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Chapter 152 If you don't abandon me, Lin is willing to be your stepmother

Destiny Floating Island

"Cecilia, I'll leave it to you to entertain the guests."

Otto said to Cecilia after returning.

Today, his relationship with Kallen is one step closer. I believe that soon, he will be able to truly get into Kallen's heart.

"Yes, Lord Otto."

Cecilia said.

She could do this without asking Otto.

After sending Otto and his family away, Cecilia made an invitation gesture to Ling Yu and others: "Mr. Ling Yu, please come with me."

Following Cecilia's footsteps, they came to a floating island.

What catches the eye is a European medieval-style castle.

There is a huge Shaniyat family crest on it, which looks very impressive.

"Don't you live in the Valkyrie dormitory?"

Ling Yu asked after seeing this building.

Cecilia paused, and then asked with some uncertainty: "Mr. Ling Yu, do you really want to live in the Valkyrie dormitory?"

"Have it?"

Cecilia pursed her lips and said mysteriously: "If you want, I can lend you my dormitory to sleep in."

After saying that, Cecilia's fair little face was completely red.

"Cecilia, please ignore him. We will stay here at night. Please help take us to our room."

Meijiu pushed Ling Yu away and said.

"Ah, please come with me."

Cecilia panicked after reacting.

She quickly turned around and covered her blushing face with her bangs.

Thinking of what she just said, she was already too embarrassed to see anyone.

God, how could she say something like that!

Doesn't letting Ling Yu sleep in her dormitory mean leading him into her boudoir?

That night, after quickly making arrangements, Cecilia left in a hurry.

Now she didn't dare to look at Miku and the others.

the next day

At around eight o'clock in the morning, Ling Yu woke up from his dream and saw Xilin sleeping beside him at first sight.

Because Xilin missed her very much, they simply slept together last night.

The little Loli was very dishonest when sleeping at night, her feet kept moving around, and due to her height, she often accidentally kicked Ling Yu's golden cudgel.

After gently stroking Xilin's hair, Ling Yu got up.

This floating island belongs to the Shaniyat family, so the castle built here is terrifyingly large.

The huge house is like a maze.

"Should it be said that Shaniyat is worthy of being one of the three great families of destiny?" Ling Yu murmured as he looked at the endless corridor.

But fortunately, he was a Herrscher and followed the route in his memory to the restaurant.

"Mr. Ling Yu, please wake up."

After seeing Ling Yu, Cecilia stood up and said.


"What are your plans for today?" Luna asked as she stuffed a piece of steak into her mouth.

"Would you like to play on the moon?"

Ling Yu asked with a smile after sitting down.


Luna licked her fork and looked at Ling Yu in surprise.

Cecilia, who came to Ling Yu to make tea for him, also looked curious.

"Yeah, are you going?"

Luna was silent for a while and placed her jade hand on Ling Yu's forehead.

"What are you doing?"

He asked with his eyelids slightly raised, looking at Luna's hand covering his forehead.

"Let's see if you have a fever."

Ling Yu was speechless and slapped Luna's hand away.

"You just have a fever."

"Why go to the moon if you have nothing to do?" Luna was puzzled.

Ling Yu looked at Xilin who was eating, and raised the corner of his mouth slightly: "Go see the Honkai Consciousness and ask him for a favor."

Don't give it away for free, squeeze more out of it while the other party still has some use for it.

Otherwise, it will be gone when Kevin comes out.

"What is the Honkai Consciousness?" Cecilia asked confused.

These are things that only Otto and the Pioneers know. Cecilia, who is usually responsible for fighting, naturally doesn't know, and she doesn't need to know.

“You can understand being the one behind all the disasters.”

"Those explosions of collapse can all be thrown at His head."

Cecilia seemed to understand.

"Does it mean that as long as he is eliminated, there will be no collapse in the world?"

"That's not the case. We still have to find the cocoon."


"That's a bit too far away for you. You'll find out later."

"Okay." Cecilia nodded.


"Xilin, have you finished eating?" After continuing to chat for a while, Ling Yu looked at Xilin who had finished drinking milk and asked.

"Well, you've finished eating." Xilin patted her belly and nodded.

"Then do you want to go to the moon with my brother?"

"Are you going to see the Moon Goddess Mani?" Xilin's eyes lit up and she asked.

"Mani?" Ling Yu was stunned.

This is similar to how the English pronunciation of money is.

The names of the Norse gods are really weird.

But Ling Yu still said: "Yes, we are going to see the Moon Goddess Mani, do you want to go?"

"Think!" Xilin said without thinking.

"Then let's go."


"Cecilia, please come too."

"Is it okay?" Cecilia was stunned and asked.

"Of course, this is not something that needs to be concealed." Ling Yu said with a smile.


At Cecilia's call, Kurigara appeared.

It is covered in bright red outer armor, with red thunder lingering around its body.

"Dragon! What a big dragon!"

Siren exclaimed after seeing it.

Cecilia stroked the head armor of Kuligara, and Kuligara responded enthusiastically.

It was hard to tell that this was a corpse dragon.

"Kurigara, please take us to the moon." Cecilia said in Kuligara's ear.


Kurigara made a low roar, as if saying 'leave it to me. '

"Is it really okay to sit on Kuligara? I remember that the universe should be in a vacuum state."

Cecilia said as she came to Kuligara.

"That is a limitation for humans."

"Ask how many humans are there." Ling Yu smiled.

Cecilia paused, and she suddenly remembered that Ling Yu once said that he was not a human.

So Ling Yu is really not a human?

"Everyone is seated, and we are going to the moon next." Ling Yu said to the little loli.

Feiya and Xilin were particularly excited.

Raised their hands and replied: Oh!

This group looks like a spring outing for elementary school students.

As the dragon's wings flapped, a huge air wave blasted out, and Kurigalo turned into a red light and flew towards the sky.

"Lady Cecilia?"

Amber in the command room was stunned when she saw the giant dragon flying away from the Destiny Base on the screen.

But she soon reacted.

Because the bishop told her that everything about Cecilia would be given the green light.

Kurigalo's speed was very fast, and in just a blink of an eye, they rushed out of the atmosphere.

And with Ling Yu's protection, they were not at all uncomfortable with coming to outer space.

"Brother, there!"

Flying out of the earth, Dao Xilin pointed to the moon and said.



Kurigalo roared, burst out with all his strength, and turned into red thunder and flew towards the moon.

With the dust flying up, Kurigalo successfully landed, and Luna couldn't wait to jump down.

"Is this the moon? Why does it look bare?" Luna was puzzled.

This is a bit different from the moon she imagined.

Logically speaking, as the residence of God, the moon should have palaces even if it is not full of birds and flowers.

Little Xilin jumped in place. With Ling Yu's protection, Xilin felt that the temperature and gravity on the surface of the moon were the same as on Earth.

"Don't look, we are going to the back."

Ling Yu said to Luna who was looking around, and opened the imaginary space in front of him.

"Come over."

Hearing this, the others came over and walked into the imaginary space one by one.

When they passed through the imaginary space, they had already arrived at a huge base.

"What is that? It's so big."

The first thing she saw when she came out was the huge stone statue of the Ruler of the End, and she was surprised.

"Moon God Mani! It's Moon God Mani!"

Xilin exclaimed.

"Is there such a large man-made building on the back of the moon?" Cecilia was shocked.

It was a big discovery for her.

Who made Destiny just a tool for Otto, and tools don't need to know too much.

So many people in Destiny don't know what the collapse is, and just regard it as a natural disaster.

"That's the Herrscher of the End, the culprit who destroyed the last civilization."

After explaining, Ling Yu waved at Xilin.

"Xilin, come here."

"I'm coming."

After answering, Xilin came to Ling Yu's side very obediently.

"Next, brother will take you to a place. Don't be nervous. I'll take care of everything." Ling Yu said to Xilin, holding her little hand.

"Hurry up, brother."

Xilin couldn't wait to say, not a bit worried.

Ling Yu chuckled, and his originally gray eyes turned golden.

Accompanied by the power of imaginary numbers, the next second, Xilin and Ling Yu appeared in a pure white space at the same time.

Xilin looked at the pure white scene around her in surprise, and finally set her eyes on the front, and was stunned.

"Brother, look, another me."

Xilin saw it, and Ling Yu naturally saw it too.

"Finally I see you, the consciousness of collapse."

Looking at the pure white little loli in front of him who had the same appearance as Xilin, Ling Yu smiled.

Honkai Consciousness (Lolita Version): "..."

"If you can see through me easily, I won't come here." Ling Yu said with a smile.

[What do you want when you come here?]

There was no sound, but the thought appeared directly in his mind.

"Of course it's power, otherwise do you think I want Naizi?"

Ling Yu's question silenced Honkai Consciousness.

But because he couldn't see through Ling Yu, he didn't know whether what Ling Yu said was true or not.

Then, Ling Yu began to promote Xilin to the other party.

When he talked about it deeply, he couldn't help but wipe his tears.

"My Xilin lost her father at a young age and has been with her mother since she was a child. However, because of her gentle personality and not fighting, she was often bullied by the neighbors."

"Yu couldn't bear it, so he took her to the moon to seek the Honkai Sutra, to relieve the suffering of the mortal world, and to ask the master to give the sutra!"

Ling Yu clasped his hands and said seriously.

Honkai consciousness: "..."

Although the other party still had no expression on his face, from the slightly trembling void around him, it can be seen that the other party's heart was not calm.

"Xilin, come on, remember what I taught you."

At this time, Ling Yu gently nudged Xilin with his arm.

Xilin also reacted, knelt on one knee, and clasped his fists to Honkai consciousness.

"Lin has been wandering for half a lifetime, and I only regret that I have not met a wise master. If you don't abandon me, Lin is willing to be my adoptive mother!"

Honkai consciousness: "..."

Looking at the two people singing the same tune in front of him, even his cultivation of ten thousand years couldn't hold back at this moment.

He tried to throw these two fools out, but found that his power seemed to be blocked.

In other words, Ling Yu's strength was above his.

The consciousness of collapse was silent.

He raised his head and saw that the big and the small were still singing the same tune.

"A real man is born between heaven and earth, how can he be depressed and live under others for a long time?!"

"Since Lin was born, why was Na born!"


"Well? You asked me what power I want? Of course it's an imaginary number."

Ling Yu, who was performing impromptu, heard the question of the consciousness of collapse and replied immediately.

"Of course, it would be better if the gems of conquest, plague, desire, and tranquility were added."

The consciousness of collapse: "..."

Although the other party never said a word, his silence was deafening.

Seeing this, Ling Yu spoke again: "A real man born in troubled times should carry a three-foot sword to achieve unparalleled achievements..."

As soon as the words fell, the opposite side of the collapse consciousness threw five gems of different colors.

"So decisive?"

Ling Yu was surprised. He thought he would have to spend more time talking and slap a few butts before he would give it.

[Can I leave now? ]

Ling Yu took the five gems and put them away, then walked towards the collapse consciousness.

The loli-looking collapse consciousness looked at Ling Yu approaching and couldn't help but continue to ask questions.

[What else. ]

Ling Yu didn't say anything, but went straight to the other party.

Finally, under the gaze of the collapse will, Ling Yu put his hand on His head.

Then, the collapse consciousness felt that his whole body began to spin.

Ling Yu, who grabbed the pure white jade legs of the collapse consciousness, began to shake down in front of Xilin.

However, after shaking for a long time, nothing fell down.

"It seems that there is really no stock left. Xilin, let's go." Ling Yu said with a little regret.


Xilin replied quickly while she was stunned.

Then the two of them held hands and left this consciousness space.

The collapsed consciousness that was casually thrown on the ground also stood up slowly at this time.

But this time, there was a glimmer in his eyes compared to the previous emptiness.

Then, a human voice sounded in the void.

"Strange people."

At the same time

the outside world

saw the disappearance of Ling Yu and Xilin, and everyone was not panicked.

They were already accustomed to Ling Yu disappearing from time to time.

And the other party asked them to wait here for a while.

Sure enough

only more than ten minutes later

Ling Yu and Xilin reappeared in front of them.

Unlike when he went in, Ling Yu still had five gems of different colors in his hand.


Meijiu asked.

"She was quite sensible and gave me the things directly." Ling Yu smiled.

"Why does this look so familiar?"

Meijiu asked.

"How can it not look familiar? This is the one inlaid on Menma's hairpin." Ling Yu took out the imaginary gemstone and said.

"Shopkeeper, you can obviously make it yourself, why do you have to make this special trip?" Luna asked puzzled.

"What do you know? Others' are the best." Ling Yu smiled.

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