This shop owner is not very reliable

Chapter 158 The Power of Furry

"Then Xilin will stay at my place for a while."

Holding Xilin's hand, Ling Yu said to Xilin's mother.

"Thank you."

Xilin's mother bowed to Ling Yu, and then told Xilin: "Xilin, you must be obedient at Mr. Ling Yu's place."

"Got it, mom, I will be good."

In front of the space channel, Xilin waved to her mother.

"You must be obedient!"

"Got it."

Just like that, Xilin came back with Ling Yu.

When she came back, it was already past eleven o'clock in the evening.

According to Ling Yu's usual sleep time, it was another day of staying up late.

Luna and Mijiu said good night to Ling Yu and went to their bathroom to wash up.

And Ling Yu also took Xilin to his room.

But it was too much for four people to sleep in one bed, so tonight Ling Yu arranged Xilin and Fia to another room.

Ester was the first person to accompany him to sleep, and naturally he could not be replaced.

Lying on the side

Xilin and Feiya slept hand in hand, with their feet touching.

The next day

At 7:40 in the morning

Xilin got up.

She was unusually awake, and looked at Feiya who was sleeping beside her without disturbing her.

She thought it was very early.

So she tiptoed out of bed.

But she was a little bit grumbling to Feiya, and Feiya woke up just when Xilin had just moved.

"You woke up."

Looking at Xilin who had already sat up, Feiya spoke.

"Sister Feiya, did I disturb you?" Xilin said with some self-blame.

"No, but it's still early, and the sun hasn't completely shone in now."

Xilin: "???"

If it was completely shone in, wouldn't it be almost noon?

"Sister Feiya, do you know what time it is now?"

"Well, let me see."

Feiya turned around and picked up the mobile phone next to the pillow.

Then she told Xilin the time: "7:43."

"So late?"

Xilin was shocked.


Fia was stunned.


Isn't it early?

Finally, Fia chose to continue sleeping, while Xilin dressed and went out.

She went to the bathroom first, and when she came out, she found that the whole room was extremely quiet.

"Miss Xilin, what are you looking for?"

Just when Xilin was wondering that it was almost eight o'clock and no one was getting up, Sera suddenly came behind her, leaned down and asked softly.

As soon as Xilin looked up, she was shocked by the huge evil.

As Sera leaned over, the evil became more powerful.


Xilin swallowed her saliva and looked at it with some yearning.

'Will she be this big in the future? '

While thinking in her heart, she looked at Sera and asked the question in her heart.

"It's almost eight o'clock, isn't everyone getting up?"

"There is still more than an hour before the master and others get up. At this stage, Miss Xilin can go to the room to rest." Sera said softly.

"There is more than an hour!?"

Xilin was stunned.

She was shocked by the time she woke up.

She was extremely self-disciplined in World Snake, and she had to go to Hua to take classes before 7:30 every day.

All the things had to be done before then.

In addition, she had to get up early to help her mother with some things before, so she got up even earlier.

It was a luxury to sleep until 7 o'clock like today.

"If Miss Xilin can't sleep, you can watch TV for a while. I'm preparing breakfast here." Sera said gently.

Although Sera looked down on humans, Xilin should not be considered a human in some ways, right?

Suddenly, Xilin seemed to think of something, and she looked up at Sera.

"Brother, are you sleeping at this time now?"

"Yes, the master usually gets up after 9 o'clock." Sera nodded.

"Then Sera, you continue to be busy, don't worry about me."


Sera bowed lightly and returned to the kitchen.

Seeing Sera walk into the kitchen, close the door, and look around, finding no one there, Xilin tiptoed to Ling Yu's door.

She used her imaginary power to open an imaginary space on the door that was just big enough for her to pass through, and then stepped in carefully.

After Xilin entered completely, she released the imaginary space on the door.

But the moment she looked up, she met a pair of blue eyes.

The girl had silver hair, and her long hair, as bright as moonlight, was scattered on her pure and clean body.

Under the sunlight, the girl was like a layer of silver armor, and her whole body was glowing.

"Sister Esther?"

Xilin was shocked by this dreamlike scene.

If the background at this time was not the bedroom but the bathroom, it would obviously be a picture of a beauty coming out of the bath.

At the same time

After seeing that the intruder was Xilin, Esther did not speak, but got back into the bed and closed her eyes.

After a moment of anxiety, Xilin glanced at Ling Yu who was sleeping soundly, and took off her shoes and socks, revealing her delicate and small feet.


At nearly half past nine, Ling Yu finally woke up.

The first thing he did when he opened his eyes was to pull Esther out of the bed as usual.

But when he turned his head, he saw a hint of purple.


Ling Yu rubbed his eyes, wondering what the color was.

His sight began to focus, and he saw Xilin's cute sleeping face with purple hair falling.

He couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw it was Xilin.


Xilin also opened her golden eyes at this voice.


It is estimated that at ten o'clock, everyone will finish washing and sit in the living room.

Luna is still yawning, and it is obvious that she watched TV too late last night.

After breakfast, it is time to prepare for business.

Among all people, Xilin is undoubtedly the most looking forward to it.

Because she has heard a lot about the store from sister Paduo, and the strange gift jar that Paduo has been thinking about.


As Ling Yu pushed the door open, he saw Jianzi who had been waiting here.

"Shopkeeper, you are finally back!"

Seeing Ling Yu, Jianzi came forward to greet him enthusiastically.

"Have you had fun recently?" Seeing Jianzi, Ling Yu asked with a smile.

"Don't mention it, I'm going crazy."

Jizi covered her head and said.

If she was really having fun, how could she be so enthusiastic when she was pulled back to work? She must have looked like her father had died.

"What's wrong? Tell me and I'll be happy." Ling Yu asked curiously.

Jizi sighed and began to tell everyone: "It's Kyosuke. He wakes me up in all kinds of scary ways every day and mocks me for sleeping like a pig."

"Rather than a vacation, it's more of a torture."

"Well... Is it possible that he is a sister control?" Ling Yu gave Jianzi a new direction.


Yotani Jianzi was stunned and shook her head immediately: "How is it possible? Shop owner, you must be joking."

"How could Kyosuke be a sister control..."

After the words fell, Yotani Jianzi was stunned.

Then she looked at the smiling Ling Yu with some uncertainty: "Shop owner, you must be joking, right?"

"Who knows? After all, your brother is also a child, and children's thoughts are the hardest to guess."

Ling Yu spread his hands and smiled.

Yotsuya Miko fell silent.

She was very worried now.

What if her brother was really a sister-con? That would be troublesome.

Maybe he would develop a perverted love and rush to wash her clothes and smell her underwear...


Instantly, Miko showed a look of horror.

Could her brother become a pervert? !

This was simply unthinkable!

"Shopkeeper, what should I do?"

Yotsuya Miko looked at Ling Yu who calmly drank the tea prepared by Sera, and said anxiously.

Her brother was the only male in their Yotsuya family. If he was really a sister-con, how would she face her dead father!

"Don't you have a little follower?"

"Tell her: As long as you can conquer my brother, I will agree to accept her as my apprentice." Ling Yu gave Miko a suggestion.

"Will this work?" Miko doubted.

"As the saying goes, if a woman chases a man, it's easy to get him into trouble. In addition to solving your brother's sister-con problem, you can also help him find a wife for free. Isn't this killing two birds with one stone?"


Jianzi fell silent.

Looking at it this way, there is indeed no problem.

"I'll go back and try it. I hope he won't have any resistance." Jianzi sighed.

How can he be sister-con? Unethical love is not allowed!

"Of course, there is another way."

"What is it?"

Ling Yu pointed at Jianzi: "You, find someone to marry."

Instantly, Jianzi was dumbfounded.

She found that the first suggestion was still reliable!

"Okay, it's useless for you to think about these at this stage. Get ready for today's business."

Ling Yu put down the teacup and said calmly.

"I know."

Jianzi also understood that now is not the time to think about these.

As Ling Yu pressed the red button of the store.

The next second, a petite white figure pushed the door out, holding a black rabbit in her hand.



After seeing her friend, Feiya quickly came to meet him.

In this way, the two little girls hugged each other.

Kasugano Qiong was very happy hugging Fiya.

She had been waiting since early morning, and came over as soon as she saw that the shop was open.

Xilin, who was standing by, looked at Qiong hugging Fiya, and felt a sense of crisis in her heart.

Fiya, her only friend in this world, might be abducted!

And Qiong also noticed Xilin.

"Fiya, who is she?"

"This is Xilin, my brother's sister." Fiya said.

Kasugano Qiong was puzzled.

Aren't you also Ling Yu's sister?

Kasugano Qiong couldn't help but worry in her heart,

How many sisters does the owner have? What if the love given to her Fiya is not enough?

"Hello, my name is Xilin." Xilin, who was introduced, took the initiative to greet.

"My name is Kasugano Qiong, just call me Qiong."

Kasugano Qiong also politely responded.


Just when the three little ones got together, the door of the shop was pushed open again.

But Jianzi was surprised when she saw the person coming.

"Xiaohua? Why is it you!"

"Jianzi, you are here too? No, now is not the time to talk about this kind of thing. Jianzi, do you know where the toilet is? I can't hold it anymore."

Lily Kawaka covered her belly, her legs trembling.

She looked like she could hold it in any time.

"The toilet is here."

I was in a hurry. Jianzi was obviously someone who had been there before, so he quickly realized what he was doing and pointed to the toilet.

Lily Chuanhua thanked her and hurried in.

Ling Yu was happy when he saw this scene.

"I've seen those who entered by mistake, I've seen those who took refuge, and I've seen those who escaped from ghosts, but this is the first time I've seen the one who came to the toilet."

"Xiaohua loves to eat, so..." Mianzi explained.

"I didn't mean to blame her, I just found it interesting." Ling Yu said.

Soon, Yuri Chuanhua came out of the toilet with a happy face. The look after she was completely released was in sharp contrast to before.

"Mr. Shopkeeper, Miss Luna, Miss Miku, and Sister Esther, long time no see."

Seeing everyone, Lily Chuanhua didn't feel any strangeness, but started to greet everyone enthusiastically.

After all, sitting on the toilet was enough time for her to sort out a lot of things.

"Welcome, Ms. Lilygawa."

Ling Yu stretched out his hand to Lily Chuanhua.

"Oh, ma'am, that's too formal. Just call me Xiaohua like before."

Lily Chuanhua shook hands with Ling Yu and scratched her head in embarrassment.

Ling Yu also smiled, and then put a jar on the table: "Since we are acquaintances, let's get straight to the point."

"Want to open a can?"


Without any hesitation, Lily Chuanhua answered directly.

Ling Yu gave the card to Lily Chuanhua, and the next second, the number one thousand and five was displayed on it.

"This is more than my origin points at that time." Miko said after looking at it.

When a friend comes to the store, she, the clerk, has to carry it around.

"Does this mean I'm better than Mianzi?"

Lily Chuanhua said with a naive smile.

"That's not necessarily true. Opening a can depends on luck."

"I admit, Xiaohua, that you have a lot of Origin Points, but luck is hard to say."

In this regard, Jianzi is very arrogant.

Subconsciously raise your chest.

But compared with Yuri Kawaka, it's really nothing.

"I'm also looking forward to what I can come up with."

Lily Chuanhua said and handed over the card.

"Mr. Ling Yu, please bring me an intermediate jar and five special jars."

Seeing the child, he was stunned and said quickly: "It is better for a newbie to open a can and choose an ordinary can with a large volume and full capacity."

"It is highly not recommended to use odd jars."

"What does it matter? Miko, you must have opened ordinary jars before, so it's not a bad idea for me to open the other two." Lily Chuanhua chuckled.

Seeing Zi was stunned, and then said helplessly: As long as you are happy.

Soon, six jars were brought to Lily Chuanhua.

Siren watched intently.


There was a cracking sound.

The intermediate jar is declared broken.

A flash of purple light flew out from inside.

"It's shipped!"

Lily Chuanhua was surprised.

She quickly held the ball of light with her hand.


As the light ball shatters, the purple item information bar pops up.

[Furry Power]: The affinity of all animals is increased by 80%, and you can have conversations with creatures.

When the skills were integrated with it, Lily Chuanhua didn't feel anything happen, and nothing in front of her changed.

"Although the name is a bit strange, it is a good skill that allows you to communicate with animals." Ling Yu said after looking at it.

"You mean it can break down language barriers?!"

Lily Chuanhua was excited.


"It's a pity that I don't have pets at home, otherwise I could help you get used to it." Ling Yu also made a joke.

"It doesn't matter, it's not too late to wait until we get back to test this kind of thing." Lily Chuanhua said quickly.

"Being able to communicate with animals is a very enviable ability."

"Hey hey hey."

Lily Chuanhua smiled sheepishly, and then patted her little face: "Okay! Let's take advantage of this trend!"

In an instant, Lily Chuanhua smashed all the remaining five jars.

Three green and two blue, a total of five light balls emerged.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Lily Chuanhua grasped the two blue light balls in an instant.

[Iai Slash]: Instantly draw your sword to defeat the enemy.


Lily Kawaka's eyes lit up after seeing that it was Iai Slash.

It's a familiar move.

This Iai Slash seemed as familiar to Yuri Kawaka as the people of Iwakuni had seen the sword-fighting technique of Zhan Tian.

Immediately he looked at the other hand, which was very heavy because it was a sword.

[Water Dragon Sword]: A sword weapon with the ability to enhance combat effectiveness within three minutes of use, but it will cause extreme fatigue after use.

"Servant?" Ling Yu murmured.

Sid had used the Teigu before.

It's really ironic that he's called a water dragon, but he can't control water.

In addition, the restrictions are too large, and it is indeed not as good as Teigu. (End of chapter)

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