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Chapter 154 Shadow Chiyou Shadow Jilin

"Prometheus is completely frightened."

Looking at Prometheus's dazed look, Mei laughed.

"You...are a monster."

Ignoring Mei's joke, Prometheus stared at Ling Yu in silence for a while before speaking.

"I don't want to be told that by a robot."

Ling Yu knocked her head.

But Prometheus was fine, not even frowning.

"What are you doing?"

Looking at Prometheus's puzzled eyes, Ling Yu was rarely silent.

"I'm considering whether to give you a pain system."

"I don't need that kind of extra ability." Prometheus rejected it directly.

Not long after, Alicia and the others also came. After seeing Prometheus and Mei, they were surprised and excited.


After the former appeared, Prometheus stared at her.

She is also one of the few insiders who know the truth in the Fire Chaser Moth.

That's why she doubted Alicia's resurrection.

"Is the meeting after 50,000 years so hot?"

"Even if I were stared at with such a strong gaze, I would be shy."

Alicia hid behind Eden a little embarrassedly and said shyly.


Hearing the familiar words, Prometheus was silent for a moment and looked at Mei: "I am sure that Alicia is indeed resurrected."

Mei smiled slightly: "There are more mysteries in the world than we think."

Alicia looked curious when she heard the conversation between the two.

She quickly came to Prometheus and took Mei's hand skillfully.

Smiling like a flower: "It's so boring to chat with two people, take me with you. I haven't seen you for so long, and I have a lot to say to you."

Prometheus looked at her expressionlessly, and then said in a very calm tone: "The Fire Moth cannot live without Alicia, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem."


Alisa was stunned, and then smiled: "So I'm so important in your eyes, Prometheus."

Alisa was shocked by Prometheus's metaphor.

Prometheus didn't speak.

Because she is just a robot without emotions.

After Alicia, everyone talked to Mei and Prometheus in turn.

"You have changed a lot."

After seeing Fu Hua, Mei whispered to her.

"Fifty thousand years of time is enough to change many people." Fu Hua smiled lightly.

Compared to her before, the erosion of fifty thousand years of time has made Fu Hua more stable.

"Thank you for your hard work."

Fu Hua shook her head: "This is what I should do."

Cheng Lixue stood aside silently.

Although the conversation between the two was only a few simple sentences, Cheng Lixue felt extremely distressed.

My charming master came here alone like this.

After reminiscing for a while, Paduo suddenly thought of something and looked at everyone and asked.

"Now there are two Kevin bosses, but there is only one Mei sister. What should we do?"

Hearing this, Kevin's face changed slightly, and he pulled Mei behind him without leaving a trace.

Facing the eyes of the crowd, he said calmly: "The Mei in reality is dead."

Kevin's attitude was very firm.

Even if it was another self, he would never give Mei away!

"I feel that Boss Kevin is not the kind of person who steals love." Paduo said.

Kevin: "..."

Although he knew that Paduo was talking about another self, Kevin was not very happy.

Although he and another Kevin had the same name, they were completely two independent existences at this moment.

So... he would not compromise!

"Little Phyllis, if you keep saying that, Kevin will pull out the sky fire." At this time, Alicia laughed.

Mao Mao was stunned and saw Kevin looking at her expressionlessly.

Although Kevin is usually expressionless, he is undoubtedly more oppressive now.

Frightened, Paduo quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

"Kevin, I didn't say anything, don't take it to heart."

Kevin was silent for a moment, and said, "You are right."

"Oh? If it really comes to that, Kevin, what will you do?"

Alicia immediately became interested and asked Kevin.

Kevin looked at her fearlessly.

"The real Mei is dead, and the resurrected Mei is from the moon world bubble, so the other me has no right to interfere."

His idea is very simple.

The other Kevin only needs to continue to perform his own duties.

Mei and him were both resurrected by Ling Yu, so they should be together.

Kevin, who missed once, will never let go this time!

"So domineering." Alicia was curious about what kind of sparks would collide if the two Kevins met.

But they probably just nodded to each other and nothing more to say.

"I don't think you need to think about this at all."

"Wait until the other Kevin comes out of the quantum sea, you can ask him to come to me."

"Can't I solve the things that you can't solve?"

Ling Yu's voice came, making everyone who was thinking startled.

Mao Mao also suddenly realized.

Yes, how could they forget Ling Yu's resurrection coin.

If he was there, maybe another Dr. Mei would be resurrected.

Or you can refer to them and record Dr. Mei's data in the Paradise of the Past, and then use the same method to revive her through the Law Gem.

But this is a little bit of a bullhead.

"Are you going to ask Kevin for the origin point?"

Suddenly, Alicia looked at Ling Yu and asked, thinking of something.

Ling Yu did not hide it, and raised his mouth slightly: "I have been in the Quantum Sea for so long, there must be some good things."

"I know it."

Alicia was helpless.

Immediately, she paused and looked at Ling Yu with some surprise: "Could it be that Mei's resurrection is also..."

Ling Yu made a silent gesture to her.

At this moment, Alicia understood everything.

This is going for Kevin's origin point in the Quantum Sea.

Alicia was shocked.

Or Ling Yu deserved to make money, he really calculated everything.

The resurrection of Mei and Prometheus did not cause much commotion.

Except for the heroes of Chasing Fire and Gray Snake, the rest of the people didn't even know who they were, let alone make a sensation.

With the addition of Mei, the supreme commander of Chasing Fire Moth was easily transferred from Kevin to Mei.

Gray Snake also expressed high respect for this lady who led humans to fight against the collapse in the previous era.

So he had no objection to Mei leading the World Snake.

Even Mobius was the same.

Although she was unhappy with Mei, she also understood that Mei was undoubtedly the leader.

There is no doubt that today is another sleepless night.

The resurrection of an old friend in the past must have a welcome party.

Mei was also very kind and had a few drinks.

In the following time, because Mei was the creator of the Blank Key and the World Snake was originally cooperating with Destiny, the Valkyrie's God-killing Armor was developed in less than a month.

In contrast, the Anti-Entropy, which was opposed to Destiny, was suppressed to the point that there was almost no sign of activity.

Even the most profitable mecha animation Alahato of Anti-Entropy was closed down by destiny.

These days, which TV station dares to hire you without a broadcast license.

Although Theresa advocates peaceful coexistence, how could Walter, whose parents were just killed by Otto, agree?

World Snake

"Every meeting will bring surprises. I wonder what kind of surprises Ling Yu will bring the next time we meet."

Ailishia lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling and murmured.

"Aili, have you discovered that everything Ling Yu did is not good for him at all." Eden said.

"I often think about the reason why he resurrected us, but I can't find it."

After that, Eden's face showed worry

"My good Eden, don't think about these things at this time."

"Look at Mobius, isn't she enjoying it?"

Ailishia came behind Eden and hugged her shoulders.

"Speaking of Mobius, Eden, do you know what she has been busy with recently?"

Eden shook her head.

She really didn't know about this kind of thing.

At the same time

After saying goodbye to Alicia and others, Ling Yu brought Feiya and others to the East China Sea.

During this period, Maomao also followed.

It was said that staying in the World Snake was too boring.

Looking at the waves that kept hitting the coast, Ling Yu's eyes were fixed.

He slowly stretched out his hand and said calmly to the endless sea.

"Stand up."

As soon as the voice fell, the entire East China Sea shook.

The Daotianming headquarters detected the huge energy and started to call the police, but when Amber found out through the surveillance that it was Ling Yu and others, she stopped caring.

A huge black shadow emerged in the center of the East China Sea.

Its scale is comparable to land.


Accompanied by a roar, a huge collapse beast with a blue light all over its body appeared in front of everyone.

The seawater flowing from its body when it stood up was enough to form a vast river.

"Oh, so big!"

The huge body comparable to land stunned everyone.

Maomao was even more shocked.

Especially after feeling the pressure from Chi You, the can in her arms began to explode.

Seeing that huge Honkai beast, Ling Yu's mouth curled up.

I finally got you!

"It will be my fortress in the future."

Chi You is extremely huge in both strength and size, and his limbs alone can stand in the sea.

Ling Yu's face was full of satisfaction.

Amber, who saw this scene through the satellite, was also stunned.

Because Chi You's huge body is clearly visible even in space.

"Can you control such a big Honkai beast, Brother Ling?" Mao Mao asked.

"As long as it is a living creature, even if it is a god, I will control it for you to see."

"Even the Herrscher of the End is the same." Ling Yu looked at Paduo and said.

Paduo was shocked.

The Herrscher of the End can also do it? Doesn't that mean he is invincible? !

"Did Cang Xuan and Danzhu die because of it?"

Paduo, who came back to his senses, murmured while looking at Chi You's huge body.

It is hard to imagine how tragic the battle between two researchers and a native would be without the help of a fusion warrior.

As Ling Yu dissipated his power, Chi You's body also turned into a dense shadow force and dissipated.


Suddenly, Ling Yu frowned, and he made a move towards the void, and a black energy fell from the front into Ling Yu's hand.

The energy was swaying, like a candle in the wind.

"Ji Lin?"

Sensing the energy in his hand, Ling Yu murmured.

Ji Lin, Fu Hua's apprentice, the first stigma awakener in Shenzhou, and also the Yellow Emperor in human history.

Because of sealing Chi You, he was swallowed into the stomach.

"It seems that the power of the king just now brought her out as well." Ling Yu said.

"Since we met, it is fate."

"From now on, you are also a member of my Shadow Legion."

Being able to make the legendary Yellow Emperor a subordinate was something that he would never dare to think about in the past.

However, because it was not the Yellow Emperor that Ling Yu knew, it was not considered to be a rebellion against Tiangang, at most it was a betrayal of the teacher and ancestors.

And with the infusion of rich energy, Ji Lin's body was quickly shaped.

Finally, he obtained a complete body.

Unlike other shadow soldiers, she has white skin and slender limbs.

Except for the dark blue armor, she looks like an ordinary human being. It is impossible to tell that she is a shadow soldier.

However, with the precedent of Hei Jilin, she still looks very pleasing to the eye.

"Your Majesty!" Jilin knelt on one knee after being resurrected.


After nodding and casually constructing a Xuanyuan Sword and handing it to Jilin, Ling Yu dismissed her just like he dismissed Chiyou.

"This trip is really a good harvest, buy one get one free."

The powerful mobile fortress and the first stigma awakener, these two combat forces are not weak even if they are placed in his legion.

"Brother Ling, can I still see them?"

At this time, Paduo suddenly asked.

Lingyu certainly knew who Paduo was talking about, so he patted the cat head that was afraid of Paduo and said, "It will definitely work."


The cat believed Lingyu's words without a doubt.

After taking away Chiyou's soul, Lingyu left.

As for Chi You's body, leave it to Kevin to replenish his energy.

As soon as he got out of the Quantum Sea, he had a super-double thigh to eat. Don't be too happy.

"Where are we going now?"

"Well, we've done what we should do... By the way, do we want to go to the Far East?"

As Ling Yu was thinking, a red figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

It seemed that he hadn't seen her for a long time.

If it weren't for the eternal burning of the firewood, he might have completely forgotten it.

"Let's go, the target is the Far East."

Ling Yu touched Xilin's little head.

Xilin understood immediately and immediately stretched out her hands.


As Xilin's cute eyebrows frowned slightly, an imaginary space appeared.

Although it was still unstable, it had grown significantly compared to the first time it was used.

After helping Xilin reinforce the space frame, Ling Yu took the lead and walked in.

When Ling Yu and his party came out of the imaginary space, they had already arrived at the Far East branch of Tianming.

"I heard that Theresa is planning to open a school for Valkyries in the Far East."

"She even asked me if I wanted to be a teacher."

Looking at the Far East branch in front of her, Cecilia said. (End of this chapter)

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