

Just after the hell flame dragon Atlas Flame fired his eternal breath, Pu Fangchang broke through the flames and was printed with four or five dragon breaths on the front.

Pu Fangchang was stunned by the sudden attack.

When he rushed out of the flames, he found that he was surrounded by hundreds of giant dragons.

Almost the entire world is filled.

"How come there are so many dragons here? Are all those monsters just for food?" Pu Fangchang cursed angrily after looking at them.

But he didn't realize it until he looked around.

Not to mention that all the previously opened space transmission channels have been closed.

Even the area with a radius of several miles is filled with Ling Yu's army!

"What, what's going on?"

Just like a basin of cold water pouring down, Pu Fangchang, who was still furious at first, was completely stunned.

What about his army? Where is his army of more than 600,000 Warcraft? !

Why can't I see any of them?

Little did they know, those monsters that were turned into shadow soldiers were deemed too weak by Ling Yu, and were directly released from control after being exploited.

All dissipated into nothing.

"Now you should understand the fact that you can't win from the beginning."

A dull voice came.

Pu Fangchang raised his head sharply.

Then he saw Ling Yu walking through the void with his hands in his trouser pockets.

There are dragons dancing around.

When he stopped, he was already standing on top of the Hell Flame Dragon Atlas Flame.

It's like the scene when the Queen arrives.

He raised his chin slightly and looked down at Pu Fangchang below.

"It's not easy to meet you!"

Pu Fangchang looked at Ling Yu fiercely.

"Your army of monsters is pretty good. It helped me get rid of many enemies."

Ling Yu chuckled and rubbed salt on the other party's wounds.


Pu Fangchang shouted angrily and was about to rush towards Ling Yu.

But soon, five golden chains shot out of the void, instantly comforting Pu Fangchang's limbs and neck.

As the chains were dragged, Pu Fangchang's limbs were stretched.

No matter how much he tried, it was of no use.

"You can't break away. The gap between us is too big."

"I'm curious. I just didn't go to that glorious place. Is it necessary to work so hard?" Ling Yu was very puzzled.

"Now thanks to you, that place called the Land of Glory, I have an irresistible urge to destroy it."

"They are nothing more than cultivated products. Your fate is to be sold to the monarch by us!"

"Anyone who disobeys will die!"

Pu Fangchang sneered.

"You said it so confidently, I almost thought you would give me some money." Ling Yu sighed.

The golden Rubik's Cube appeared in his hand.

In the blink of an eye, the Rubik's Cube began to rotate rapidly, and finally turned into a golden gun, aimed at Pu Fangchang's eyebrows.

"Kill me. As long as you dare to take action, someone with stronger authority will come here!"

"You will all be buried with me then!"

Pu Fangchang barked.

Ling Yu's ears hurt from being yelled at.

He used his structural power to create an earplug and inserted it into his ear.

Then the muzzle of the gun was directed downwards, not towards Pu Fangchang's eyebrows, but towards Pu Fangchang's lower body.

"Brother Park, I was not wrong."

After saying that, there was a 'bang' sound, which was like a beam of flame shooting out from the Heavenly Fire Holy Seal.

Pu Fangchang, who was restrained by the restraint chains, felt hot down there.

Then he lost consciousness.

"Axiba, what did you do to me!"

Ling Yu calmly blew out the smoke from his gun.

"Don't worry, I just gave you a handle, so that you will never have a handle fall into the hands of others again."

"Ah! Ling Yu, I'm going to kill you!"

Pu Fangchang, who was belatedly aware of this, showed a devilish expression to Ling Yu.

It looked like he was going to be eaten alive.


When Ling Yu pressed the Heavenly Fire Saint to his forehead again, Pu Fangchang was unexpectedly honest.

Because he was afraid that Ling Yu would shoot him again.

Although his wisdom root is gone, he still has eggs.

This time, Pu Fangchang did not speak harshly, but suppressed his anger and began to negotiate peace.

"As long as you let me go back, I promise that no one will bother you again..."

"You fart!"

Before Pu Fangchang finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ling Yu.

Pu Fangchang, who was choked, became angry and said: "Otherwise, what do you want!"

Hearing this, Ling Yu chuckled: "Please be a witness."

According to the data transmitted by the system.

The so-called top ten monarchs of the Land of Glory are nothing more than stellar-level existences.

To put it simply, the damage range is almost equivalent to a solar system, which is far from Ling Yu's strength.

"What testimony?"

Here, while Pu Fangchang was still confused, Ling Yu had already opened the space channel to the Land of Glory with one hand.

I didn’t have time to go before, but it’s different now.

He was very idle, so idle that he was in a panic.

After talking to Luna and the others in the group, Ling Yu took Pu Fangchang in.

And the three legions under his command also disappeared without a trace in an instant.

This made Jiang Anzhou a little overwhelmed.

glorious place

This is the center of another world.

The center point of the universe.

Here, there are countless lines extending towards the infinite universe.

Each root represents a place of trial, which is equivalent to representing a living planet.

The space passage opened, and Ling Yu walked out with the restrained Pu Fangchang.

I glanced around and found that the place was very deserted.

And lifeless.

"It seems I didn't find the right place." Ling Yu murmured.


[This place is the land of the dead and the world after destruction. All the souls who died in the glorious land will come to this world. ]

"It seems that I found the right place, but there is something wrong with the coordinates."

"How to get to the Land of Glory."

[The structure of the Land of Glory is the same as that of the Magic Tower. You only need to break the sky to enter the upper level. ]

"Is it enough to break the sky?"

Ling Yu had never tried such a novel method.

"It's useless. If you don't have the power to awaken the world, you can't go to the upper level at all!"

Pu Fangchang, who was on the side, sneered.

Ling Yu had nothing to say and simply shot him again in the lower body.

The severe pain made Pu Fangchang roll on the ground in pain.

"What's the best way to get up there?"

Ling Yu looked at the sky and thought.

"The more penetrating weapon I have here is..."

"By the way, cremation cannon, the light of the cardinal's return."

Thinking of this, Ling Yu faced the void and began to construct the structure of the cremation cannon.

Soon, a lavender round chip appeared in the air.

Just in case, Ling Yu also took out the Black Abyss White Flower·Creation and Destruction Spiral.

As Ling Yu began to transmit energy, the circular chip lit up with light.

"Don't think about it, you can't break the world's barriers at all."

Pu Fangchang, who was lying on the ground and sweating profusely, was still talking harshly.

But the next second

A beam of light shot straight up from the ground and hit the sky hard.

The powerful impact caused the sky to shake.

There are ripples in space.

Seeing the cardinal's returning light from below, Pu Fangchang was completely stunned.

The power contained in this is something that not even those great monarchs have!

"Sure enough, there is still a bit of a gap."

Seeing the sky constantly shaking but showing no intention of breaking it, Ling Yu weighed the weapon in his hand.

After all, the power of the weapon itself has an upper limit.

In this case, wouldn't it be enough to use them in combination?

Suddenly, a pale white light appeared on the Black Abyss White Flower·Creation and Destruction Spiral.

It is the seal of Xuguang given by Kosmo.


The spear was thrown into the sky by Ling Yu.

It hit the sky with a power that penetrated everything.

next second

‘Bang! ’

While resounding throughout the world of destruction, a large hole appeared in the sky.

This scene shocked the residents of the entire death world, and everyone was horrified.

"The sky is broken?!"

"Is the world going to end?"

"Don't talk nonsense, this is the world after death!"

The residents of the afterlife were terrified, but Park Fangchang was completely dumbfounded.

The world's barrier, which even the ten monarchs couldn't penetrate together, was broken down so easily?

He looked at Ling Yu with absurdity written all over his face.

Is this guy really a human?

"The passage is open, let's go."

Putting away the flying black abyss white flowers and cremation cannon, Ling Yu grabbed the opponent and jumped up.

A canopy that passes directly through in one breath.

When Ling Yu opened his eyes again, he had come to a world where birds were singing and flowers were fragrant.

"Run quickly, it's dangerous!"

Just then, a voice came.

Immediately afterwards

A huge boulder fell from the sky.

Ling Yu just glanced at it, and the boulder turned into molecules and dissipated.


The person who reminded me before was confused.

Looking at Ling Yu with disbelief,

"Wait a minute, isn't that Manager Park from the Magic Tower?"

"Kill him quickly. This man is a product and is out of control now!"

After seeing someone recognizing him, Park Fangchang immediately shouted.

The next second, the faces of the people who looked concerned just now changed immediately.

"How dare a mere cultivated product harm the manager!"

"Manager Park, don't panic, I will definitely save you!"

"Boy, this is the jurisdiction of the Dark Lord, one of the ten great monarchs. I advise you not to resist."

"To be honest, I think there's something wrong with your brains."

Ling Yu pinched his eyebrows.

"You are even weaker than this guy, but you dare to stand up for him?"

Sure enough, the moment Ling Yu finished speaking, the expressions of these people changed again.

I thought so.

"He was seriously injured while fighting me, and his strength is very low. You just need to hold him back until the Dark Lord comes, and everything will be over!"

How could Pu Fangchang shout quickly as he saw the chance of escape disappearing.

At this moment, the eyes of these people became bright again.

But not before they could raise their weapons.

breeze blows

The heads of these dozen people fell off.

A dark figure appeared beside Ling Yu, holding an ancient Xuanyuan Sword.

"Have you forgotten that I am never alone?" Ling Yu looked at Pu Fangchang like he was a fool and said.

Pu Fangchang: "..."

Helpless, he could only curse angrily in his heart, forgetting that Ling Yu had that unseen shadow army.

"I hope this dark lord will not disappoint their king."

Ling Yu looked at the buildings in the distance and murmured.

He is the Shadow King, and the so-called Dark Lord is nothing more than a minister.

"Everyone come out."

As Ling Yu's voice fell, dense figures appeared from the ground.

All members of the Shadow Army join the battle.

In this way, Ling Yu led the shadow army and marched towards the dark city.

at the same time

dark city

The Lord of Darkness, who noticed the Shadow Legion, quickly came outside the city and frowned as he looked at the densely packed Shadow Legion outside the city.

The strength of each of these legion members is no less than that of a general-level monarch.

In a flash, he arrived in front of Ling Yu.

"Your Excellency brought such a large army to my territory. Did I offend you in some way?"

"It's nothing. There's just a guy who comes to me every now and then and tells me how great the Land of Glory is and how powerful the monarch here is. I just have free time today, so I came here to take a look."

The Lord of Darkness raised his eyebrows when he heard this.

The next second, he saw Pu Fangchang being dragged to the ground by the shadow soldiers like a dead dog.

This made his heart skip a beat.

The dignified manager of the Magic Tower has become a prisoner?

"If the manager has offended you, please go to the Magic Tower. I have always pursued peace and independence. I am a peace-loving monarch and do not want to get involved." The Dark Lord said.

Pu Fangchang sighed inwardly after hearing this.

No one in the entire Glorious Land knows that you are the one who likes invasion the most.

You said you love peace?

Here, the Lord of Darkness is still chattering like a chatterbox.

They all started talking to Ling Yu about the principles of peaceful coexistence.

This made Ling Yu immediately impatient, and said directly: "What are you barking at? I ask you, what are you barking at?"


Suddenly, the air became quiet.

The Lord of Darkness opposite was dumbfounded.

He never expected that his tolerance would be rewarded with scolding, and his face turned dark for a moment.

He said in a cold voice: "Boy, please give me some face!"

Pu Fangchang, who became a prisoner, was very excited when he saw this scene.

I kept praying in my heart: ‘Let’s fight! Fight! ’

"I am also one of the top ten monarchs in the glorious zone. I will say one last thing."

The Lord of Darkness made a farewell gesture: "Leave, we will be in peace!"

"I heard that people in the Land of Glory will go to the world after death, right?"

Dark frowned: "What do you want to say?"

"In order for my stable life to no longer be disturbed, so... I invite you, sir, to die!"


The Lord of Darkness roared angrily.

The ground beneath his feet cracked instantly, and terrifying power spread from his body.

In an instant, the entire dark city erupted with countless earth-shaking energy, and a powerful man appeared in the void.

"Since you don't want to live, then stay!"

The Lord of Darkness waved his hand.

next second

The monarchs who guarded the tower rushed towards Ling Yu.

"Deal with them."

Ling Yu didn't even raise his eyelids, he just said casually.

Everyone in the Shadow Legion behind them saluted in unison, and then left the ground to fight with the flying monarchs. (End of chapter)

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